Hello, so Never Winter Online is in Open Beta now and some of you want to try your hands on it for the first time. One of the hurdles you might face is the choosing a class. This guide aims to help you in choosing a class, which is the Control Wizard (CW).
1. Added Tab Encounters, Feats and Paragon Paths.
2. Explained the reason behind the Control Build. Few changes to Skill choice.
Tips And Notes
1.Entangling Force does not work on bosses, both damage and effects. (Credit to
What class is the Control Wizard?
Control Wizard, as the name suggests, is a ranged magic class whose focus is Controlling the enemy, battlefield, etc. and being a wizard means you will have access to Area of Effect skills, making you idle for Controlling Crowds (CC). Your primary stat is intelligence, and then you have Wisdom and Charisma.
These are the builds I came up with from reading discussions on the forums and from my experience of playing the class. These are not but suggestions, ultimately the best build is one that suits your play style and you get that from actual gameplay and experimentation. This is open to additions, subtractions, divisions and multiplications. Of course, credits will be given accordingly.
As of level 33 and 34 power points spent, these are the builds available. They are definitely going to change as I level up.
Builds: Breakdown
There are four (4) main builds currently and they; Control, Pure Damage, Burst Damage, and Melee*. The melee build is a new build I thought of and not much experimentation has been done. It is for those wizards who like to "tank" the enemy.
Pure Damage
Burst Damage
Primary Stat
Critical Strike
Secondary Stat
Critical Strike,
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
Skills: At-Wills
Chilling Cloud,
Magic Missile,
Ray of Frost
Magic Missile,
Chilling Cloud
Chill Strike,
Conduit of Ice(Tab), Entangling Force, Repel,
Icy Terrain
Chill Strike(Tab),
Entangling Force,
Sudden Storm
Sudden Storm,
Conduit of Ice,
Chill Strike
All and any
Arcane Singularity,
Oppressive Force
Pure Damage
Ice Storm,
Oppressive Force
Orb of Imposition,
Chilling Presence
Arcane Presence,
Storm Fury,
Feats: Tier 1
Controlling Action (Max),
Weapon Mastery(Max),
Controlling Action
Fight On(Max),
Wizard Wrath
Fight On(Max),
Wizard Wrath
Fight On,
Wizard Wrath
Blighting Power(Max)
Arcane Enhancement(Max)
Lighting Teleport(Max),
Focused Wizardry,
Learned SpellCaster
Learned Spellcaster(Max),
Focused Wizardry
Paragon Path
Tank Type
The point here is to use the effects of your skills more than the damage. It is not about killing the enemy by yourself but making it easier for your team members to kill or survive the enemy. On that note, this build is not suitable for solo play, as the skills with the better control effects generally have poor damage. The main mechanic used here is the Chill, since you will be using more cold based skills than arcane and lightning skills.
Ray of Frost: if you don't have this on your slot as a Control Build, quit the class and, probably, the game while at it.
Chilling Cloud: An ok way to build Chill. You can swap for other at-will if you want. The AoE isn't that great, really.
Chill Strike: Are you a Wizard? Have you leveled past 20? Do you have this skill active on your slot? If no, then please see a Psychiatrist, really! The ONLY cold-based Encounter that hits like a TRUCK and freaking STUN while adding CHILL.... enough said.
Conduit of Ice: Tab this skill. It increases in AoE, Tab it. Has decent DoT, Tab it. It adds Chills, Tab it. Tab, Tab, Tab it.
Entangling Force: Awesome control Skill! Fans of Star Wars will love it. The more stacks of arcane mastery you have, the longer you will choke the enemy in the air. This is like why you should switch out Chilling Cloud for Magic Missile. I do not like to Tab this skill because the AoE it gets isnt that good, and the effect is negligible in my point of view.
Repel: LoL! ultimate pvp troll skill. Rogues, especially, hate it when you push them back like 15 meters away. You it with caution though, because the enemy will leave your attack range also. It benefits for arcane mastery stacks too. Tabbing this skill gives it an AoE effect which is a straight line from what i have seen by using it (could be wrong). On a scale for 10, i will give it a 5. Other skill are better tabbed.
