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Domination PvP PUG vs Teams very unbalanced

baka1973baka1973 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 13 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PvE Discussion
After doing a few daily Dom PvP s i have found that its really being abused by some guilds, to enter a organised team vs a group of pugs is just plain silly, they are competing on a totally different level and im sure no one enjoys being spawn camped by 5 guys sitting in front of the campfire smashing down players as they enter .

Its even that bad at times rouges can actually jump up to the camp fire area and knock players down into the waiting gank team......

The system could be greatly improved by having a rank system based on glory gained or gear score or by not allowing preformed teams to vs pug teams.
Post edited by baka1973 on


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    mctankypantsmctankypants Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    That's part of the reason many games like Moba's have a queue for single players and grouped players. There is definitely a difference in how the matches play out.
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    slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Agreed I do causal PVP often get team up against a guild team with some max gear people( BIS set+enchantment lvl8 and greater stuff, u can tell once u have seen enough) they can simply hold 1 point on their own or kill 2 person after he suicicde into our whole team. It is stupid to even play, I don't mind hard games, but I do like a option for me to choose I want to go hardcore mode or not, sometimes I just want a causal PVP and have some fun.
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    rsomazzirsomazzi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    baka1973 wrote: »
    After doing a few daily Dom PvP s i have found that its really being abused by some guilds, to enter a organised team vs a group of pugs is just plain silly, they are competing on a totally different level and im sure no one enjoys being spawn camped by 5 guys sitting in front of the campfire smashing down players as they enter .

    Its even that bad at times rouges can actually jump up to the camp fire area and knock players down into the waiting gank team......

    The system could be greatly improved by having a rank system based on glory gained or gear score or by not allowing preformed teams to vs pug teams.

    I agree with this, and the problem is made worse because I've found NW to be a mere step or two shy of a full blown Pay to Win model. The most expensive enchants are just AD away, and you either spend the money to get them or you are left to languish behind most others in the ultimate quest for the best gear.

    Even when I am matches where my team dominates, it is no fun winning matches. I get some Glory but no satisfaction. The few matches that are left are just that... too few. They're the ones that pit a decent team against another and the fights are pretty fun without one side dominating the others. I understand why groups give up and leave the match, but all this does is force the other side to twiddle their thumbs waiting for 900. LAME.

    All of this has been done and beaten to death. "Battleground" type matches from WoW, where the dominant team had the gear from toughest dungeons steamrolled everyone else. It's the same here and now in NW, except instead of just dungeons, you have the element of people paying micro transactions for enchants and perhaps other stuff that gives them far greater stats that by no means is comparable to the folks who spend far less. That's P2W.

    -I don't know how to fix the gear who - ring problem. It's built into the game.
    -I am sick of two shoebox designs to fight in. Clearly not much time at all spent thinking about PvP in this game.
    -Glory rewards SUCK. There is nothing worthwhile. Glory just becomes another currency type to try and convert to AD by buying garbage and selling it on AH. Lame. Even the pots suck.
    -I want to man battlements, siege, weapons, or engage some items that alter the gameplay. There is nothing like this in NW.

    In short, the simple PvP model in NW existed over 10 years ago and ya know what? What became stale and old from that point became only more stale and older since then.

    I think its past due to see some innovative gameplay and a little less on efforts to get people to open their wallets, which seems to be the sole focus today.
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    veramisveramis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The problem goes both ways. People enjoy pvping with guildmates, and having a tough fight, but it's not so fun when you're matched up against random 6-10k GS people. The ability for people to select desired level of opponent difficulty such as "prefer average enemy in 90-100% percentile or average 10-12K GS" will let very experienced and well equipped people find others in their playing field.

    About Pay2Win, in pvp the only things I see that are really broken is rogue stealth, unstoppable gwf, tenebrous, plaguefire, and satral shield+hallowed ground. Fix these things and I think pvp would be much more even.
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    nethermonkeynethermonkey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 13
    edited August 2013
    I agree with the op. Unfortunately these so called dominant groups enjoy this type of game play. They practically paid to be able to bully lesser geared/experienced players. You can tell by there conduct. Like the example you mentioned with the player's entering the camps.There are many matches were I refuse to basically harass the losing team when they have pretty much conceded. Clearly I know when I out gear someone. I love this game and pvp let's hope they eventually find ways to better balance it and make it enjoyable for all types/level of players.
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    kr0nixx#5213 kr0nixx Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    There's nothing wrong with pvp. NO CLASS IS MORE OP THAN ANY OTHER CLASS.

