I have a lot of opinions about the game, and what I think would improve it. Obviously this is just my opinion. However I do believe that if my suggestions were taken to heart, in spirit if not literally, then Neverwinter would be a better game for it. This will be a long post as I am going to dump everything I have out there.
I also would like to add some perspective to the type of player I am. I both PvP and PvE. I played UO as an anti-PK until care bear lands (Toril) came out. I skipped EQ and DAOC as life had things going on for me. I played them for a few hours, nothing more. I played WoW in the closed beta, which would have been like the alpha for this game. And have been in every Blizzard closed beta ever since. I put the better part of 7 years into WoW before leaving for good. I took a few month break from WoW to closed beta DDO and was on Lahzaar server upon release. I left and went back to WoW before update 1. I later tried DDO again when it went free to play, I spent about $150 and 6 months there before spending a similar amount and even less time in LotRO. SWtOR pulled me away from LotRO. I played that for 30 days and never subscribed. I will never return to that game nor have anything to do with the companies that took it free to play. I also ditched DDO when WB got involved and will not touch a single online gaming product from them ever. I go way back in DnD to pen and paper, red box, and the SSI gold box computer games. I have played almost every DnD thing you can imagine, and I also played Magic the Gathering in my early twenties so have some background with WotC.
Before I get into the critique, just let me say, that I really appreciate the efforts of Cryptic and not so much the efforts of PWE. As such I am not going to touch on the economy issues too much. It is just a moot point. PWE has their cash shop, pay to win, lock box model, and we will never change that. So best to just be smart and set a budget and stick to it... if you can... I am $460 in already and holding off on further purchase to see where the game goes. I am pretty upset that the founders got messed over on the "exclusivity" of their pre-release purchases. Not upset enough to leave but if the game keeps going the way it is my days are indeed numbered, and it mostly has to do with the cash shop model that PWE is setting and not much to do with how Cryptic is developing content. With that said, let me get to the content stuff, where people who care may listen.
Section I: ClassesA: Guardian Fighter
1) I would like to see some gear in the game to represent the conqueror paragon path. As it sits right now, most of the guardian fighter gear is very defensive in nature, with little to no offensive stats on it such as power, armor penetration, and critical strike. Please give conquerors some gear love.
2) Improve the transition from block back to the other at will attacks. I can understand threatening rush being a bit of a button mash, due to its nature. However, when you are pressing your left mouse to spam cleave or crushing surge, and you choose to shift block, as long as you are still depressing the left mouse you should auto resume the cleave or crushing surge when you release the shift block. Right now you must reapply the left click to resume your at will attack. This should also work similarly with Tide of Iron.
I understand that this is done because when you block you have attacks for the right and left mouse while blocking. However there is no reason why this cannot automatically transition back to the non block right and left clicks without having to re-depress the right or left mouse button. This is just sloppy coding that causes a very clumsy and stressful on the fingers interface.
3) Update the tooltips to let us know EXACTLY what a power does. This is a multi class issue, so I will just mention it here. On my guardian fighter I want to know EXACTLY how much tide of iron reduces a mobs resistance. If I am on my devoted cleric I want to know EXACTLY how much Prophecy of Doom, or Breaking the Spirit effect the defensive nature of mobs. I also want to know what damage Blazing Chains does. As it sits right now I have run across new clerics that never realized it did damage at all, because they did not pick up on the divinity mode application where it says that it does MORE damage. Other classes have these issues as well, such as wicked reminder for a rogue. Just how much does it reduce, per stack, the targets defense? More clarity and specifics on the game mechanics need to be shared with us players.
B: Great Weapon Fighter
1) Make sprint work like a true dodge ability. If you are in a splat while sprinting you should "dodge" the damage just like a rogue, wizard, or cleric.
2) Improve reaping strike greatly. This ability should work something like the shield block for the guardian. It should have a lot of innate defense built into it. Either make the knock back much larger with it, or make it actually have a deflect mechanic so that while you are charging it up you either get an increased chance to deflect or an increased deflection severity. For that matter charges and control effects should be auto deflected while you are charging up reaping strike.
C: Devoted Cleric
1) Only apply righteousness in PvP. All this ability has done is make every cleric an astral shield must have cookie cutter. Nobody cares if clerics use less potions in PvE. Because guess what, guardian fighters with block and trickster rogues with daze and stealth also use a lot less potions than other classes. Is a nerf coming for them soon too in order to make them use more health potions? Playing a healer or a tank is already less fun and popular by and large in any MMO game, don't make the burden even more for those who do play them! Instead there should be some benefits and perks to playing such classes because pew pew DPS is a dime a dozen.
