1. at the beginning of the match, when the word 'fight' pops up on your screen, that is not the time to go afk for any lengh of time. That means move your butt. it is a 5v5 match, not a 4v5 and a person that wants to afk at beginning of the match for his own reasons whatsoever. you wanted pvp, then do it.
2. 1 person to the back node at most at the beginning of the fight. This is very important. the other team, if they don't have absolute idiots on it, will have four people going to middle node (possibly 1 rushing to your back of that four, depending, or more). Your group there will be fighting their group. Say you and 2 others go to your back node to cap it. You just made yiour party fight a 2v4 at center. They will get ran over, no matter what they do, and you screw them out of any possible points.
Then you capped your node nice and safely, wasting 3 people to cap it, and then you face five people in your face, lose that node, and during most of that time, the other two dead people are waiting to respawn.
Zerging the back node, is the first mistake you can ever make in a pvp match (aside afking) because you immediately set your party for being ran over, and you are helping the opponent team win.
3. The nodes are important. They win you the match if you keep them for longer than opponent does. When you win, you get I believe it is, 3x the experience as the losing team? and glory, but that is secondary until level 60. (you will not get much glory from a match until level 50, and even then it is low compared to level 60)
if your opponent has 2 nodes, and all five of your people are fighting theirs on your back node, or any one, you are all wrong.
you had better have two people go 1 to each node to take it, and if the enemy team is dumb enough to keep all five there to fight your three in a long fight, well, your team is getting the points, and extras at the end of the fight.
4. Learn your class. by the time you are level 20, you should know by then how to handle yourself, dodging, etc et al. You should be able to handle yourself in a 1v1 fight should you go for a node, and someone defends. you may not win, but I would expect a good fight from you, a good showing as it were, and tactics. I often kill people without them doing anything, even a dodge, and they are not bots. A mage in this last match I was in, never dodged once, but was speaking about how every other class was soo strong.
5. If you have 2 people, and enemy team has 2 people ona node, and one of their 2 is a cleric, by all means kill the dang cleric. he will be a little dodgy, and healy, but the other person, is going to be healed much better than the cleric can ever be healed.
6. Dress for the occasion. if you are wearing level 30 greens in a level 50-59 pvp match, why did you join up? Actually had a person in a match earlier complain that he couldn't do much, but he was only wearing greens he got from matches, if he got anything. He wasn't dressed, could do nothing in pvp to anyone, and may as well have been a bot. How good was he in pvp for his team?
tactics in pvp is not exclusive to guilds and 'elitists'. Its just for people that want to win. if you sign up for a pvp match with the intent of losing, make it known to your party beforehand, so they can leave you, and you can lose the match all you want.
but if you do these things (come on, they are easy. Count to 1.. that is all at most to the back node) then pvp matches will be much better / much more competitive.
Even when not in a guild group, you can use tactics, see how the game is, and react to it, control nodes, fighting,
The squishiest gets the first point, the rest zerg mid. The squishiest either joins the fight at mid or starts harassing when the point has been lost. When mid is secure, push for the farthest while keeping mid defended. When the first point gets taken, one or two who are close go get it back.
One mistake I see made a lot is getting complacent when first and mid are capped. Unless the opponents are trickling down one by one, this is just an invitation to get zerged.
But number 1 rule for 5v5 Team Domination: DO NOT SOLO.
yes to solo-ing. I know that there are a great many terrible players at pvp at level 60. I know as my char I tend to pvp most with right now, can take 2 people at a time, win a node, and regeneration / lifesteal be fine after the fight, and be ready for more. I will rush a back node against five people solo, because I know I can last long enough for my team to finish taking 2, and be there by the time I am dead / dying.
And then there is the subsequent enemy team is dead, leaving / quitting.
Also to the point, I will charge 3-4 people, knowing I will die and not get a kill, at an enemy node, because it gives my team an unfair advantage in their favor, to take the other two nodes, and keep pushing.
Those people that do these things solo, and can handle themselves, are the reasons many teams win early on, and get the advantage, at the costs to themselves. They may get the lowest rewards from the match, but they get more than they ever would from losing.
Ah, yes to that kind of soloing. But no to the soloing where you just run around, kill random people in random places and hitting 'x' every 5 seconds to see if you're still number 1.
nukeyooBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
I just go where ever I can find some action. That's why I'm always over at yo mama's house. Aaaaah snap.
The squishiest gets the first point, the rest zerg mid. The squishiest either joins the fight at mid or starts harassing when the point has been lost. When mid is secure, push for the farthest while keeping mid defended. When the first point gets taken, one or two who are close go get it back.
One mistake I see made a lot is getting complacent when first and mid are capped. Unless the opponents are trickling down one by one, this is just an invitation to get zerged.
But number 1 rule for 5v5 Team Domination: DO NOT SOLO.
Bad idea for part of this. You should have one of your most powerful characters popping point. Better groups with high-geared TRs know that a sure win is to have that guy run to the enemy's point to cap it as the rest of the team caps the other two. I've seen it a number of times. Always pay attention to the capping meter for all the points, that's another mistake I see made (or assume is what I see). Soloing, can't agree with you there, either. If you're strong enough, soloing another strong player takes that player's edge off of the rest of their team. They'll spend time fighting you just to say they did it, when in fact you've just taken up more of their team's time in winning. Even if you lose.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
I PVP with Chud a lot (same guild).