    It's called COUNTERS. If you are a mage, you should get facerolled by a TR. Same being said if you are a GWF you should own a TR.

    I come in first quite often on a DC. Its a matter of player skill. It dont matter if you have a 12k GWF tanked out stunlock status there will always be 'THAT GUY' that kicks your ***.

    Learn from losses, congratulate winners, and master your toons.
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    destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I keep saying this, I've been saying this.

    Level 60 pvp is unbalanced. Why? Because there are no subdivisions.

    Level 60 pvp needs subdivisions right now. All pvp pre level 60 was balanced. Its unbalanced now because of the drastic difference in gear score which is the progression to replace leveling up. And if this isnt implemented soon.

    Pvp will continue to be unbalanced and drastically more so when level caps are increased.

    premades will not be much of a problem if there was match making that matched groups with gear scores similar to each other.
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    millz3020millz3020 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kr0nixx wrote: »
    There's nothing wrong with pvp. NO CLASS IS MORE OP THAN ANY OTHER CLASS.

    It's called COUNTERS. If you are a mage, you should get facerolled by a TR. Same being said if you are a GWF you should own a TR.

    I come in first quite often on a DC. Its a matter of player skill. It dont matter if you have a 12k GWF tanked out stunlock status there will always be 'THAT GUY' that kicks your ***.

    Learn from losses, congratulate winners, and master your toons.

    Well put. /10 char
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    nethermonkeynethermonkey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 13
    edited August 2013
    I keep saying this, I've been saying this.

    Level 60 pvp is unbalanced. Why? Because there are no subdivisions.

    Level 60 pvp needs subdivisions right now. All pvp pre level 60 was balanced. Its unbalanced now because of the drastic difference in gear score which is the progression to replace leveling up. And if this isnt implemented soon.

    Pvp will continue to be unbalanced and drastically more so when level caps are increased.

    premades will not be much of a problem if there was match making that matched groups with gear scores similar to each other.

    You are correct. It can't be just gs though as long as players can swap out gear. I myself have 3 sets of armor on me sometimes. they really need to implement a ranking system. That way same level of play/geared players can face each other. You need to take into account skilled players. Trust me a player does not learn anything when getting 1-2 shotted by an experienced player with better gear.
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    mctankypantsmctankypants Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The worst feeling when a match starts out is when you realize you're the only player on your team that went mid. Now you're standing there with your pants down as the enemy charges you.
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    kantazo1kantazo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I agree with the op. Unfortunately these so called dominant groups enjoy this type of game play. They practically paid to be able to bully lesser geared/experienced players. You can tell by there conduct. Like the example you mentioned with the player's entering the camps.There are many matches were I refuse to basically harass the losing team when they have pretty much conceded. Clearly I know when I out gear someone. I love this game and pvp let's hope they eventually find ways to better balance it and make it enjoyable for all types/level of players.

    When I find people like these mentioned, I just stand there and let them kill me, they are enjoying themselves and I am just finishing a pug so I can get my AD, no big deal, some bully had his happy moment. Now if my PUG is fighting and having a chance I fight to the death, but when we are outranked why bother. Just finish and kill me. LOL
    Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
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    valdariousvaldarious Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Agreed I do causal PVP often get team up against a guild team with some max gear people( BIS set+enchantment lvl8 and greater stuff, u can tell once u have seen enough) they can simply hold 1 point on their own or kill 2 person after he suicicde into our whole team. It is stupid to even play, I don't mind hard games, but I do like a option for me to choose I want to go hardcore mode or not, sometimes I just want a causal PVP and have some fun.
    Not trying to sound like an *** but what is "casual pvp"? Is there such a thing? pvp is just that, not to be casual. I honestly wouldn't know since I do not do pvp in mmo's.

    Veteran from 2009 recently returned to the fray.
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    nethermonkeynethermonkey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 13
    edited August 2013
    The worst feeling when a match starts out is when you realize you're the only player on your team that went mid. Now you're standing there with your pants down as the enemy charges you.

    lol again can't really blame them. These are inexperienced players a lot of times. 9 out of 10 times if you check their gear they are wearing all greens and blues in a level 60 match. I hate when people rage and go off on them or quit. How about just kindly letting them know it usually is not good strategy to have all members cap that base.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I generally stay vs. a premade even if my team has left the game and try and do some 1v1's, its a good way to test your skills. The last time I did this I was slaughtered by all 5 repeatedly while asking in zone and /say for 1v1, which I thought was pretty cheap, especially from one of the more prominent PvP guilds (won't name names I suppose) But they finally did and I was able to kill 4 of 5 of them in 1v1 which was quite satisfying actually.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    l3l3l3l3l3l3l3l3 Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2013
    It seems to me that a small minority only queue premades for pvp 24/7 because they know they get to **** undergeared pugs.

