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Why nerf now?

mryuzmryuz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 71
edited August 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
im just wondering.. this nerfs that are being done to diff classes, this should've been done prior to the game going live (open-beta). A lot of people joined when the game went live and everyone wants to see their characters gets stronger thats basically the main driving us to keep on playing and being hit by the nerf hammer would just plainly speaking.. sux.
Post edited by mryuz on


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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mryuz wrote: »
    im just wondering.. this nerfs that are being done to diff classes, this should've been done prior to the game going live (open-beta). A lot of people joined when the game went live

    Well, all the people joining could be part of it - more people playing (and abusing the systems) means that more problems are discovered.

    But besides that..... MMOs tend to rebalance things constantly. No longer being in beta doesn't mean that plenty of things won't still be nerfed/buffed/changed. (Yeesh, the number of times my characters got changed over the years in WoW.... :rolleyes:)
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    alderonthedracoalderonthedraco Member Posts: 82
    edited August 2013
    Beta is not directed primarily to balance, but for finding bugs. Once released is that the games really are balanced and often fail to balance the classes in less than 3-4 patches.
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    cgta1967cgta1967 Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2013
    all mmo's tweak and nerf throughout their existence..... you don't know this ?
    ---- FIRE EVERYTHING ! ----
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    ukatoenasniukatoenasni Member Posts: 224 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Nerfology (the study of nerfs) postulates that the reason things are nerfed is to better establish a baseline that things can be buffed to. It's harder to find which problems are under-performing (by design) if one or two badly implemented or designed mechanics are propping a class up.

    (DISCLAIMER: The following is an extreme example generated for a thought exercise -Assume everything past here is just theory. I have no idea what the developers were thinking, I am just attempting to highlight my point.)

    Let's say that the developers are fine with the damage rogues are doing - but almost all of it is coming from Lurker's Assault, which is generating extremely high numbers for short periods. In order to better balance the damage rogues are doing, they have to FIRST nerf Lurker's Assault to better intended numbers, and then once they get more Live data, they can start to buff powers that are legitimately underperforming to get the total damage output rogues have back to where they want it.

    (DISCLAIMER: I have no idea why they nerfed LA other then a 60% damage increase sounded way too good to be true, and it sort of made other dailies useless. I think 25% at R3 might be a bit low, though, but I don't know what else the devs plan after this nerf settles. I hope there's buffs planned. We'll see.)

    [SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
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    deaththroedeaththroe Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It is the ignorant assumption of MMO players that "nerfs" are haphazard changes made by devs who have been influenced by vindictive players that just need to learn2play. MMO are complex systems that need to be tweaked and re-balanced regularly. You may not understand why these changes are taking place and perhaps you never will unless you become a dev. There is also no way for you to properly judge the necessity of a "nerf" because, unless you are a dev you never have enough information on the internals of the game to make an informed opinion.
    10PM CST

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