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Kross's Defensive Cleric Build (PvE/PvP)

deberserkerdeberserker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 48
edited July 2013 in The Temple
I've gotten quite a few requests from Devoted Clerics on my server to make a guide to show how I personally play the class, so I'll do just that - I'll start with a short presentation of myself:

My name is Kross, and I play on Mindflayer server. I've played since the open beta started - and Devoted Cleric has been my main class since then. I've done Castle Never probably more than 100 times by now and I'll use this instance as a example for my tactics/build. My current Gear Score is 12,806 and I'm sticking to the Prophet Champion set aquired with the Gauntlgrym coins (will explain why later). My defensive/offensive enchants are all rank 10, I'm currently working on upgrading the utility enchants from rank 9 to 10. I got perfect Soulforge and Holy Avenger.


In my opinion the only instance worth doing is Castle Never, even if it's Dungeon Devles time. The reason for this simply because this is the instance that seem to earn me the most amount of Astral Diamonds - by far. This dungeon is only suited for the best geared players and require a minimum Gear Score of 9300 - You will also often find yourself in a group that desire to just run with one Devoted Cleric in their team, because of this I decided to go for a defensive build - a nice second reason is for a tanky PvP experience.

Based on that decision I started gathering defensive stats from wherever possible, this is why you'll see me using Ancient Necromancer's Ring of Undeath x 2 - this ring comes with a defensive socket. So does the belt version "Ancient Necromancer's Belt of Undeath". The ring is also used on my companion - a Ioun Stone of Allure - because this companion grants the owner 100% of its own stats. All together my defensive stats grants me a 33,9% damage reduction from enemies. I'm also using an "upgraded" (thru Feats) Foresight that grants me an even higher bonus. This is how my feats looks like:


Chosing my feats I decided to go after anything that would increase the number of healing done in my dungeon runs, as well as feats increasing the divine power gained and feats giving defensive bonuses. Divine power is, in my opinion, a underestimated healing tool - no matter how your build looks like it will be effective with fast gained divine power. With the Prophet Champion set bonus I gain 25% more DP, and mixing this bonus with the Bountiful Fortune feat you can gain an additional 15% - I chose to just put 4/5 in BF because I wanted to have one point in Cleanse. With this high amount of gained DP, AND with my extra dot of DP from the "Greater Divine Power" feat I rarely run out of the opportunity to cast Healing Word in Divine Mode. Healing Word, as probably most of you know, has a very short cooldown in Divine Mode and can basiclly be cast as much as you want provided that you have the one "dot" or more available to cast it.

Another thing I chose to do with my feat points was to put some of them in "Deepstone Blessing", which is designed to work with "Sacred Flame". What Sacred Flame does is - on the third strike casting it - giving temporary hit points to any friendly unit in the party near the target. And by putting 5/5 points in the Deepstone Blessing feat you do an additional 10% more healing on targets affected by temporary health points/Sacred Flame. With the second part of the set bonus from Prophet Champion (giving 5% more healing) I'll have the opportunity to do an additional 15% more healing on my party with a little skill. My "Healing Word" cast in Divine Mode personally heals a minimum of 5K on my targets, but let's say just for the example of it that it would give a minimum of 4K - this with the additional 15% more healing would give 600 more healing to your targets. Having almost an unlimited amount of Divine Power combined with 15% more healing and Healing Word and at the same time having a minimum of 33,9% (unsure how this stat works with Foresight) damage reduction from defense...I can only say I LOVE being a Devoted Cleric.

Now let's take a look at my Combat Powers:


Most of these points dosn't really matter for my build. One important thing though is to put max points in "Divine Fortune" which is the second Class Feature I use, next to Foresight. What this CF does is giving me Divine Power from my healing spells (with my intention of this mostly assigned to Healing Word). Besides this I'd only say it's a must (for my build that is) to put full points in Hallowed Ground (1), Astral Shield (R), Divine Armor (2), Astral Seal (Right Click), Sun Burst (Q), Healing Word (E) and Sacred Flame (Left Click).

Then let's take a look at how I do dungeons with this build - using Castle Never as the example. With such a high amount of defense the normal adds won't be an issue. They can hit on you as much as they want but with your healing combined with the tanky setup they will hardly do any damage. However they WILL do damage to the average party member - this is why I tend to use Divine Armor (2) in fights with a high amount of normal adds. What this Daily Power does is increasing "Damage Resist" - making the squishy party members better equipped against gangs of adds as well giving them temporary hit points (which of course then with the Deepstone Blessing feat as mentioned earlier will increase the healing done). It's also fights like these that made me chose to go for the Holy Avenger weapon enchantment - which will give the party even more damage reduction (an additional 15%).