    Knowing how much i must pay to get BIS to compete with these trolls, i came to the conclusion the game isnt worth it, as it stands.

    Enjoy your hollow victories.
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    decimusrexdecimusrex Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kr0nixx wrote: »
    There's nothing wrong with pvp. NO CLASS IS MORE OP THAN ANY OTHER CLASS.

    It's called COUNTERS. If you are a mage, you should get facerolled by a TR. Same being said if you are a GWF you should own a TR.

    I come in first quite often on a DC. Its a matter of player skill. It dont matter if you have a 12k GWF tanked out stunlock status there will always be 'THAT GUY' that kicks your ***.

    Learn from losses, congratulate winners, and master your toons.

    Then this would be the first arena style or any style PvP Mmo for that matter that didnt have issues with balance.

    Pick up groups versus guild or premade = loss to the premade. nothing can be done about it, that will remain until the server shuts down.Its all about communication

    I've never played an Mmo yet that does not have the weakling class easy to defeat,free glory for every other class.

    Also, as this game matures you will see more tweaks in the lower levels to throw off the balance and fun.

    You add gear as a large factor to winning or losing and you have a potent mix of imbalance to over come. The elaborate plan by the OP sounds great but in my experience most devs take the easiest fixes to implement as a solution to try to level the playing field.

    Sorry sir but the mechanics, human nature and the gear build issue have most of your skill base covered. I've seen your comment spun out a thousand times in every other PvP based game I have played and its mostly invalid.

    The bottom line is people want to have fun, getting smashed with out a possible chance to even defend yourself will get you longer queues and less diversity in those long awaited matches until it wont be even worth trying anymore.

    Those that are trying to get changes made are on the right track but get ready for a long wait.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    GS matching system that rechecks your GS when you click accept and doesn't allow gear changes during the match. OMG no more BiS players stomping on noobs. That would also go a long way to help with premade vs pug, even if you are in a pug if the entire group has awesome gear they are probably experienced players and can put up a much better fight.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    GS matching system that rechecks your GS when you click accept and doesn't allow gear changes during the match. OMG no more BiS players stomping on noobs. That would also go a long way to help with premade vs pug, even if you are in a pug if the entire group has awesome gear they are probably experienced players and can put up a much better fight.

    This right here.
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    vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    kr0nixx wrote: »
    It's called COUNTERS.

    Yep, if you're a mage you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a cleric you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a GF you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a gwf you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a TR you'll lose to a P2W TR

    All the classes have one hard-counter. One and the same.
    English is not my first language.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    vortix44 wrote: »
    Yep, if you're a mage you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a cleric you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a GF you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a gwf you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a TR you'll lose to a P2W TR

    All the classes have one hard-counter. One and the same.

    sounds like someone doesn't know how to play against a TR. You want to know the best way to learn? Make one. Then you can show us how TR can so easily kill all classes.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    vortix44 wrote: »
    Yep, if you're a mage you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a cleric you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a GF you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a gwf you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a TR you'll lose to a P2W TR

    All the classes have one hard-counter. One and the same.

    I have a GF> Beats TR regularly

    I have a wizard > Beats TR's sometimes, othertimes gets away from them and they give up.

    I have a GWF> Beats TR regularly

    I have a TR> Beats TR's sometimes (often times, rogues stronger than mine), dies uncommonly from them.

    There are indeed counters. Just because you cant think of any, or cant learn any doesnt mean they dont exist.
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    kantazo1kantazo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    vortix44 wrote: »
    Yep, if you're a mage you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a cleric you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a GF you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a gwf you'll lose to a TR
    If you're a TR you'll lose to a P2W TR

    All the classes have one hard-counter. One and the same.

