Heya! So map editors in a video game is usually my favorite part of a game if it is done well, and for a new game, this map editor is amazing! So first off, thank you for such implementing such an amazing tool! With that said, there -are- a few things that could be done to improve this already great feature.
After a few hours of creating a map I could live with, I felt it was time to add some loot and profession nodes! I had already carved out some secret niches behind seemingly typical barrels in an inn and I could already see the small chest at the end of the alternative path in the hallway, but when I went hunting for the tool that would let me throw in a couple nodes and a junk chest, there were none! Scouring the interwebs, I soon found that this was by design, and to my disappointment, was even caused by us, the players! But why in the world should these few <insert unpleasant four-letter words here> ruin it for the rest of us who are inspired to create truly immersive and interesting maps? Of course, these unpleasant folk still exist, so something needs to keep folks from exploiting but instead of removing placable item and profession nodes completely as was done, I think an alternative needs to be put in place.
Any ideas out there?
First, I had to hand-make the node graphics; nature and thievery look right, dungeoneering is close, the arcane table is off a bit, and the religion altar is wayy to big, but more or less recognizable.
Next was the seemingly simple but actually bizarrely complex problem of making it so each class could open its own skill type, but needed a kit to open the other ones.
My solution was to make each of the skill nodes (all 5 types) in the same area, and have each type visible only to one class. The first skill node will always appear to be for your class, it drops as loot "+1 skill kit" for another type of node. Of course, there is no way to know what kits the player has in their inventory, so I had to make them require "+1" kits, like "+1 Nature kit", that way I could know if they had the right kit or not!
Anway, this was quite a bit more work than it was worth I think.
A long time ago, I proposed a system where the author would put in rewards they designed ("jeweled statuette," "a handful of gems," whatever), and then at the end of the mission, besides getting the normal end-of-run reward, you'd also get gold (or heaven-forbid astral diamonds!) for the found rewards. It would be simple to regulate as well, as each mission would only have a maximum award set by PW like they set the maximum regular awards, and the awarded coin/diamond amount would be based on how many of the reward items the author placed (one item found/one item placed = 100% maximum PW award, one item found/three items placed = 33% PW award). As non-exploitable as the current system, yet a small way for us authors to reward our players for snooping around. I thought it was an easy, reasonable solution... but it was inevitably lost in the abyss.
One can still hope.
That's what I did too. I have some 'puzzles' such as a cliff climb / jumping puzzle. You can do it the hard way (jumping), or if you have the Dungeoneering skill you can chop down a tree to create a makeshift ladder. Or if you have Arcana, you can summon lightning to knock down the tree. Or you can find a facsimile "dungeoneering kit", and use that to chop down the tree.
As for rewarding the player, I have hidden "reward items" (tagged with [ACCOLADE]) in each map. At the end of the quest, a DM NPC appears, and will tell you more info about any of the items you found. Such as: "That strange mushroom would be valued by a mage or alchemist", etc.
It my latest quest (not yet published), I have hidden "magic items"(tagged with [MAGIC]) in each map. In the final map, you can use the items to cast spells which will help in some of the encounters. Basically just for fun with some cool effects.
The Cursed Emerald:
Foundry Rewards and multiple chests loot tables
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
As of now, you can not have environment items require "skills". If you do - the foundry will report an error. You can have environment objects have item checks. But how do you make sure that a specific class has a specific item to simulate the "class" skill?
The answer is via dialogues since dialogues are the only form of "skill" check that works currently in the foundry. So I create an NPC named "Martin", and based on the dialogue option you select (only 1 is available, based on your class skill), he will spawn the associated "skill" item on the ground beside him. These items only appear once a certain dialogue prompt has been met.
This form of "checking" is actually beneficial since you can create a "DM" room which hands you all 5 class skill items without being that class for testing purposes. The only con occurs during multiplayer - the skill checks are against the whole party and it is possible that one person can hog all the skill checks.
As of writing this, I realized it may even be possible to create a simpler approach - to create a small altar, which contains the 5 adventure objects, but are only visible if you have the skill - this would protect against duplicate pickups. Depends on how you want it to work
Anyway, in your case, you should create 5 "Tools" that simulate the skill checks, and then simply click the node and add the skill item for the desired check. Make sure to have "consume item" = false. This way, you avoid invisible objects issue with the "visible with skill X".