Greetings. Some of you may be familiar with me as a resident of the TR forum. I recently made a GWF in an attempt to understand the class a bit more. However I found that I enjoy it too much, and have decided to level one up to 60 and build it well. As a new GWF player I have been wondering about certain things regarding some skills. I shall lay them down in a listed format for easier reading.
1. Which GWF encounters produce the most AP? I read from one post in the Preview Forum that there's supposed to be a thread here in The Barracks that lists down the AP generation values of each GWF skill. If anyone has the link to the thread I'd very much appreciate it!
2. Steel Blitz: the skill that allows GWF's to proc an extra attack. Does it work with the following skills?
- Roar
- Daring Shout
- Dailies
3. When Savage Advance is feated with Battle Awareness (25% shorter Cooldown for 5 seconds), how exactly does it work?
4. How much Determination does a GWF generate if he takes Destroyer's Purpose?
5. Out of all the GWF At-Wills, which one is the most reliable in terms of AP generation?
6. How long does Battle Fury last?
Much thanks for any and all help that can be offered to this new GWF player. It's been a fun experience so far and I'm looking forward to leveling mine up to 60.
2. Steel Blitz only active when you hit an enemy. Roar can activated this skill, but Daring Shout is not, because DS is not produce any damage to enemy, same goes with come and get it and battle fury. Dailies also can activated this skill. ive tried it with slam.
3. that too, is my question. because dailies need no cooldown.
4. very very little, even if you pair it steadfast determination.
5. weapon's master strike IMO.
6. 6s only. quite useless.
2) what above said.
3) When you use savage advance, your encounter cooldowns are reduced for 5 seconds.
4) Not really that much at all... kind of useless, seeing as how roar fills your determination up so fast, along with receiving damage (honestly, 1 little archer attacking you, and you basically have 100% determination all the time).
5) weapon master's strike while not under unstoppable (due to animation cancelling; wms > all.), while under unstoppable, reaping strike.
6) what above said.
Any more questions don't be afraid to ask!
It increases your recharge speed by 25% for 5 seconds. Effectively all it will do is reduce the cooldown by 1,25 seconds if you had no recharge speed bonus. But since you most definitely will have some, it actually does less than that (because recharge sped increase has diminishing returns of its own). In reality you will probably get less than 1 second reduction.
It was a simple typo, i ment FOR 5 seconds, not by 5 seconds, calm your HAMSTER. Anyways fixed.
Negation. Soulforged is kinda doo-doo pve-wise, as most things that hit you... kill you way above the 25% range for soulforge to actually proc. Negation on the other hand, gives you a guaranteed buff from time to time.
And I hope you guys don't mind if I fling another question your way. Regarding Battle Fury, it lasts for 6 seconds, however does anyone know the specific value as to how much AP boost it gives with rank 1? And if the boosts it adds per rank increases it by a flat 5% or by 5% of the original value?
I think I'll ask a friend of mine to test out Punishing Charge as well and its AP gain per enemy hit. I have this silly build in my head that relies on AP generation and I do hope it shows results. Thank you guys once more! I've always played as a TR, so the challenge GWF's present has been a very enjoyable experience so far.
Edit: Also! Just one added question. Provided that I have a Greater or Perfect Lightning Enchantment slotted on my weapon enchant slot. By using Slam, do you guys think it would generate enough threat in order for me to take aggro away from Clerics/CW's?
And does Steel Blitz generate extra AP from proc-ing extra attacks?
All things considered, Battle Awareness is a pretty crappy feat.
For savage advance maybe, it's benefit to slam is pretty decent. End game GWFs can easily get 5-6k power, and a decent GWF can have slam up almost 100% of the time.. free 25% of 5-6k power? awesomeness!
Last time I checked it only lasted half the duration of Slam. It seems it does not take into account the rank2 and rank3 of the daily. Did they fix that? If they didn't yet, then it is a useless feat.
2. Steel Blitz procs on Roar, Daring Shout, and Avalanche of Steel daily. I have yet to see it work on Slam, though.
3. Any encounters used in the next 5 seconds after using Savage Advance have lowered cooldowns.
4. When combined with Roar, you can get a sizable amount from hitting a mob. I've only ever used Daring Shout when I've had this feat so I'm not entirely sure if it has any AP gain normally, but it has good AP gain with the end Destroyer feat.
5. Probably Weapon Master Strike. It's both AOE and hits twice per swing.
6. Not long enough. The animation takes up around half of the duration, making it quite useless.
Slam doesn't proc on-hits from what I've seen. When using Plague Fire, I'd only see it applied through encounters, at-wills, and Avalanche of Steel. Kind of hard to miss blue fire.
Pretty sure it does.
1500/25=60 extra damage
not even that for some powers due to the way their damage is calculated.
I dont think Steel Blitz procs off of Daring Shout. Deep Gash does however proc from DS which in turn procs Weapon enchant, which I think this is what triggers Steel Blitz. That said, I LOVE Daring Shout.
Roar can give well over half the AP hex.
I've seen Steel Blitz go off when I use Daring Shout. Thinking back on it, though, it might be an interaction between Plague Fire, Daring Shout, and Steel Blitz.
Yea I see it too, but it doesnt look like it is proccing from it. It's either Deep Gash or Plaguefire. Most likely it is Plaguefire.
It appears most others have answered your initial questions pretty indepthly, did you have any new ones?
Thank you, and I'm glad to be aboard! A sturdy ship right here and I can tell it'll be fun.
All the answers I needed has been addressed, thank you so much. I also did a hefty amount of testing in the Preview Shard yesterday using my friend's GWF. He was kind enough to lend it to me for a while. It seems Daring Shout gives a decent amount of AP as well, but Roar on the one hand can give well over 20 - 30% of the AP Hex. It's really fun. I can pull out a daily once every 20 seconds, and I think there will be better ways to increase that amount. I'm loving the experience so far. As a TR, I can only get a daily once every minute or more, so this has been fun, testing the GWF's capabilities.
My GWF is currently level 22 in the live server though. Much thanks for the answers, everyone.
Roar can give you almost a full ap hex, you just need to time it when the CW's singularity is up so you get the most of it. On the other hand IBS has a small line aoe, so you can get a full hex there too if you can find 3 or more low hp mobs. It is really satisfying when you can chain your slams.