Icy Terrain: This skill has been bashed by a lot of people because damage wise, it's terrible; but it's awesome when chained/used with other skills. I see this as a purely PvE skill where mobs can be grouped together. If you ever want to dish out the most damage as a Control build, you should consider this chain; Icy Terrain>Conduit of Ice(tabbed)>Ice Storm(for AoE)/Ice Knife(for single target). You are welcome
Chilling Presence: If you are going to Chill your targets most of the time, you might as take it a mile. 18% more damage is what you get if this feature is maxed and the target has 6 stacks of chill.
Ice Storm: Have you seen a movie where the protagonist is loved by part of the population that he just saved, and the rest hate him to death? That's what Ice Storm is. Clerics will love you for this skill; melee player, not so much. Use with caution.
Arcane Singularity: This skill will always get you into parties, with booze and the ladies/guys!
Oppressive Force: Largest AoE Stun in the game. Beat that!
Ice Knife: The Bugatti of all dailies. The best part? They don't see it coming.
2 Thaumaturge PvE Build
3 Some known CW Bugs
3.2 http://http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?198382-Plethora-of-Wizard-Bugs-Recovery-PvP-Set-Eye-of-the-Storm
and are you going to upgrade feats etc?
Odd choices, not that I personally approve of 'pure damage' as a control wizard in general :P
PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
Nope, haven't worked with those yet
Yes, u can respec. You just have to pay for it.
Repel dmg works on boss, n Entangling Force too. Those are on pure dmg build because they benefit from Arcane presence.I have 2days off so i'm going to try to lvl up more and update the guide with Feats and other stuff
But entangling force and other CC effects do work on 90% of ALL mobs, to include bosses. Check the thread out here.
Some of the bosses CC effects do not work to include chill stacks.
When you want to break the mold
BETA Tips and Tricks
Never saw Pants in beta?
It is important to think of the people that might come looking for some pointers as to how people play the class.
And reading through the guide I noticed a few things that I would remove or change one way or the other.
And saying that, I will try and be as constructive as I can. (English is not my native language, so feel free to bash as much as you please.)
Things I would change, or rephrase. (Numbered by what I would rephrase, and a dash to give my reasoning.)
#1. Ray of Frost: if you don't have this on your slot as a Control Build, quit the class and, probably, the game while at it.
-Bold statement, as people have a choice to play this the way they see fit, and saying that they should quit playing the class, and 'probably the game while they're at it' makes you look somewhat like a ******.(Nobody likes that, nor respects that.)
Instead of saying that they 'need' to have it, give a reason as to why they should.
#2. Chill Strike: Are you a Wizard? Have you leveled past 20? Do you have this skill active on your slot? If no, then please see a Psychiatrist, really!
-Same reason as #1. Really, that attitude addition is not needed. A guide is ment to be educational in one way or the other.
#3. Repel: LoL! ultimate pvp troll skill. Rogues, especially, hate it when you push them back like 15 meters away. You it with caution though, because the enemy will leave your attack range also.
-'You it with caution' - Should be 'Use it with caution'. Just a minor typo, not that I didn't understand what you ment but a good guide is decided by the minor details.
That's it for the thing's I would directly rephrase and or change or both.
Regarding the control build. It looks ok from what I can tell, I would make a few changes to it.
But then again, the best way to play is the way that fits your own playstyle.
For those levelling as a CW, I could probably make a guide for the way I am playing, and me being that 'know-it-all'- I do countless hours just researching and theorycrafting before I decide on a build. And let's be honest here. The best way to learn a class is to know how the class works in general, along with all the spells that comes with it.
But I won't go indepth to my build here since this is your guide.
Good luck with it.
-You get a respecc token when you level up. As far as I know, you don't need to pay for the first respecc.
-Haruhi Suzumiya@Mindflayer