    LOL what is funny is that everytime I play TR everyone tags me first to get me out of the way, lol
    Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
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    kouroumbelokouroumbelo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    well 1 simple solution for gs difference etc would be in pvp u can only use pvp gear or something like this^^.
    So all players have same gear.(tho i have to say this game is far from p2w,i mean u do not have to pay rl money to get competitive gear in pvp,just 1 month and bit more with not much hours play every 1-2 days can get you high enuf gs to compete.....t2 gear with rank 6-7's is more than enuf to compete imo^^)

    for each class u can have different type of armour sets (different stats each etc) so ppl can choose same gear in there.

    95% of time atm,if enemy team premade=your team instant quit or stay at safe spot no fun in that...

    Mb they can make some guild vs guild tournament event throughout the day so ppl that wanna hf with their guildies can pt up and que there? and let domination be single que only?
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    petpet2petpet2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    POV from a GF (PvE build) who PvP often, and has not paid a single dollar for zen.

    1. I cannot accept people whining about getting into matches with green items, then whine about it: t2 pvp gear is already quite impressive. no excuses for being underprepared and lazy to farm for your gear.

    2. no such class is more OP than another. (maybe just GWF>all). I get owned sometimes, and at other times I own. you don't expect to win every single match do you? but if you keep losing consecutively, refer to point 1. don't be a lazy whiner.

    3. I believe the devs are encouraging us to participate in guilds. so if you keep going PvP against guild teams, there's only you yourself to be blamed. once again, maybe too lazy to find/join a good guild.

    4. this game is truly F2P. whining about NW being P2W? i disagree. not enough AD? then please
    be more active in DD, win loots and sell them. here's a tip: master CN. it's very profitable.

    5. just as in the real world. hard work pays. laziness doesn't. wake up kids. stop complaining and start working.
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    revocainerevocaine Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 58
    edited August 2013
    Segregation by GS? With the way it is currently being calculated?
    Do any of you actually play this game?

    Yeah, lets put this 9.5k~ GS GWF w/ 7 G.Tenebs and 39k HP against a 9.5k GS PUG.. Surely that will go well.
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    faeriestormfaeriestorm Member Posts: 460 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    decimusrex wrote: »
    Then this would be the first arena style or any style PvP Mmo for that matter that didnt have issues with balance.

    Pick up groups versus guild or premade = loss to the premade. nothing can be done about it, that will remain until the server shuts down.Its all about communication

    I've never played an Mmo yet that does not have the weakling class easy to defeat,free glory for every other class.

    Also, as this game matures you will see more tweaks in the lower levels to throw off the balance and fun.

    You add gear as a large factor to winning or losing and you have a potent mix of imbalance to over come. The elaborate plan by the OP sounds great but in my experience most devs take the easiest fixes to implement as a solution to try to level the playing field.

    Sorry sir but the mechanics, human nature and the gear build issue have most of your skill base covered. I've seen your comment spun out a thousand times in every other PvP based game I have played and its mostly invalid.

    The bottom line is people want to have fun, getting smashed with out a possible chance to even defend yourself will get you longer queues and less diversity in those long awaited matches until it wont be even worth trying anymore.

    Those that are trying to get changes made are on the right track but get ready for a long wait.

    I have actually won a few PUG matches versus premades. They were all close though. It's not the GS so much as the OP weapon enchants. Honestly I feel weapon enchants should only be active for PvE, they destroy level 60 PvP.
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    godsdozergodsdozer Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    baka1973 wrote: »
    After doing a few daily Dom PvP s i have found that its really being abused by some guilds, to enter a organised team vs a group of pugs is just plain silly, they are competing on a totally different level and im sure no one enjoys being spawn camped by 5 guys sitting in front of the campfire smashing down players as they enter .

    Its even that bad at times rouges can actually jump up to the camp fire area and knock players down into the waiting gank team......

    The system could be greatly improved by having a rank system based on glory gained or gear score or by not allowing preformed teams to vs pug teams.

    This is always good for a few laughs +1 for bringing it up and making me smile.
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    xyazmynexxyazmynex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just like many of you have stated it is true gear score means a fraction compared to a players skill but one fix may be to have, and not to bring into the conversation another game, ranked matches as a win/loss teired structure that factors in all the above. That way you can progress in the ranks as with in said Arena style to help to keep the playing field more competitive? Also I'd like to see more options for PVP such as some open world/area play along with some more options in a closed enviroment such as a seige style. Just a few thoughts rolling around in my head and I'm sure I am not the 1st nor will I be the last to mention these. The good thing is this is still a very new game that has alot of potential and I look forward to seeing more as it progresses. Hope to see you guys on the battle field soon!
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