For fights with fewer, but maybe tougher, adds or bosses I tend to use my other Daily which is Hallowed Ground (1), what this Daily does is originally just giving a small amount of damage reduction - but more importantly with the "Moon Touched" feat also give any party members standing in the affected area back 5% of their maximum health back every 3 seconds. This is a crazy amount healing done, especially due to the long lasting effect it has (around 17 seconds). It's not rare that I have enough Power Points to cast yet another Hallowed Ground once the previous one has ended.


Over you'll see Hallowed Ground in action during the last boss fight in Castle Never. Normally in the last boss fight Trickster Rogues will have to manage without much help from a Devoted Cleric's healing (especially if there's only one DC) but with Hallowed Ground I can manage to give the TR effective healing while keeping main focus on healing the other party members. With my artistic red line above I try to point out how large area the Hallowed Ground Daily affects - a big enough area to heal anyone in the party - but most importantly the TR in the last boss fight.

You'll also see me using the Astral Shield (aka Blue Circle) in the picture. I tend to keep this Shield just for the Control Wizards in the party at the last boss fight in CN, but also for other classes during previous bosses in the dungeon.

Sun Burst is a Combat Power I haven't talked much about so far. The main reason I keep this ability in my build is due to the knockback effect it has in Divine Mode. Sometimes during boss fights I try to keep the adds away from the other party members, but I also use the ability to knock off adds from bridges as well as players in PvP. It's a nice little ability to give me a couple of seconds of free time to build Divine Power or anything else I should want to do. It does also come with a nice little healing.

This is all I have for now, but I will keep coming back to this guide to add more tips and hints, or/and to answer possible questions. Thanks for reading!
Post edited by deberserker on


  • rnewton8rnewton8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 131 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    This is a good build... I am a DC on mindflayer as well. I think i may even have ran with u in a Pug or 2. My build is not exactly like urs, but very very similiar in its theory, and of course my GS is only at 10k as well. I may try that prophet set instead of the miracle healer for my next set upgrade.
  • mumnochmumnoch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited July 2013
    strip off your 12k+ gearscore (say go to T1 gearscore) and require the rest of your regular group you run NW with to do the same and report back with the success of this build please. Reason? Anyone with maxed out stats in a maxed out stat group can do the content and "feel" like their DC can get the job done. /sigh

    Not bashing you or your build you've put some serious thought into it, but let's be honest for a moment here. The play experience of a new DC compared to the play experience with a severely geared out DC is night and day AND add to this the knowledge that your group is likely still chugging heal pot's like a 19 year old @ a frat party and this build becomes just 1 more example of "If you and your group has the best gear in the game and have no reason to run dungeon's other than for money you too can win at those dungeons!!". I hate this game =/
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hm i have 1.7k def and 31.9% damage resistance. I also have 3.1k crit for 31% crit chance. I have 2 more times crit heals than you, and you have 2% more def than me. Not saying it's a bad build, it's just not optimal imo. The def cap for clerics is very low.

    Sometimes, i do a 2 clerics run for CN with another cleric mate, i have "only" 10.5k GS and always heal for 1M more than the guy with 12k. He has the right rotation, but put more efforts into def and power, like yourself. Many clerics underestimate the crit stat, which is sad. It's just awesome. Sun burst and healing world crit for a lot. I can completely refill a HP bar within 7s with a divinity crit healing word.

    If you really want more def, you should put everything into more HPs beyond 2k def.
  • hamjihamji Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mumnoch wrote: »
    strip off your 12k+ gearscore (say go to T1 gearscore) and require the rest of your regular group you run NW with to do the same and report back with the success of this build please. Reason? Anyone with maxed out stats in a maxed out stat group can do the content and "feel" like their DC can get the job done. /sigh

    Not bashing you or your build you've put some serious thought into it, but let's be honest for a moment here. The play experience of a new DC compared to the play experience with a severely geared out DC is night and day AND add to this the knowledge that your group is likely still chugging heal pot's like a 19 year old @ a frat party and this build becomes just 1 more example of "If you and your group has the best gear in the game and have no reason to run dungeon's other than for money you too can win at those dungeons!!". I hate this game =/

    Stripping off the gearscore by equiping Exemplar of Youth items(yes that's right blue not purple) will give you exactly the same result if not more since Regeneration is so effective in large numbers.