2) Virtuous and Faithful Paragon Feat trees need some love in their end tier, 1 point, special feats. Virtuous should have a more relevant buff to damage there, not one that relies on healing and then disappears once it procs. Faithful needs something a hell of a lot more useful than an extra pip on the divinity bar. How about increased divinity gain from healing eh?
Control Wizard
1) For starters fix Nightmare Wizardry. I don't know if the combat log is bugged or the power itself, but the fact that I am giving the monsters combat advantage is pretty disturbing to say the least.
2) Fix all of the feat synergies so that things work with ever possible power. Such as reduced cool down in the spell mastery slot for the PvP four set bonus actually effecting ever power instead of just some. As well as powers that effect AoE actually working with all AoE damage. Right now some things don't work with some powers that actually do AoE damage. Such as Evocation not working on Sudden Storm.
3) Remove the tether to the player from icy terrain and steal time. It is pretty stupid for a wizard to have to move up to melee range to use an offensive ability or control effect. I can understand some of them, like shield pulse, when it makes sense, but in this case, with these two abilities, it does not.
4) Make is so that shard of endless avalanche can critical while in the mastery slot, instead of only critical hitting on push use.
5) Do something with storm pillar, Either this power is greatly misunderstood or just useless. But I never, ever, see any wizard use it in combat, ever.
E: Trickster Rogue: Do nothing to this class, it is pretty amazing how it is. Other than updating some tool tips I cannot see any huge issues where the TR needs love.
Section II: PvP
A) Sentinel build GWF with the 4 set PvP seem way too hard to kill.
![B) B)](https://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/sunglasses.png)
Block mechanics for the GF seem a bit wonky. Sometimes you have to reapply your block which you should not have to.
C) Soulforged enchantments seem pretty broken in PvP period. I have seen them proc back to back within ten seconds. IMO something is needed here to not make these an I win button in PvP. I am thinking something along the lines of how the control wizard has separate control effect times in and out of PvP. The soulforge enchantment should only proc like one time in 10-15 minutes in PvP. That gives someone one extra little umph about once or twice a match.
D) Why can a GF block the daze form a dazing strike but not the daze of a smoke bomb? This makes no sense to me.
E) Perma stealth dagger throwing rogues have to go. A rogue should NEVER win a ranged battle with a control wizard, period. Make it so that throwing daggers (cloud of steel) from stealth GEATLY reduces the stealth bar, let them get something like 2-3 off before they are removed from stealth. IMO they should lose the stealth bar on one throw just like an encounter power.
F) More maps. The PvE end of the game has how many zones? 20 something? And they are soon to get an expansion.... and PvP has 3 maps... We need more here and soon!
G) More match styles of PvP
1) Team Death Match
2) Last Player Standing
3) Three Sided King of the Hill
4) Capture the Flag
5) Siege Engine PvP!
6) Hardcore (no healing allowed, via potions or powers)
7) Objective Based (Sabotage and Demolition)
Section III: Progression
A) Better balance and progression in epic content. Right now the gear score guide lines are a joke. I can understand the curve being steep in Castle Never, however there is no way that the gear scores for Mad Dragon, Grey Wolf Den, or any tier two epic are even remotely close in the queue system.
![B) B)](https://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/sunglasses.png)
Figure out why the Luskan Corsairs dominates Gauntylgrym. I don't buy that it is play skill. Sometimes sure, but I think there are some issues with the map and the mobs that spawn around the points, 2 and 4 is it? In fact I was in yesterday and even though we, Delzoun, controlled point four, the golems were out for the Luskans?!?!?
C) Skirmishes, it is currently a HUGE issue to completest players. There should be a way to go back and do lower level skirmishes once you hit level 60. If nothing else normalize all skirmish events to level 30 and scale the players accordingly, the same way that Champions Online does it.
D) Foundry, right now foundry is not a part of the game. It is there for a niche crowd only, RP fans and those that want quick XP to take advantage of the semi-exploit maps.
1) Add crafting resources into the foundry. Reward them in the end chest, the "collect your reward" chest and base them on the character level and average time to complete formula that is currently used to award XP. If nothign else just randomly populate the maps with nodes based on the average time of completion. Either have cryptic devs go in and place them, or put in an algorythm, or find a way to allow players to add them without it being an exploitable thing. Such as only begin able to place one crafting node per X amount of mobs in the mission and not allowing them to be placed withing X range of each other.
