hi i am sorry for posting this here rather then in the forums master class list part didnt know how too so i post it here
ok my toon/chars name is hotlips i am really under geared and i found a way to somewhat to help you againest the burst dmg and also in pve its very good the party Hitpoints really doesnt drop
my setup is human i have STR 19 wis 22 cha 19 the best is 20 20 20 i think for more balance but it works
gear wise i use is the prohet champion set for DC bc of the 25% more dinvie it also gives 5% more healing
nacklace i use is ancient brawler of gut
ancient priest rings X2
ancient necromancer belt of undeath
i only use 4 slots of offence on the char weapon, off hand, necklace and shirt and i split them up from more Crit and power
ok for etheral boon not sure if yet is need bc of the gear choice but my divine with this setup is max for alot of the time so if u feel free to try this setup u can place them in more temp hit% healing from the at will skill or whatever u want as u see i had 1 feat left over so like i said place it anywhere u want if i get time to respec again i will try it with out etheral boon but for now this is what i have
now for ur setup on your bar
encounter sun burst
encounter forgemasters
encounter AS = Astral shield
your At will skills should be astral seal bc it heals and since it heals what ever u hit and the party is around it well get combat advantage as well infact any timeof any healing actives it including sunbusrt astal seal formaster/sunbusrt/at will astal seal actives restoration mastery pretty much everything actives on all its a win/win
Sacred flame Add more Temp Hitpoint
so far in any T2 i can save my AS most of the time which is a plus bc more divine i have CN its a Ez mode for u and the party
my daily i use DA which is temp hit points
and HG
passive u have on is forsight and holy fever pretty much 45% plus is for more action points and i can almost spam my daily if u do it right
this setup is a tank
i hope you like the build sorry for posting this here Enjoy my chars name is Hotlips on dragon server if u need any question to be asked i can answer for u but the setup u will need on pet and the
open slots is power and crit
i wrote this fast i will have to fix this when i get time to but for now i hope this well be ok
hi i am sorry for posting this here rather then in the forums master class list part didnt know how too so i post it here
ok my toon/chars name is hotlips i am really under geared and i found a way to somewhat to help you againest the burst dmg and also in pve its very good the party hitpoints really doesnt drop
my setup is human i have str 19 wis 22 cha 19 the best is 20 20 20 i think for more balance but it works
gear wise i use is the prohet champion set for dc bc of the 25% more dinvie it also gives 5% more healing
nacklace i use is ancient brawler of gut
ancient priest rings x2
ancient necromancer belt of undeath
i only use 4 slots of offence on the char weapon, off hand, necklace and shirt and i split them up from more crit and power
ok for etheral boon not sure if yet is need bc of the gear choice but my divine with this setup is max for alot of the time so if u feel free to try this setup u can place them in more temp hit% healing from the at will skill or whatever u want as u see i had 1 feat left over so like i said place it anywhere u want if i get time to respec again i will try it with out etheral boon but for now this is what i have
now for ur setup on your bar
encounter sun burst
encounter forgemasters
encounter as = astral shield
your at will skills should be astral seal bc it heals and since it heals what ever u hit and the party is around it well get combat advantage as well infact any timeof any healing actives it including sunbusrt astal seal formaster/sunbusrt/at will astal seal actives restoration mastery pretty much everything actives on all its a win/win
sacred flame add more temp hitpoint
so far in any t2 i can save my as most of the time which is a plus bc more divine i have cn its a ez mode for u and the party
my daily i use da which is temp hit points
and hg
passive u have on is forsight and holy fever pretty much 45% plus is for more action points and i can almost spam my daily if u do it right
this setup is a tank
i hope you like the build sorry for posting this here enjoy my chars name is hotlips on dragon server if u need any question to be asked i can answer for u but the setup u will need on pet and the
open slots is power and crit
i wrote this fast i will have to fix this when i get time to but for now i hope this well be ok
You took both deepstone blessing and enduring relief but left out linked spirit, which is about the best feat in pve atm.