    Bottom-line, if you don't make your Cleric Tanky you will die and then you won't be healing anyone. Boosting Power, Regen and Crit will not do squat for self heals so stripping yourself bare of those stats wil have zero effect on yourself, granted the other party memebrs may feel the pinch from time to time but hey that's what you get if you want to run with a low gear score(or a high one) and not get creamed at every wrong turn.
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mumnoch wrote: »
    strip off your 12k+ gearscore (say go to T1 gearscore) and require the rest of your regular group you run NW with to do the same and report back with the success of this build please. Reason? Anyone with maxed out stats in a maxed out stat group can do the content and "feel" like their DC can get the job done.


    Your build is puzzling and at first glance contradictory, like many others I have seen on these forums. Some observations you can take as light criticism or warnings for new Clerics,

    1. You want a tanky build but have no points in Toughness?
    2. You measure yourself against the amount of healing you put out but do not have max Greater Fortune or 24+ WIS? If it was to raise your CON, then back to point 1 again...
    3. You put five whole precious Heroic Feat points into something that gives you no more than 250 Recovery at Recovery levels extremely deep into Diminishing Returns?
    4. You put rank 9-10 enchants into 2x rings with Armor Penetration on them when you state you are only interested in a tanky pure healing build? Why not Priest's Ring of Burning Light instead for even more "tankiness" - it also has a Defense slot.
    5. You put five whole Paragon points into a feat that can guarantee virtually 100% uptime with just two points (Rising Hope) but don't take the feats later in that tree?
    6. You put five whole Heroic points into a feat no one is even sure works because either it does not work or it provides such a small benefit it is barely measurable, i.e. Healing Action, yet you have played since beginning of beta?
    7. You put maximum points into Guardian of Faith, Searing Light, Bastion of Health and Sooth. How often do you use those Powers with this healing spec and build?
    8. You PvP but have no points into the hardest hitting ability a DC can have that also for just one point grants you immunity to CC and greatly reduced damage that could complement your tank build in some circumstances?
    9. You mention that Sunburst is only useful to you because of the knockback? If your Divinity generation is so great now that you can so easily dismiss the fastest and greatest Divinity builder Clerics have, what did you do before you had that PvP set?
    10. You permanently slot Divine Fortune and Foresight but measure yourself by healing output, especially with Healing Word. That is confusing itself but especially so since the class feature Healer's Lore gives you 15% extra healing on many spells and has a high synergy with several healing feats. You do not mention it at all.

    So, my intent is to indicate to new Clerics, there are some more comprehensive information and builds that may work better for you out there (check out the Sticky at the top of the forums or UnspecifiedError's post - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?314631-Guide-to-Everything-Cleric-What-you-need-to-know-have-to-solo-heal-everything-PvE).

    Though, ultimately in the end, gearing (mostly of others in the group) makes almost any Cleric build viable, so just have fun, I guess!
  • lerapisolerapiso Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    Trash optimization
    fondlez wrote: »
    6. You put five whole Heroic points into a feat no one is even sure works because either it does not work or it provides such a small benefit it is barely measurable, i.e. Healing Action, yet you have played since beginning of beta?

    Healing action works as intended, and it's not that bad.
  • deberserkerdeberserker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 48
    edited July 2013
    Thank you all for the feedback!
    I will try to test and write a reply from how this guide works with stripping my gear down like mumnoch suggested. Thing is though I haven't always been 12K+ Gear Score, and people seing my high ranked enchants tend to forget that. I was once a 9300 GS DC in CN, but I had the same theory back then as well and it worked great. But I completely understand what you're saying, and others here as well. High gear and high enchants can make it a lot easier, but it's also sad to see that having aquired this high gear automaticlly becomes a bad thing. I actually haven't gotten many "hate" replies in-game, but I've gotten some calling me a homosexual that pay to win (some players just have amazing literal skills).

    Like Diogene0 for example replied saying that he almost have the same amount of defense reduction as me, while having less than 1000 defense, a rank 10 azure gives you 300 defense. My maxed out enchants dosn't give much back in percent, but I've played the game for so long and I desire to get the best of what I can get, although that dosn't give me much on the sheet. In the end it comes down to how you play and which stat you decide to put the points into as well as points in feats/combat powers.

