When I look for an RPG based game, I hope to find some RP stuff, where we can enjoy some imersive experieces with the friends that we make ingame.
There are some sugestions about something that I missed in this theme.
The "/sit" emote at chairs and seats - its really boring try to find the exactly right spot to sit, i think that could be simple to add/fix it.
Buying foods , Drinks and get drunk , yes, it sounds like some politically incorrect , but give me a better reason to go into a tavern.
I know that Im probably pushing too much now buts there is one thing that I apreciated too much when i played LOTRO: The housing and "Guild base" , system, where we can buy , upgrade and customize our own house, to recieve friends or make a Guild Reunion with the rooster, or something else.
I know that we will need an all new module for it.. but its a sugestion.
mistysummerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 38
edited August 2013
I agree, I mean D&D is known as a Roleplay game and I have to say I am very disappointed with the lack of roleplay tools in Neverwinter. The emotes are terrible, there is really no place for roleplayers to go less the Moonstone and the other taverns around Neverwinter. There are no guild houses or personnel housing available to the players. There is no clothing options less a few very expensive outfits in the Zen market.
I waited for this game for over two years hoping to find another home outside of NWN, I invested in and supported your game since the beginning and have been waiting patiently for updates that might cater to the roleplays, only to be disappointed time and time again. In my opinion PWE is loosing out by not catering to this demographic because from what I know of roleplays they would be more then willing to spend if the tools were available to them to enhance their rp experiences.
Unfortunately because of the lack of roleplay tools in Neverwinter I am beginning to loose interest in the game which is really a shame since they have provided an awesome setting with tons of potential for the players to get creative.
I am aware that the dev team has been working very hard on many other aspects of the game in an attempt to make it a better, but don't forget about your roleplays guys because being a D&D title many have come here soley for that purpose.
Just my to AD's worth
"Blindness is a private matter between a person and the eyes they choose to use. For there are none so blind as those that do not listen dalharil"
gildren0Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited August 2013
I Could not agree more with what mystysummers has said. The Role-players, probably your best source of long term stable money, need greater support. After all, lets face it folks, the PvP shooter crowd will move on to the next shiny object taking their time and money with them. The long term player base is in the role-players.
Even putting aside such things a guildhalls (something that could be sold) as well as player housing (another revenue source), some very simple things could go a long way to supporting this valuable player base.
Sit-able chairs, sofas etc. The ability to make an PC move and display all of the animations that NPC are able (yes we can do some, but not all and the system is so clunky it makes NWN2 community created emotes and animations look like high art).
So here is hoping Cryptic and PWE will hear the RP'ers and start supporting the community
I absolutely concur. Neverwinter has the "Dungeons and Dragons" name on it. You are putting forth a game that, by association, should be all about roleplaying. We don't even have an emote to be able to lay down without committing suicide! There are so many things that seem like they would be simple fixes.
And I absolutely agree that roleplayers need more options than just going to a tavern to have a drink with each other. A few other options would be nice. I know Neverwinter is based on 4th edition, but the video game doesn't have to have the same flaws as 4th edition (as in, there is nothing interesting outside combat). There is so much the developers could be doing, and they don't even seem like they would be difficult changes to make. I think a lot of people want this, but they just haven't made their voices heard.
I most certainly agree with this. I'd love to see more emotes, especially RP centric emote. Interactable chairs, a good sleeping emote.. drinking. Even if there's no drunk mechanics.. a drink emote/ toast emote would be nice. Guild housing, and/or personal housing would be Lovely. Though if they do personal since I haven't alot of money to spend I hope they might add a basic free house, and put bigger more extravagnat things in the zen market... a Girl can dream anyway.. right? :^P lol I'd also Love to see the addition of the ability to toggle classic rpg controls. I mean, yes I don't much care for the current controls period, and maybe I'm the only one, but I find them a little awkward when I'm rping in any situation in which I'm not just styanding or sitting still. Really though any other kind of social area they can add would be nice too. I'm not exactly sure what those might be, since any safe open air area could be used for rp in theory. Just it would also be nice for some more closed areas.. places where there's less likelyhood of being interupted by, or interupting the non-rp'ers.
PWE is loosing out by not catering to this demographic because from what I know of roleplays they would be more then willing to spend if the tools were available to them to enhance their rp experiences.