2) Offer a toggle on foundry missions to not gain XP while doing them. This way players could farm gear for their current level along with other game resources.
3) Change the nature of the foundry daily. As it sits right now players run the ones closest to the 15 minute minimum as they can. That hurts foundry authors with longer missions. There needs to instead be a new system of doing the foundry daily. Instead of requiring completion of four foundry missions, it should instead require you earn four FOUNDRY TOKENS. The tokens would be awarded in the end chest (collect your reward). For every 15 minutes the mission runs on average one token will be given. So if someone wants to run two half hour foundry missions for their daily they can. If they want to run one, one hour foundry mission for their daily they can. Upon completing the mission the tokens (4) will be removed from your currency tab (just like seals are spent now).
4) Add in a FOUNDRY TOKEN VENDOR. This vendor could have some companions, mounts, and gear purchasable with FOUNDRY TOKENS. Make the grind whatever you want but you could include things like the basic slow mounts, the white, common, companions, and the same gear as is available on the seal vendors. In fact you could allow conversion from seals to foundry tokens. I would even suggest the Unicorn and Drake gear be placed on the foundry vendor. The green versions of the Cleric, Man at Arms, Sell Sword, Dog, and Wayward Wizard should be there too IMO. If you don't want players to get them easily then just put a ridiculous cost in tokens on them.
Section IV: Companions
A) This is the only place I am going to get into a price issue. I strongly feel, that the game would profit much more long term, if the store companions were account wide rather than character. If a player could buy them, and have them available to every character, then many, many more sales, and much more zen would be spent. That being said I will get back to the game.
![B) B)](https://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/sunglasses.png)
Make all companions passive and immune to damage. They are not so useful that this will unbalance the game. It will instead make it so that players that do not have an Ioun Stone or Cat can actually have a fighting chance to do the harder tier one and tier two content at the recommended gear score. It will also make for more diversity in the game as players will many times choose companions to compliment the group rather than their individual stats. It also removes the need to heal them, which could seriously help clerics in targeting healing word as companions would then just become non targeted by players.
C) Add in better and more cosmetic skins for companions. I am so sick of seeing the same old
HAMSTER on every players companions. Much like the games armor was pretty bland and non-diverse in beta, the companions still suffer from a lack of attention here.
D) Do not display other players companion names. Either a toggle or just flat out a game default. I am so tired of seeing piles of heal bot and meat shield standing at the gates of Protectors Enclave. Leave the model to have the illusion of a more populous world sure, but please don't make me look at the sheer lack of effort, creativity, and intelligence displayed en mass.
Section V: Interface
A) Make the crafting auto fill the entire field of options instead of just the first one.
![B) B)](https://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/sunglasses.png)
Add a "donate astral diamonds" to guild banks.
C) Allow players to mail AD and Gold, even if it is only to themselves. As it sits right now I just have my brother help me transfer gold from one character to another, and I use the AD exchange to get my AD from one character to another. There is simple easy work around solutions for players but it is annoying that you cannot just mail your own
@handle gold or AD. While I am at it, seals, from Lions to Drakes should be account bound and able to be mailed as well. It is not like the gear is anything but garbage anyways. May as well let a player gear their alts in well fare hand me downs.
D) Fix the glitches with AD not being awarded through the gateway. I have had it both never appear, and appear at a later time when I turned in another leadership task that awarded AD. This needs to be looked into and fixed because right now the Gateway is user beware for AD tasks.
E) Provide a real time DPS chart / meter along with a test mode for characters to test out potential power and feat choices without having to commit to them.
F) Divulge the math behind the numbers for theorycrafters. What are the soft caps on stats? What is calculated first? Armor Pen? Power? Where is Critical in the equation?
G) Allow players to preview their choice... Meaning that if they are going to select a feat that effects their stats, allow them to see the effects of it on the character sheet before they press the commit button.