    To answer fondlez a bit - You're right it might seem a bit strange that I don't have more points in Toughness, I definetly could get tankier by chosing this before that. I guess all I can say is this is how I chose to do it. I don't frown upon doing damage with my group, I like to have a overall effect as well - just not healing and being a punching bag. But I can see you got quite a lot of knowledge on the feats and it does make me think, so I thank you for replying - your post does inspire me a bit. When it comes to Combat Powers though I mentioned in my post that it dosn't really matter what you put the points in as long as you chose the main powers for my build. There's a lot of points to spend and I didn't feel like I needed to spend half of them. I've tested all the powers but I don't feel like I need more than a handful.
  • lerapisolerapiso Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Many clerics underestimate the crit stat, which is sad. It's just awesome

    Power is always better than crit
  • dercavadercava Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lerapiso wrote: »
    Power is always better than crit

    Not always.
    Cyclop.. and I like coffee
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lerapiso wrote: »
    Power is always better than crit

    Only if you reached the crit soft cap, which is around 3k crit or so. Of course, it's even better with a vorpal.

    OP, my point was also to make you understand that you could also focus on gear with offensive slots for crit instead of having 2k more def than me for a meagre 2% damage resistance bonus. You would heal for a LOT MORE with more crit (until you reach 30% crit chance) and then power. You can also equip radiants in your defensive slots once you reach 2k def instead of azures to get more HPs, since HPs aren't capped. This is the best way to get more survivability.

    There are rings with +HPs +def +something. I think they have a defensive slot. You may want to check that. This would be a better option for your build imo.
  • suxip01111suxip01111 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You should be working on your Deflect as it will give you a much bigger difference at this point than continuing to stack Defense past the cap. Ancient Priest's Ring of Burning Light can help you with this.

    Here's a link to my feats, it's designed around good defense primarily (I also play a Dwarf Cleric), along with temp hitpoints, and crit bonuses. I've completed every dungeon in the game (except the T2 GG one) with this build, I was also using this build back when I had 9k GS and was pugging T1s.

    As an aside, it's good to see someone else turning their Cleric into a monster of a tank, rather than just stacking crit/recovery way past the cap, the Cleric class is capable of so much more.
  • deberserkerdeberserker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 48
    edited July 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    There are rings with +HPs +def +something. I think they have a defensive slot. You may want to check that. This would be a better option for your build imo.

    I actually used to wear 2 x Ancient Priest (totally forgot the name) with + health, defense and deflection. But I came to the conclusion that deflection is a pretty useless skill for me, atleast when I didn't have the room on my other gear to make the deflection rate go even higher. So I decided to swap them for Ancient Necromancer.

    Edit: Thanks Suxip for mentioning the name - Ancient Priest's Ring of Burning Light was what it was. Will take a look at your feats soon, thanks for the reply.
  • lerapisolerapiso Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    dercava wrote: »
    Not always.

    If you play with anything else than the PVP set, power is always better. Even if you play with the PVP set, you have to play without crit on your rings/belt/necklace to make Crit enchant better than Power enchant,
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Only if you reached the crit soft cap, which is around 3k crit or so. Of course, it's even better with a vorpal.

    LOL, again this stupid softcap :')
    There is no crit soft cap, I think people on this forum don't understand what softcap means.
    3000 crit is a huge stat waste.
    Vorpal is great, but it doesn't mean crit is OP, do the math, you'll see.
    Deistik madness ...
  • scozzersscozzers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    fondlez wrote: »

    Your build is puzzling and at first glance contradictory, like many others I have seen on these forums. Some observations you can take as light criticism or warnings for new Clerics,