I agree with this statement 100%. I spend around $100- $300 on zen, Each month. So I can buy dyes, and mounts and gear and this and that. But every time im disappointed. Cause Seeing that Wizards helped make the game I figured it would be roleplayer central. I love dungeons and dragons. It's been apart of my life since my father introduced me to it when I was around oooh, 12 years old.
I enjoy the game in every way * Besides the constant "Ballancing" But I can live with that PWE Is good n that reguard by listning to its players and looking deep into the issue at hand.* ... But the roleplay. A guildhouse would be wicked, Or even a simple setting in the foundry that allows over 5 people to join that map but offer no experience points or loot.
All i'm saying is even if we needed to pay for the extra features. like cooler emotes or better more diverse cosmetic options. I would be willing to pay and so would our roleplay community.
sharakthulMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited August 2013
The potential is there... the foundry for example, such a great tool to design your own home or guild quarters. Why not allowing non combat areas, like one map for free, more maps for coin... some more items and emotes...
The big advantage of the roleplaying community is their creativity and productivity. They create events, they design new and interesting places, they keep the game alive. And many of them invest quite some money into their hobbies.
s32ialxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
+1 to this whole tread except for the controls as this is one of the few games you can swing your sword or cast a spell when not in combat
Guild houses would be nice, as well as private housing.
You can role-play buying food and drink at the tavern, and getting drunk, all you like. You don't need in game systems for this, just like I didn't need to drink alcohol to pretend I was drunk in pnp role-playing.
Honestly all I really want, is the ability to use all emote functions. Everything else can be improvised through roleplay and the foundary.
I just want to be able to use all the emotes.
I made a post about this some time ago as well, completely agree that NW should support roleplay and roleplayers more. Give us means to roleplay and we will throw oodles of $$$ at your game!! I have been wanting to throw more money down but this is the only single reason I haven't and have noticed many starting to lose interest for the same reason.
Emotes! The same ones the NPCs have.
Areas to Rp! Single instanced like the Moonstone Mask but more variety, outdoor areas, indoor areas - give RPers a place to make a community that is supported purely for RP so we can stop getting in the way of / getting trolled by the hackslashers! There are lots of us who had high hopes for NW who have been waiting a long time and have thus far been blandly disappointed by the lack of RP support by a DnD game.
Working dice!! Allow us at least to roll stats and d20 for heaven's sake! What is a DnD game without working dice?
I really hope these voices are heard and something is done this time around.
One thing that would be cool is a "raid foundry", set up for a lot of people but minimal complexity probably only 1 map. probably never usable for the daily. this would be made specifically for guilds.
I do agree we should be able to get the stuff already IN the game, emotes are seriously lacking, as are hairstyles and the peasant outfits npcs wear. also it be nice if there was a fashion outfit "hood" that can be worn by all classes mages shouldn't be the only ones to get hoods.
id also like to see ALL Inns/taverns as well as areas obviously made for just rp (sages shop, tower of changes) be their own instance so they don't have 20 instances due to questing population and they don't share the same ZONE chat. maybe have a outdoor zone on word map with no monsters, a few general venders (mail/bank/crafting supplies), a gypsy camp maybe, a lake with a hunting lodge, few foundry hook objects for people who want to connect their rp house to it)
moonstone mask should be a bit bigger than it is so different types of rpers can gather in different parts of it and not hear people way over on the other side. maybe open VIP area to all and instead put in a few VIP NPCs. such as: tailor, mail guy, craft supply, bank, foundry kiosk, (maybe have some foundry doors and hooks in the mask only usable by VIP authors, Auction broker, Seal trader.... this way people will hang out and rp in the lounge, and see the npcs... and want to pay money. no one really goes there now so its not really worthwhile to buy. so its just a lot of wasted space.
gildren0Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited August 2013
I think part of the point here is that the graphics and systems are in the game already But Only For the NPC's characters
NPC's can sit on chairs. stools, benches... player characters cannot
NPC's can walk at different speeds... player characters cannot
NPC's can lean against walls... player characters cannot
NPC's can kneel... player characters cannot
NPC's can sleep... player characters cannot
Etc, etc, etc...
Putting guild halls and player housing aside (a potentially income source for pwe if they want the money) why not at least open these options up in the present emote system? At least show the role-player community that pwe does want them, and their cash.
Them look to adding in these potentially good money making features such as guild halls, player housing etc.
