UPDATE: OK NVM. When one of the tasks completed it solved itself... it's never done that before :?
I just updated to the latest patch (note that I have the "Don't download on demand" patcher flag activated) and my professions window ONLY shows the rare Profession jobs.
I have NO filters selected. And, also, even when searching manually for a recipe I know is not rare i.e "scale" on Mailsmithing I can only see the blue one.
There's NO paging arrows, no nothing.
My gateway seems to show all recipes though.
I'm also having this issue. It seems too random to be tied to an in-progress task. Anyone have a different work-around?
I've logged off and totally exited.
Having the same issue here too, and my current tasks are all really long (6 hours). Any other ideas or finds on this?
Clearly a bug? Any update from the devs?
Update: It fixed itself after my task was complete and I went through a bunch of different UI windows.
Would love a response from a dev about this - I'm loving the beta so far and this is really a minor frustration, so I'm definitely not complaining! Just would be good to know the debs are aware and that it's in the queue for a fix sometime soon.
Foundry Content:Guide - Custom Channels and List (NW-DHBU9OTOS)
Asset upgrading poll.
The only way I know to fix this is to go in game, and start up any task that you are able to (can be from any profession I think) and then hit cancel. All resources will be returned back to you when you cancel a task. Doing this will resume everything back to normal allowing you to select the normal tasks again. Unfortunately, you can only do this in game as it's not possible to cancel a task though the Gateway system (at least, it wasn't possible for me. Now, there's another bug!)
Or just wait untill one of your tasks completes if you can wait that long.
The bug related to not being able to cancel tasks from the Gateway is reported.
I've gone in game, zoned and still no joy.
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They already have a bug fix for it on the preview server. It is just a matter of when it gets pushed to the live servers.
Start any rare task available, then cancel it. All other tasks will then show up.
Though if like the OP, you're unable to start any rares that show up, well your screwed (less you use the more complex javascript workaround posted above).
Happens to me tons, tho since I have several professions at lvl20 already, finding a rare i can start and canceling it isn't an issue.
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
sometimes if you search for "" then search for nothing it suddenly works cause it clears out the word filters.
sometimes if you take a blue quest then cancel it it works (leadership quests are good for this
sometimes swaping between alts helps. ( though you may bug alts also)
Please fix this bug.