    1. You want a tanky build but have no points in Toughness?
    2. You measure yourself against the amount of healing you put out but do not have max Greater Fortune or 24+ WIS? If it was to raise your CON, then back to point 1 again...
    3. You put five whole precious Heroic Feat points into something that gives you no more than 250 Recovery at Recovery levels extremely deep into Diminishing Returns?
    4. You put rank 9-10 enchants into 2x rings with Armor Penetration on them when you state you are only interested in a tanky pure healing build? Why not Priest's Ring of Burning Light instead for even more "tankiness" - it also has a Defense slot.
    5. You put five whole Paragon points into a feat that can guarantee virtually 100% uptime with just two points (Rising Hope) but don't take the feats later in that tree?
    6. You put five whole Heroic points into a feat no one is even sure works because either it does not work or it provides such a small benefit it is barely measurable, i.e. Healing Action, yet you have played since beginning of beta?
    7. You put maximum points into Guardian of Faith, Searing Light, Bastion of Health and Sooth. How often do you use those Powers with this healing spec and build?
    8. You PvP but have no points into the hardest hitting ability a DC can have that also for just one point grants you immunity to CC and greatly reduced damage that could complement your tank build in some circumstances?
    9. You mention that Sunburst is only useful to you because of the knockback? If your Divinity generation is so great now that you can so easily dismiss the fastest and greatest Divinity builder Clerics have, what did you do before you had that PvP set?
    10. You permanently slot Divine Fortune and Foresight but measure yourself by healing output, especially with Healing Word. That is confusing itself but especially so since the class feature Healer's Lore gives you 15% extra healing on many spells and has a high synergy with several healing feats. You do not mention it at all.

    So, my intent is to indicate to new Clerics, there are some more comprehensive information and builds that may work better for you out there (check out the Sticky at the top of the forums or UnspecifiedError's post - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?314631-Guide-to-Everything-Cleric-What-you-need-to-know-have-to-solo-heal-everything-PvE).

    Though, ultimately in the end, gearing (mostly of others in the group) makes almost any Cleric build viable, so just have fun, I guess!

    Such a politician :P
    Also, in my experience, while SB is op for AP gen, it isn't quite so ott for DP gen. I agree with everything else though.


    So, you use a divine pip on sunburst to give yourself some seconds to .. build a divine pip??
    You take linked spirit but the main reason you keep sunburst ... is for the knockback??

    Given your Charisma/Int I'd say about 2k of your recovery is a complete waste. If you're after action point gen, .. just slot holy fervor. With rising hope proc'd (which it is practically all the time with just TWO points), 3k recov and 18 char, I get 50% AP gen with Holy Fervor. I sometimes feel this is overkill for PvE mind you.
    I respecced recently and for about a week I left 16 paragon points unspent. I took 1 in Rising Hope, 5 Enduring, 5 Benefit and at that point took 4 divine advantage. Passives were HF and FS. I healed about 10 cns during that period and many many dds and what I learnt from that was:
    If you use sacred flame, all you need is 4 in bountiful - DP with that alt will is ridiculous and therefore divine fortune pointless (and i'd imagine the 25% extra from the pvp life steal set to fall into that category too), 2 points in Rising hope is indeed the magic number, Linked spirit isn't that godly, Astral Seal IS that godly .. and the only paragon feat that I would say is mandatory in the slightest is benefit of foresight. At this kind of gear level anyway.
    I'd also agree with others in that about 1.5k of your def is a complete waste. I have practically the same damage reduction with just over 2k.

    Hallowed ground gives exactly the same damage resist as divine armor it just adds 15% damage instead of temp hit points. That is the important thing about it, not Moontouched's 25% heal over 17 seconds (I don't class that as "effective healing", as you put it ... unless you're just concerned with bigger numbers on the end scoreboard ofc). Divine armor's selling point is it's mobility. Great to pop just before a long run in a "speed run" in ... whatever dungeon (take your pick).

    No Brand of the Sun, no Hammer of Fate, no Break the Spirit ... what do you do in pvp? Just stand, facetank and spam flame/lance?
    I don't get this build at all. What's with the piddly little bit of armor pen. Why is that even there? If you're going tank the whole way then Burning Light rings are just sooo obvious. If you want some offense with some defense (and deflect) then abolethic loops are quite nice, I feel. I don't think much thought went into your rings at all, aside from "they have defense slots".
    Anyway ... I kinda lost interest when I hit "Now let's take a look .." - it's almost like a bad guide hallmark, that opener.
    Then I saw 3 points in Sooth. Game over man, game over.
    Yes, I'm cranky today.

    suxip01111 wrote: »
    As an aside, it's good to see someone else turning their Cleric into a monster of a tank, rather than just stacking crit/recovery way past the cap, the Cleric class is capable of so much more.