Oh, and another thing! A D&D game without any kind of a roll function? Are you kidding me?? We need some kind of "/roll20" to roll a d20 in various situations, or something... ANYTHING, to let players roll dice in RP situations.
sigilaeMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Sadly, not much I can add to this other than my voice in the chorus. The emotes are there, why not let players have access to them?
We can create nearly anything with the foundry, so why not let us create our housing and have more people inside of one mission, after all, like people said, they could be purely non-combat and on the simpler side of things, but it would make a HUGE difference to all of us RPers.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited August 2013
I'd love to see a system where a guild leader can buy a certain plot size w/ ADs, then use the Foundry to create a guild hall, (they could include friendly NPCs to populate it, but no chests/skill nodes/enemies).
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Heck PWE could always SELL the emotes in a zen pack its not like it hasn't been done before.
mcb9Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited August 2013
I like the housing idea, also. This is something I use a lot in Skyrim, and I count on my housing to keep things that I don't want to carry but which I don't need right away. And, as shown by Skyrim's Hearthfire DLC, it's a great way for players to make the game more their own, role play more and become more immersed in the world. And then, of course, we ask: "Marriage, anyone?"
sigilaeMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
I have changed my mind from my earlier statement: Another great idea would be to re-open the rooftops in protectors enclave, while blocking up the few out of the 'real' map areas. The chimneys up there are solid. Any other chimney Ive found in this game not in a foundry, not so much. The ones not solid are easy to get to. The PE ones, very hard.
gazerstar12Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited August 2013
I have to agree with Mistysummer with being spot on hopefully the Dev's have these plans in the works. With so many MMO's out there the competition is stiff as they jockey for the consumer's money. Rp'ers tend to stay around more often after the new has worn off, and with the new Feywild on the verge of release. . . just hope Cryptic Studios and PWE are listening and on the same page.
i have a fairly decent RP house open for ppl that has one side open for RP & the other half has things to kill (but only of you want to.) all you have to do is talk to the greater and walk to the chest in the cornor to end the foundry if you would like. its called [House De'Loncrent] by Author @FayeDeloncrent. (also has guest rooms/servent quarters.) just stay to the lefts and no nad guys. :P or you can take your house guest on a slaying adventure. up to you. (tho if you decided to fight the 2nd half of the house it may be tough solo)
How many more posts do you intend to necro before this insanity ends?
hush... you are not saying the proper things to say... :P
On the topic : I would love guild housing.
A lot of other people can not wait for it to be implemented and we are ready to spend some zen to make it all shiney and pretty for our guilds.
The only fear we have is, if it is going to be made a pvp content or not. Roleplay and having fun was always a part of D & D.
I am sure a lot of people agree that it could add a dash of a break for peple who are on their wits end. It would be a nice change.
Even if that means we ll have to use only zen.. ( Skyrim house = best example ever )
After all that dragon killing you need a place to come sit down, have a meal and look at a nice lady playing the harp. XD
I waited for this game for over two years hoping to find another home outside of NWN, I invested in and supported your game since the beginning and have been waiting patiently for updates that might cater to the roleplays, only to be disappointed time and time again. In my opinion PWE is loosing out by not catering to this demographic because from what I know of roleplays they would be more then willing to spend if the tools were available to them to enhance their rp experiences.
Unfortunately because of the lack of roleplay tools in Neverwinter I am beginning to loose interest in the game which is really a shame since they have provided an awesome setting with tons of potential for the players to get creative.
I am aware that the dev team has been working very hard on many other aspects of the game in an attempt to make it a better, but don't forget about your roleplays guys because being a D&D title many have come here soley for that purpose.
Just my to AD's worth
"Blindness is a private matter between a person and the eyes they choose to use. For there are none so blind as those that do not listen dalharil"
Even putting aside such things a guildhalls (something that could be sold) as well as player housing (another revenue source), some very simple things could go a long way to supporting this valuable player base.
Sit-able chairs, sofas etc. The ability to make an PC move and display all of the animations that NPC are able (yes we can do some, but not all and the system is so clunky it makes NWN2 community created emotes and animations look like high art).
So here is hoping Cryptic and PWE will hear the RP'ers and start supporting the community
And I absolutely agree that roleplayers need more options than just going to a tavern to have a drink with each other. A few other options would be nice. I know Neverwinter is based on 4th edition, but the video game doesn't have to have the same flaws as 4th edition (as in, there is nothing interesting outside combat). There is so much the developers could be doing, and they don't even seem like they would be difficult changes to make. I think a lot of people want this, but they just haven't made their voices heard.