Well I think this is good and long enough for now, oh one final thing... I would not even be here if it were not for the screwy event system in Neverwinter. As it sits right now, the two characters I am currently leveling, are waiting to do Mad Dragon and Cloak Tower runs, and the queues never pop unless it is Dungeon Delve time. Since that is not until 12 eastern there is no reason for me to be in the game. Something needs to be done to address this. Maybe merge the shards to get more of a population in the lower end of the game. Maybe put low level dungeons on continual bonus. I see no reason why the game should limit when players can get a bonus item out of any dungeon that is not epic. I understand that there is some gating that happens in group formation, but it seems like the bonus event system is not a friendly one to casual players. It makes you have to schedule your life around the game and that is going to be a bad thing for Neverwinter in the long run. There has already been a lot of backlash from non North American time zones. Let players play when they want to play, not when the game tells them it is time to play.
Great one, I somehow forgot this one. They should also allow us to buy race and class change tokens.
Edit: I actually would also like a more user friendly initial roll. I would like to be able to at least lock in my main stat roll. But just clicking a lock toggle, I can see all of the possibilities with a starting primary class stat of 18, 17, 16, 15. It would greatly reduce the button mash. If you could lock in up to three stats that would be even better.
P.S. I fully agree with allowing us to respec initial attribute rolls too, but
I have to disagree with the class change token. First of all it would encourage FOTM changes and we would end up with people with no clue whatsoever of how to play their class at level 60 in any currently OP class. Seeing that you can't use (most of) the gear from your old class anyway, this is probably not a wise idea.
Race changes are fine, but class changes are a whole different can of worms. In fact I don't think any MMO I have played has allowed it, and I have played quite a few.
Thanks for your input, and I can see where you are getting at with the class change token. That is something that might be an issue and perhaps that idea is not the best for those reasons. But I was more thinking of those like me, who have one of every class at level 60, with enough GS to run Castle Never. Yet some of the achievements, and such, I may not be able to get again, because some of my chars were part of the end of beta event, etc. SO rather than having to grind a completely new character up, for some, the class change could be of value to the community. By and large you are probably right though. So I can live with having to level a new character again if need be. I have deleted two level 60s, and several level 40ish already. At least with a race change and initial ability roll change I can accomplish whatever I want with one in each class without feeling like I have to reroll because I made a bad initial choice or had a bad initial character idea.
They already have people who don't know how to play their class that's not a good enough argument. They also have systems in the game to learn to play their class like attack dummies that's a non-issue. WoW's been doing that for years now hasn't slowed them down as far as class training.
I'd suggest they add the new classes we've been told they've been working on since closed beta. And I'd suggest they be more than just 2 classes added because it's been well enough time to develope new classes with new abilities without a hitch.
I'd also like for their tokens to be complete like class race change.
Toril? Wasn't it called Trammel. Or something like that. Toril or is what the world Neverwinter is based in is usually called. Though its actually Abeir-Toril now.
They really need to completely revamp Skirmishes. In addition to what you mention the rewards also need to be balanced. Its silly for the most rewarding skirmish to be the easiest. You can run blacklake skirmish 12 times for 12,000 AD during the bonus hour. But your luck to get more than one completion of any of the higher level skirmishes in the same hour.
I can't remember where, but I read something a while back that they were looking into adding a reward system for the foundry. Was mentioned that they might indeed wind up going with a token system, but they were going to see if they could do something better first. Or something like that.
Also about the mission times. Saw them get asked about that in a video. They said they were looking at the issue of longer missions not being as rewarding as the 15 minute ones with the current daily system.
This I completely agree with. Imo they need to do whatever changes they need to make to have this happen.
I'm guessing you've not played in a bit? This was a bug, and was fixed a while back.
No thank you. Terrible idea. I'd spend half my time removing assets from tasks. They changed it so it autofills the required items. But having it autofill the other's would be worse than nothing at all.
They can't do that unfortunately. Not without scrapping the entire mail system and making a new one. And since Cryptic games are linked with the same mail system, they'd have to do that for all their games. The problem is that the current mail system can't tell if you are mailing something to yourself or someone else.
An alternative would be adding a deposit button to the exchange. So we can just toss in AD without cancelling listings. Would make it seem less like a work around. And adding a shared bank with a gold deposit.
By the same line of argument, imagine how many more and how much worse players we will have when they can change to a new class at 60...
Having things bad now is not an excuse to avoid making things even worse.....
I agree with EVERYTHING you said and if they even did half of what you said this game would be sooo much better and not dying. I know I would be spending more money if they deleted perm stealth rogues lol HATE them stupid mf's its bad enough you can't see them so now you can't defend yourself or even run away.