    This made me chuckle. What do you think most Clerics were doing before they fixed aggro? I'd imagine that's precisely why a lot are going hogwild with other stats now.
  • deberserkerdeberserker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 48
    edited July 2013
    I'm sorry you are cranky today :p, I guess my guide isn't written as good as it should be. I'm terrible at english, but I tried to explain to the people that have asked how my setup is and even with my bad formulation I feel like I did a OK job. I appreciate the reply though, because if there's one thing I've learned making this post if how terrible the stats in this game is made out to (not) work. If you really got the same damage reduction as me while having 1,5K less defense I might have something to work on there. When it comes to the combat powers I've picked I still stand by that.

    I wanted my build to work good in both PvE and PvP and I really feel like does so far. I don't know how much CN you've done but the knockback effect is a really important tool for a solo cleric. If you don't agree I guess we got different opinions of a DC's role. And that's OK. I really think Hallowed Ground's (upgraded effect) healing is effective, especially in CN, on the last boss. Just for the sole reason you can see on my picture - I really think it's a good tool for healing the TR, but you might have another way of doing it.

    What do I do in PvP? I heal.
  • lerapisolerapiso Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    scozzers wrote: »
    Hallowed ground gives exactly the same damage resist as divine armor (15% at 3 points) it just adds 15% damage instead of temp hit points.

    It's 30% for both
  • scozzersscozzers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I'm terrible at english, but I tried to explain to the people that have asked how my setup is and even with my bad formulation I feel like I did a OK job.
    No you aren't and yea, you did =)
    What do I do in PvP? I heal.

    Well, if you can just purely heal all the time without needing to use stuns, stay mobile, nuke the odd squishy etc then fair enough.
    lerapiso wrote: »
    It's 30% for both

    So first rank is 20% is it? I stand corrected. That'll teach me to use the wiki as reference...
    AS is 30% tho yea?
  • vmlinuxvmlinux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    scozzers wrote: »
    Such a politician :P
    Also, in my experience, while SB is op for AP gen, it isn't quite so ott for DP gen. I agree with everything else though.


    So, you use a divine pip on sunburst to give yourself some seconds to .. build a divine pip??
    You take linked spirit but the main reason you keep sunburst ... is for the knockback??

    Given your Charisma/Int I'd say about 2k of your recovery is a complete waste. If you're after action point gen, .. just slot holy fervor. With rising hope proc'd (which it is practically all the time with just TWO points), 3k recov and 18 char, I get 50% AP gen with Holy Fervor. I sometimes feel this is overkill for PvE mind you.
    I respecced recently and for about a week I left 16 paragon points unspent. I took 1 in Rising Hope, 5 Enduring, 5 Benefit and at that point took 4 divine advantage. Passives were HF and FS. I healed about 10 cns during that period and many many dds and what I learnt from that was:
    If you use sacred flame, all you need is 4 in bountiful - DP with that alt will is ridiculous and therefore divine fortune pointless (and i'd imagine the 25% extra from the pvp life steal set to fall into that category too), 2 points in Rising hope is indeed the magic number, Linked spirit isn't that godly, Astral Seal IS that godly .. and the only paragon feat that I would say is mandatory in the slightest is benefit of foresight. At this kind of gear level anyway.
    I'd also agree with others in that about 1.5k of your def is a complete waste. I have practically the same damage reduction with just over 2k.

    Hallowed ground gives exactly the same damage resist as divine armor (15% at 3 points) it just adds 15% damage instead of temp hit points. That is the important thing about it, not Moontouched's 25% heal over 17 seconds (I don't class that as "effective healing", as you put it ... unless you're just concerned with bigger numbers on the end scoreboard ofc). Divine armor's selling point is it's mobility. Great to pop just before a long run in a "speed run" in ... whatever dungeon (take your pick).

    No Brand of the Sun, no Hammer of Fate, no Break the Spirit ... what do you do in pvp? Just stand, facetank and spam flame/lance?
    I don't get this build at all. What's with the piddly little bit of armor pen. Why is that even there? If you're going tank the whole way then Burning Light rings are just sooo obvious. If you want some offense with some defense (and deflect) then abolethic loops are quite nice, I feel. I don't think much thought went into your rings at all, aside from "they have defense slots".
    Anyway ... I kinda lost interest when I hit "Now let's take a look .." - it's almost like a bad guide hallmark, that opener.
    Then I saw 3 points in Sooth. Game over man, game over.
    Yes, I'm cranky today.