I agree with this statement 100%. I spend around $100- $300 on zen, Each month. So I can buy dyes, and mounts and gear and this and that. But every time im disappointed. Cause Seeing that Wizards helped make the game I figured it would be roleplayer central. I love dungeons and dragons. It's been apart of my life since my father introduced me to it when I was around oooh, 12 years old.
I enjoy the game in every way * Besides the constant "Ballancing" But I can live with that
All i'm saying is even if we needed to pay for the extra features. like cooler emotes or better more diverse cosmetic options. I would be willing to pay and so would our roleplay community.
The big advantage of the roleplaying community is their creativity and productivity. They create events, they design new and interesting places, they keep the game alive. And many of them invest quite some money into their hobbies.
You can role-play buying food and drink at the tavern, and getting drunk, all you like. You don't need in game systems for this, just like I didn't need to drink alcohol to pretend I was drunk in pnp role-playing.
I just want to be able to use all the emotes.
Emotes! The same ones the NPCs have.
Areas to Rp! Single instanced like the Moonstone Mask but more variety, outdoor areas, indoor areas - give RPers a place to make a community that is supported purely for RP so we can stop getting in the way of / getting trolled by the hackslashers! There are lots of us who had high hopes for NW who have been waiting a long time and have thus far been blandly disappointed by the lack of RP support by a DnD game.
Working dice!! Allow us at least to roll stats and d20 for heaven's sake! What is a DnD game without working dice?
I really hope these voices are heard and something is done this time around.
Is to have more than 5 people accompany into a foundary, if they dont want to do shared single instanced area's like the Moonstone Mask
I do agree we should be able to get the stuff already IN the game, emotes are seriously lacking, as are hairstyles and the peasant outfits npcs wear. also it be nice if there was a fashion outfit "hood" that can be worn by all classes mages shouldn't be the only ones to get hoods.
id also like to see ALL Inns/taverns as well as areas obviously made for just rp (sages shop, tower of changes) be their own instance so they don't have 20 instances due to questing population and they don't share the same ZONE chat. maybe have a outdoor zone on word map with no monsters, a few general venders (mail/bank/crafting supplies), a gypsy camp maybe, a lake with a hunting lodge, few foundry hook objects for people who want to connect their rp house to it)
moonstone mask should be a bit bigger than it is so different types of rpers can gather in different parts of it and not hear people way over on the other side. maybe open VIP area to all and instead put in a few VIP NPCs. such as: tailor, mail guy, craft supply, bank, foundry kiosk, (maybe have some foundry doors and hooks in the mask only usable by VIP authors, Auction broker, Seal trader.... this way people will hang out and rp in the lounge, and see the npcs... and want to pay money. no one really goes there now so its not really worthwhile to buy. so its just a lot of wasted space.
NPC's can sit on chairs. stools, benches... player characters cannot
NPC's can walk at different speeds... player characters cannot
NPC's can lean against walls... player characters cannot
NPC's can kneel... player characters cannot
NPC's can sleep... player characters cannot
Etc, etc, etc...
Putting guild halls and player housing aside (a potentially income source for pwe if they want the money) why not at least open these options up in the present emote system? At least show the role-player community that pwe does want them, and their cash.
Them look to adding in these potentially good money making features such as guild halls, player housing etc.
We can create nearly anything with the foundry, so why not let us create our housing and have more people inside of one mission, after all, like people said, they could be purely non-combat and on the simpler side of things, but it would make a HUGE difference to all of us RPers.
Citizen of Haven's Point!
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Citizen of Haven's Point!
hush... you are not saying the proper things to say... :P
On the topic : I would love guild housing.
A lot of other people can not wait for it to be implemented and we are ready to spend some zen to make it all shiney and pretty for our guilds.
The only fear we have is, if it is going to be made a pvp content or not. Roleplay and having fun was always a part of D & D.
I am sure a lot of people agree that it could add a dash of a break for peple who are on their wits end. It would be a nice change.
Even if that means we ll have to use only zen.. ( Skyrim house = best example ever )
After all that dragon killing you need a place to come sit down, have a meal and look at a nice lady playing the harp. XD