Switch out enduring relief for linked spirit.
Moreover id use righteous rage of tempus instead of divine advantage, which generates enough divinity to use an actual good set like miracle instead of prophet champion (why would you ever need so much divinity regen, you already said your bar is always about full)
its not new Linked spirirt is useless/the best hardly mistaken thats 1 divine combat is OP ur at will actives it plus all ur heals actives it which makes it very usefull
infact i wish i can del this post bc i dont even have this setup anymore
linked spirit reason why its useless 5% from your own stats to the party ok thats a plus ONLY
AS 30% resist plus forsight if u have 11% in to it useless for you bc u only get the 6% the rest gets the buff 11%
why its useless bc DC agro healing is a agro u take to much dmg even if the CW uses Sing your still getting hit GF marks only if he does alot of dps can hold the agro
i can run CN with 1 CW 1 GF 1 gwf 1 tr and 1 DC Most parties uses 2 cw or Ez mode 3 cw
Takes ASeal/SF, AS/Sunburst/Forgemasters, HG/DA, seems unaware that 90% of healing DCs do this already? Check.
Almost unreadable posts? Check. Quadruple Posts? Check.
Quadruple posts that appear to contradict themselves? Check.
I don't mean to be rude (well maybe a little) but spelling, grammar and basic coherence would help a lot, as would simply editing your previous posts (using the little edit button) rather than multiposting like a champ.
EDIT: and here I am editing my own post! It's that easy.
Now linked spirit is 5% PER person you proc it on, so if you manage to hit your entire team, you give all of them 25% of your stats for 10sec. Ok, this will probably send them all into diminishing returns on everything except power, but hey: an extra 500-odd points to every stat isn't too shabby. Of course, the best thing about linked spirit right now is that it procs from a non-divine sunburst, so if they change that (which preview server apparently suggests they have) then yeah...I'll be forced to reconsider the utility of this. Which would be a shame.
Divine advantage....given that DCs mostly heal in small but continuous amounts (astral seal procs, repurpose soul procs, astral shield HoTs, intermittent sunburst spam), I don't think that there's ever a point in an actual combat (where combat advantage matters) where someone hasn't been healed by me in the last second or two, so I don't think 5 points in this is worth it. One or maybe two, tops.....whereas rage of tempus (assuming you have enough crit for 30-33% crit chance) is a nice boost to DP generation, and turns sunburst into a DP generator par excellence (admittedly it's amazing for DP/AP anyway, but hey).
useless post Check ( correct) Check that u say
Repeatting my self 3 times check or like a champ as u say ( check) didnt feel like editing lazy Check
Quadruple post that appear to conturdict my self( check ) getting the points acrossed i guess your slow (check) got it
now u meaning not too be rude umm u wouldnt have wrote if u didnt mean too be ( check ) means your just Slow Got it (Check)
me pointing out /myself wanting to be a HAMSTER very True ( Check)
Now linked spirit only reason why i said was useless no defs for ur self plus side 25% to ur party
Overlooked Skills Divine Advantage Proc off sunburst Forgemaster At will skill( Arstral seal) this setup wasnt meant for just pve its for both and from what ive seen out of CC chars 90% of em suck
i will work on the new post write it down on a piece of paper and reply in detail for you all why i think this is better then most not saying others suck ived used them all wasted alot of AD farming and now i am starting over.... reason why i am in this gear
Main purpose of this type of build is too not take as much dmg as possible and being able too heal at the same time in pve and pvp
there it is edit my post i no longer gonna reply too this post and ( Not to Reply to stupid Replys) Thank you have a nice day
swingchildMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited August 2013
You have contributed nothing new.
The supposed advantages of your build are terrible (LOOK I CAN STAND IN RED!).
Your grammar is awful.