And what about dodging flaws? If you use dodge you supposed to be immune to EVERYTHING but lately I've noticed when I dodge it rubberband me back so I get stunned or proned.
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
One of my little bug-bears about this game is the too rapid levelling. I even just did the martial training on my leadership to provide leadership XP, not game XP but even that has its issues when they start to dangle those pesky ADs in front of you.
I missed out on the third skirmish at the bridge thanks to that - turned in a profession task and it levelled me out of the skirmish parameters when I'd already done 2 of 3. Bummer.
You miss out on a great immersive experience and the completist achiever in my moans everytime I miss something. On my 2nd character, I tried really hard but have still over-levelled the Helm skirmish and opened the Ebon Downs one without even getting past the Scarred Alley quest in Helm.
I would ask that every quest reward be selectable, take item by item that you want from it or take all - player choice. So you can take money, items but perhaps leave the XP if you don't want it. Allowing you the option of running things a little more at your pace.
Same for PVP rewards too - I did a few games and the ones (very, very few I admit) that I did well in earned a fair bit of XP.
I don't die in dungeons. My team dies because I can't heal them effectively...and then I die.
My only big complaint against the Trickster Rogues ATM is that Cloud of Steel can basically guarantee a kill on a Control Wizard or Devoted Cleric from stealth. If that one ability reduced the duration of stealth, at least in PvP, the rest of the class would be fine in my opinion.
One other thing I have had an issue with is that if I am holding down shift my shield should come up. I have consistently pressed shift to bring up my shield just as a control effect is ending to find a second or two later that my shield never actually came up.
You can say that's just bad playskill but the shield should be raised simply if players have the shift key held down when they are not CC'd rather than purely being based on the initial press.
I agree with that but I would also say Tier 3 Mounts should only be 30-35 dollars once. After that initial purchase the mounts should be reduced in price to coincide with the cosmetic pricing it really should have.
I am not sure I agree with this completely but in dungeons non-passive companions damage output should be increased and should have a significant damage resistance increase. These buffs should not translate to the players though runestones and simply be for scaling and balancing purposes so that non-passive companions can compete with Ioun Stones, cats and other passive companions.
Healing word should prioritize players, period and as I mentioned earlier needs a major effectiveness re-examination.
Such a feature would need a toggle because it would cause all sorts of havoc for me if all my Tier 3 assets got used in one task.
I don't think they have to be that specific but being able to see a detailed preview of how much it would increase or decrease the stats derived from gearscores would at least be extremely helpful. If they simply said "here's all of the details" there would be no theory to craft as you would have a complete "don't do this or you're stupid" rule book but being able to see changes other than how much it would increase the base stats would help a lot.
I agree everything you have brought up is a valid complaint which affects me. This post, despite it's differences in opinion, is simply saying I don't agree with your proposed solutions or that I believe there are other alternatives I would rather see and not simply disagreeing with the issues themselves. Thanks for taking the time to write up this in depth and thoughtful critique. Well done!
Beef up their resistance, give them reduced damage from AoE spam. But total damage resistance and damage immunity is far to powerful.
This is probably a very good idea. DDO did a similar thing with its version of companions where they gained additional resistance against traps. (Unlike Neverwinter in DDO traps could easily one-shot you, and were frequently the most dangerous part of a dungeon run.)
Thanks so much for taking the time to put together this feedback. We appreciate it very much!
You know I may have had a Freudian slip there... it is indeed Trammel.
I also would suggest that gear purchased with glory, seals, or trade bars, or made or reinforced through professions, be account bound and NOT character bound. They will make professions, seals and such worthless if everything is only character bound.
Only if you just stand there like a dummy and take the whole stack and even then the TR has to be in Lurker's or rocking some serious gear. And besides, anything a CW does can kill a TR in or out of stealth, so I think it pretty much balances out.
But oh noez, we dare to use one ranged move against a class that is all ranged (a ridiculous distance too, I might add) and can just teleport away if we get anywhere near them, it needs a nerf NAO.
In regards to class change, I can see the issue with some players being completly lost in starting a new class from lvl60. As leveling is quite fast, I myself wouldn't mind starting from lvl 1 again. A bonus in that would allow me to pick up anything I've missed, like a skirmish, dungeon or lore.
For players like me that have used a lot of time collecting gear, achivements and used (way too much) ZEN on vanity items, it would feel exstreamly discourgeing having to let that go due to the class I actually wanted to play hadn't been released yet.
I vote YES to class and race change tokens.