    This made me chuckle. What do you think most Clerics were doing before they fixed aggro? I'd imagine that's precisely why a lot are going hogwild with other stats now.

    A lot of people don't get this build, but it's highly annoying to the opposing team. I have a very similar build, except I am cha/wis, and I only have 2 points in rising hope, and 3 in enduring relief. Also I have 1 point in toughness.

    Typical attack is as follows.

    Rogue appears with initial attack, at same time I plop down as and slide into it. Pop sunburst, and switch into divinity mode for linked spirit effects, while in divinity throw a healing word. If divine aura is up follow with that, then astral seal, and sacred flame.

    I won't kill anyone like this, but I can take on two to three opposing players for a fairly long time if I'm not stun locked properly, and even if I am I'm still getting healed during stun lock, and while the opposing team is beating on me I'm tying up their people so they are losing the other points to my teammates, or they are dying horrible deaths to combat advantage from my teammates next to me that are also getting massive healing from the build. I personally run grand templar, I like it fine and I'm too lazy to try something else.

    I'm currently at 11.7gs, but I've been running this build since 10.3 and have been doing just as well just a bit squishier.

    I can't kill anything though, I'm purely a support character, but in PVP my support is top notch, and I win 70 to 80 percent of my matches. In a guild premade I have yet to lose, but we can't ever seem to meet up with another good premade, and I'm far from unstoppable, I'm just a lot harder to kill than most clerics.
  • deberserkerdeberserker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 48
    edited July 2013
    That is pretty much what I'm doing in PvP too. I don't focus much on damage but rather go all out on healing as well as staying alive and being a punching bag. If you are able to tank three players at the same time and heal you are making it a lot easier for the rest of the team.
  • vmlinuxvmlinux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yea, along with giving your teammates combat advantage. One of my fav strats is to shadow a rogue and duo with them.
  • scozzersscozzers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    vmlinux wrote: »
    A lot of people don't get this build, but it's highly annoying to the opposing team. I have a very similar build, except I am cha/wis, and I only have 2 points in rising hope, and 3 in enduring relief. Also I have 1 point in toughness.

    Typical attack is as follows.

    Rogue appears with initial attack, at same time I plop down as and slide into it. Pop sunburst, and switch into divinity mode for linked spirit effects, while in divinity throw a healing word. If divine aura is up follow with that, then astral seal, and sacred flame.

    I won't kill anyone like this, but I can take on two to three opposing players for a fairly long time if I'm not stun locked properly, and even if I am I'm still getting healed during stun lock, and while the opposing team is beating on me I'm tying up their people so they are losing the other points to my teammates, or they are dying horrible deaths to combat advantage from my teammates next to me that are also getting massive healing from the build. I personally run grand templar, I like it fine and I'm too lazy to try something else.

    I'm currently at 11.7gs, but I've been running this build since 10.3 and have been doing just as well just a bit squishier.

    I can't kill anything though, I'm purely a support character, but in PVP my support is top notch, and I win 70 to 80 percent of my matches. In a guild premade I have yet to lose, but we can't ever seem to meet up with another good premade, and I'm far from unstoppable, I'm just a lot harder to kill than most clerics.
    That is pretty much what I'm doing in PvP too. I don't focus much on damage but rather go all out on healing as well as staying alive and being a punching bag. If you are able to tank three players at the same time and heal you are making it a lot easier for the rest of the team.

    ... It isn't the defensive aspect I don't get. I can be just as much of an annoying punching bag with with 1.5k less def (that's 33.6 DR, only .3 % less than OP .. and I have a few k more hp than OP too) and heal and get kills. I'm fairly sure I did make this clear though. "Support" to me means a bit more than just being some decoy punching bag.
    As others have pointed out, OP has gone for all out defensive yet skipped key defensive feats, taken feats with really bad returns, gimped himself with encounter choices .. and I've still yet to read a good reason for that 5k recovery. Personally, I'd like to meet these people (note: irony) that requested he post this build. Having said all that: each to their own .. so GL.
  • vmlinuxvmlinux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    scozzers wrote: »

    I agreed with most of your points outright. The main place my build is similar is up through the faithful feats. I'll have to make a build post if I get the time and let you guys tear it to pieces :). I get compliments a lot on how much I save *** in PVP, and how few potions my teammates use in PVE.
  • zerg4funzerg4fun Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I rly dont understand why people even bother to share their ideas with community. This guide was made in order to help new players, if u can only criticize then gtfo.Show yours builds if u can do it better. Is anyone dumb enough to publish the best builds ?! Just do your own theory crafting proz.
  • baqqarabaqqara Member Posts: 41
    edited July 2013
    Little thing: on 2643def (got buffed by invoking) my DR says 36.8%. Is the 3% human racial adding to this number or to the absolute Defense?
    Also, on 2016def (without my rings) i go down to 33.5%. Since my healing is just fine i cannot believe that stacking def beyond 2k is really a waste.

