Server : Dragon – NeverwinterUS Timezone - Current Most Active Hours are 9-11am, 2-5pm and 7-11pm central time during weekdays. And anytime during weekends.Spectral Knights....
is a medium size mature players guild. What differ us from other large guilds in Neverwinter is that you will find every member in our guild know each other’s real name and very friendly to each other. Every member in our guild is willing to help others whether to level up or improve their gear scores. We have casual players who just want to have fun and hardcore players who are hoping to get to the highest rank. Moreover, we are strike to provide a community where you can come into teamspeak at anytime during the day and will be able to find someone to run dailys or dungeons with you. So if you’re looking for a casual-friendly, a little bit crazy at times and an amicable atmosphere where you will meet friends and get the attention you deserve, Spectral Knights will be your final home!
If you want to join “Spectral Knights” you have to be at least 21 years old and generally be considered as a mature by yourself as well as others. By mature we mean relaxed and laid back, yet serious when required, friendly and willing to help others and above all tolerant and willing to compromise when needed. Please note that we are here to enjoy our time in game and we certainly do understand that there are other more pressing things such as families and/or work.
Although we prefer and highly encourage guild group play, we understand that our members can’t take part in every group event. We encourage our members to use teamspeak 3 and guild forum as much as possible, so even when you are soloing you will feel you are part of the guild.
We strive to be drama free, but from our experience we know that unfortunately sometimes drama is unavoidable. However, when it does occur, we will try to resolve it swiftly and fairly by discussing matters with all sides involved. We will try to do this in a transparent manner and not hide anything from our members. We are adults and we will treat you as one.
A few guild rules which you need to know before you decide:
-Applicants must be at least 21 years of age or older
-Must have teamspeak 3 download and be active on TS for easier communication. We do not require you to have a mic, but being on TS while running with members is a must!
-Recruits will have a 30 probation to be proven as an active member. Basically, if you show up -less than 5 times within the 30 days, you will most likely be removed from guild. (We do not require daily log in, but we do want our members to be somewhat active.)
-Nobody's expected to do anything but have a good time
You can also find our complete guild rules on our website
So, if you are looking for a new friends and mature gaming atmosphere please go to our website at and submit your application OR add our guild leader to set up appointment for teamspeak interview!
I wish I was classed as immature but there again you can be classed as a immature 56 year old so I get to pass the first test yippee.
Now as an ancient wind(old HAMSTER) in my lamguage the second bit should be easy but alas I don't have that teamspeak malarky thingymejig,now do you buy that or download it(one can only guess).
So alas I fail miserably and I could check out your guild page and fill in the said forme but that interview will be a tadge short,oh what the hel it is lonely out there at level 60 is this a sign of things to come in old age?
So fill in the apllication form and see where that gets me.
Runoutofnamesno1, you can download teamspeak 3 for free on teamspeak website. its completely free to use!
Do you have a max number for your guild or will you always be recruiting?
Thank you, I went ahead and put an ap in on your site.
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Spectral Knights is also currently accepting applications from member to join our Exploration Team. The purpose of Exploration League is to form a team of five and run through varies Epic (T2) dungeons. In other word, the League is troubleshooting the best strategy and tactic for each Epic dungeon.
If you are interested, join us now!