I try to buy some zen each month.. maybe 50ish dollar a month or so... makes me feel i play a p2p mmo

I use the zen to buy bag's mostly, i purchased a full HV set and i also use it to buy a set of 10 enchanted keys each month.
Most of the chests so far have contained some idols, blue leadership persons.. a lot of green leadership persons.. blue and purple enchants.. some crafting stuff... but behold.. yesterday i got that stupid flaming horse ha ha i almost fainted

I know i should have sold it, but i just could not make me do it.. so i kept it.. now im running around on a flaming horse.
My old horse were one of those 50% speed thingy you could buy for gold.. i have to admit that the upgrade, when it comes to speed, is great.. i love that... guess i just got lucky though.
I hear a lot of complains about you have to spend cash to get hold of bags. I kind of look at it this way.
In wow i had to grind (quest, selling on ah) for a long time in order to get enough gold to buy a top bag from a crafter.
In NW you have to grind more or less the same amount of time for AD that you in order can change to Zen to buy your bag. (bags on AH are overpriced on my server)
I dont see the problem - actually NW have one more thing going in that you can buy your self out of the grind.
I kind of like that you have the option to buy your self out of the grind..
my 2 cent
Grats though.
Opportunity cost.
Grinding non stop for these "free" items vs spending that time else where and/or having a job and spending a few $ here or there. I will say that I do not like micro transaction games such as this. Definitely prefer subscriptions.
I agree with the opportunity cost reasoning, and it supports the developers too.
My gripe is why spend your zen on bags? You could've spent it on an Ioun Stone of Allure or hell just get more astral diamonds. More bags are almost useless.
I also see that you purchased Knight of the Feywild, I would've recommended that sell that flaming horse because you will get the Unicorn but what's done is done.
My main is a CW and im just chatting with fellow cw's. I like to think that we do have a CW community
"I also see that you purchased Knight of the Feywild, I would've recommended that sell that flaming horse because you will get the Unicorn but what's done is done. "
HAMSTER I didnt even think about that.. got so excited when the horse droped. *bummer*
Edit: I'll get the Ioun Stone of Allure when i hit 60.. im in my early 40's now.
So, I just continued leveling to 60 with my cleric and turned in all quests with my Stone summoned instead. I was able to get him to 25 easily that way without issue.
If you wait till 60, you will either have to do quests you have yet to complete for exp or solo with your ioun stone. I found solo'ing with the stone was not as easy as with the cleric. Mainly because you have no heals. You can make it easier with the stone if you use potions frequently, but, that is then taking gold out of your pocket.
Although at lvl 60 your gear will be better so leveling the stone then is certainly an option. In the end it is your choice, I just wanted to give you some reasons as to why you might want to get the stone now.
One last tidbit, I'm not quite sure how much leveling the stone actually adds to your stat points, but, it is significant in that certain enchant and gear slots do not open up until the stone is at a higher lvl.
Anyways good luck on whichever route you choose to take!
Good point. For what it's worth, I hit 60 on my Wizard before I even got to Whispering Caverns, so I held off on the last quest area until I bought a Stone. When I finally did buy a Stone, I ran through Whispering Caverns, and the entire final quest line only leveled the stone to 17 or 18 (I forget).
Earning those last 7-8 companion levels wasn't exactly the hardest thing in the world, but it was fairly annoying, more annoying than you might think. Epic Dungeons give trivial amounts of exp, even if you do a full clear. Foundry quests give you maybe a third of a level. All in all, and given limited playtime, it probably took me about a week to get the stone to the point where it could equip an Icon.
You can repeat quests you have already done, just have to have someone share it with you. Also, foundries are good for leveling stone.
That's what remains in your wallet.
Play for free is for me!