    OP might have gotten his numbers wrong. Since i am wearing a very tanky outfit, i wonder how OP was able to get THAT much defense.

    Have a look (with stone (lvl20) active):
    (high action point gain is due to slotted holy fervor)
    (also notice, how my Def went down by .7% with 150Def less (that is one measly Azure6))

    Why wouldnt I go for Def?

    Apart from that i have to agree with scoz, i don't get that build either. Also @zerg4fun: criticizism is kind of how the world works and also flourishes. You don't get prices just for trying hard, just don't take it personally, that would be nice, scoz said the spec is somehow bad, not the person who posted it, that is a huge difference. /you have been lawyer'd
  • nagrukknagrukk Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    5k recovery and 1.4k crit? that must be a joke, and a bad one. Now remove 2k from your recovery and check how longer your cooldowns are... like .3 secs out of 15?? Put those 2k into crit and notice how your crit chance skyrockets.

    Still, with the amount of AD that your gear costs, I bet that any spec actually works, so of course you are facerolling content, you are overgeared, face it. Sorry but having played hundreds of hours or payed hundreds of $$'s doesnt qualify you for posting any innovative build.

    As a free advice:

    1) I recommend you the next article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diminishing_returns
    2) I recommend you to drop some def and put HP ench's, specially for pvp (ever heard of armor pen?)
    3) I recommend you to drop some rec and put crit ench's.

    beside that, congrats, really nice gear.
  • bootyjoosbootyjoos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 54
    edited July 2013
    baqqara wrote: »
    Little thing: on 2643def (got buffed by invoking) my DR says 36.8%. Is the 3% human racial adding to this number or to the absolute Defense?
    3% human racial bonus adds to the Defense stat, not Damage Resistance. You can see this by equipping a low defense item and seeing that your DR is not over 3%.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    bootyjoos wrote: »
    3% human racial bonus adds to the Defense stat, not Damage Resistance. You can see this by equipping a low defense item and seeing that your DR is not over 3%.

    yeah 3% is pretty trivial even on GF. Hi fries =P
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • getoneshotgetoneshot Member Posts: 86
    edited July 2013
    This is one of the worst builds I've seen for a Cleric on this forum.

    Just another horrible pay to win player trying to show off his gear.
  • scozzersscozzers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    baqqara wrote: »
    Also, on 2016def (without my rings) i go down to 33.5%. Since my healing is just fine i cannot believe that stacking def beyond 2k is really a waste.

    OP might have gotten his numbers wrong.

    Actually, yea, I think maybe he's used the figure that shows when you hover over the defense stat, rather than the total figure that shows under the defensive section.
    Also, I've been looking at def and stacking it a bit past 2k isn't too wasteful tbh. I noticed next to a dc with divine emissary set that passively was granting me an extra 250 def, I gained about 2% more damage resistance. So it's not that bad in those terms but considering all the other resistance stuff at our disposal (feats, encounters) I still reckon there's better options even for a pure defensive build, especially with armour pen and attacks that ignore armour etc (as others here have pointed out).
  • deberserkerdeberserker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 48
    edited July 2013
    getoneshot wrote: »
    This is one of the worst builds I've seen for a Cleric on this forum.

    Just another horrible pay to win player trying to show off his gear.

    Can't do anything else than just laugh at people with the same opinion as you do. If you had put the same amount of time and dedication into your character as I did you would see the same results gear-wise. Too bad you don't like the build, everyone I play with seems to like it.

    Really thought the community would be more mature in the way they response. Seems like I was wrong. One thing is to not agree with the build, another is to answer to it like the guy above. I've made some changes to the build but I don't even care to explain it, I don't think you'd like it either, and no matter how my build looked you'd still just look at the top ranked enchants instead.

    Edit: There's atleast a couple well written responses from a few people, I respect that. Not all ******bags.
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