Please utilize logic and proofreading for your next "contribution".
very nice post.. Gilgamesh here :d
You took both deepstone blessing and enduring relief but left out linked spirit, which is about the best feat in pve atm.
Switch out enduring relief for linked spirit.
Moreover id use righteous rage of tempus instead of divine advantage, which generates enough divinity to use an actual good set like miracle instead of prophet champion (why would you ever need so much divinity regen, you already said your bar is always about full)
Also consider 1 point into bountiful fortune.
Its all about optimization.
infact i wish i can del this post bc i dont even have this setup anymore
AS 30% resist plus forsight if u have 11% in to it useless for you bc u only get the 6% the rest gets the buff 11%
why its useless bc DC agro healing is a agro u take to much dmg even if the CW uses Sing your still getting hit GF marks only if he does alot of dps can hold the agro
i can run CN with 1 CW 1 GF 1 gwf 1 tr and 1 DC Most parties uses 2 cw or Ez mode 3 cw
or even better how many DC can stand on top of the boss and laugh at him not many wait not ANY ive seen
this setup u can have adds knocking u around and still Heal and Still keep everyone alive and ur self
my new setup i dont even use forsight anymore and i can still stand on top of all the adds and on top of the boss and laugh still no dodging is needed
but the best setup is having mir set 2 and 2 templar and ur ancient set To add i dont even have this gear
Almost unreadable posts? Check.
Quadruple Posts? Check.
Quadruple posts that appear to contradict themselves? Check.
I don't mean to be rude (well maybe a little) but spelling, grammar and basic coherence would help a lot, as would simply editing your previous posts (using the little edit button) rather than multiposting like a champ.
EDIT: and here I am editing my own post! It's that easy.
Now linked spirit is 5% PER person you proc it on, so if you manage to hit your entire team, you give all of them 25% of your stats for 10sec. Ok, this will probably send them all into diminishing returns on everything except power, but hey: an extra 500-odd points to every stat isn't too shabby. Of course, the best thing about linked spirit right now is that it procs from a non-divine sunburst, so if they change that (which preview server apparently suggests they have) then yeah...I'll be forced to reconsider the utility of this. Which would be a shame.
Divine advantage....given that DCs mostly heal in small but continuous amounts (astral seal procs, repurpose soul procs, astral shield HoTs, intermittent sunburst spam), I don't think that there's ever a point in an actual combat (where combat advantage matters) where someone hasn't been healed by me in the last second or two, so I don't think 5 points in this is worth it. One or maybe two, tops.....whereas rage of tempus (assuming you have enough crit for 30-33% crit chance) is a nice boost to DP generation, and turns sunburst into a DP generator par excellence (admittedly it's amazing for DP/AP anyway, but hey).
Repeatting my self 3 times check or like a champ as u say ( check) didnt feel like editing lazy Check
Quadruple post that appear to conturdict my self( check ) getting the points acrossed i guess your slow (check) got it
now u meaning not too be rude umm u wouldnt have wrote if u didnt mean too be ( check ) means your just Slow Got it (Check)
me pointing out /myself wanting to be a HAMSTER very True ( Check)
Now linked spirit only reason why i said was useless no defs for ur self plus side 25% to ur party
Overlooked Skills Divine Advantage Proc off sunburst Forgemaster At will skill( Arstral seal) this setup wasnt meant for just pve its for both and from what ive seen out of CC chars 90% of em suck
i will work on the new post write it down on a piece of paper and reply in detail for you all why i think this is better then most not saying others suck ived used them all wasted alot of AD farming and now i am starting over.... reason why i am in this gear
Main purpose of this type of build is too not take as much dmg as possible and being able too heal at the same time in pve and pvp
there it is edit my post i no longer gonna reply too this post and ( Not to Reply to stupid Replys) Thank you have a nice day
The supposed advantages of your build are terrible (LOOK I CAN STAND IN RED!).
Your grammar is awful.
Please utilize logic and proofreading for your next "contribution".