I'm not a big fan of the 1/4 split, to be honest. Our guild will often have all rush middle, decimate and demoralize the other team, and then go get our point. It helps two ways:
1. Serious psychological effect having the other team killed at mid from the get-go.
2. It breaks up the other team's respawn times. Then the start trickling out in 1s and 2s, which is just PVP fodder.
Different strokes for different folks.
I think our biggest advantage is that we communicate. We all use a voice chat and keep on the same page very well. It's not too common for us to be beaten, but even when we do we put up a helluva fight. If we don't have a full premade it can swing whichever way.
The one thing I dont get is why people at 60 are in greens or blues to begin with at lvl 10-40 I PvPed once or twice every 10 lvls and then from 40 to 60 I PvPed a bit more but the point is I had enough glory to fit out an entire kit of PvP purple armor which actually I got and sold and with the stuff I got from lvling and the dailys I was able to kit out to 10.5 GS.
I guess the point Im trying to make is its to easy to not at least have the PvP gear at 60 which helps a little but people need to not wait till 60 to start PvPing because your just putting yourself and your team at a disadvantage plus its a very steep curve to get into it at 60.
Banshee Bloodthristy Guild - <Lords of The Dead>
LvL 60 CW-Dragon Server
Ah, yes to that kind of soloing. But no to the soloing where you just run around, kill random people in random places and hitting 'x' every 5 seconds to see if you're still number 1.
LOL....loved this post and the one above it....I got a CW to 60 and now am playing a GF. I do exactly what you said....run for their nod...dragging 2+ people with me...generally dying for sure but in theory it should allow my team to get 1 and 2. Its SO FRUSTRATING when you dragged 4 people away and for some reason your ***** team still has somehow lost 1 and is only starting to take 2.....
Bad idea for part of this. You should have one of your most powerful characters popping point. Better groups with high-geared TRs know that a sure win is to have that guy run to the enemy's point to cap it as the rest of the team caps the other two. I've seen it a number of times. Always pay attention to the capping meter for all the points, that's another mistake I see made (or assume is what I see). Soloing, can't agree with you there, either. If you're strong enough, soloing another strong player takes that player's edge off of the rest of their team. They'll spend time fighting you just to say they did it, when in fact you've just taken up more of their team's time in winning. Even if you lose.
i made this mostly for all levels of pvp, not just level 60 and so. Most groups are pug groups, and its for pugs to have a general idea of what is going on.
I was just in a party of a pug group, I am level 44, and all fourof my team mates zerged the back node. I left them when they did this to me.
The thing is, I just want people to have a clue whats going on. It doesn't even have to be the most powerful person, in pug groups you don't know who that is. It just has to be someone that knows how to handle themselves. Even a cw (ice path) can perm freeze someone to death. that is all it takes.
LOL....loved this post and the one above it....I got a CW to 60 and now am playing a GF. I do exactly what you said....run for their nod...dragging 2+ people with me...generally dying for sure but in theory it should allow my team to get 1 and 2. Its SO FRUSTRATING when you dragged 4 people away and for some reason your ***** team still has somehow lost 1 and is only starting to take 2.....
ive pulled 3 to back node, and held there about 30 seconds or so before I died, and found out during it, my party has lost a node or both against 2 people, while they had 4. I have cursed out my party for their stupidity and left the matches. I know exactly what it is like, and I feel for you
That pretty much sums up the major problem in PvP. People not learning their classes properly.
Sadly, most of players ignore the fact that you are playing against a human being that can fall in mistakes and that you can take advantage of them. So instead of developing strategies and play styles they prefer to ask for a nerf to a specific class/build just because they failed to beat it.
No matter how much time you spend explaining tactics and different play styles to them, they will reply with theoretical based arguments, that they probably never tried, and will say that it is "impossible" to defeat certain class/build with your tactics or any tactic (besides the nerf hammer ofcourse) and you will end up being called "A ****".
hoping this gets stickied. sucks having to bump it up so much. people really, really need to read this.
won`t get sticky, it has the word idiot in first post ;p so, no chance.
but yes, i call people nub all the time also in pvp haha, been busy in low level pvp, lot of people don`t have a clue yet what to do ;p
and me being overexperienced after having 24 chars above lvl 30 conflicts a lot ;p
for me it`s just automatic pilot i keep track of each other player also what they`re doing haha.
i`m happy i`m done in there, now my goal was to save some AD for rank 10 enchants so i won`t be dependent on others in 60
but, i don`t use bots and starting jobs on so many chars is a bit time consuming if i need , like 8 million ad for each rank 10.
guess i need to settle with rank 8 or 9 to not completly waste my life on it.
edit: it`s about time something else comes along then capping nodes.
The squishiest gets the first point, the rest zerg mid. The squishiest either joins the fight at mid or starts harassing when the point has been lost. When mid is secure, push for the farthest while keeping mid defended. When the first point gets taken, one or two who are close go get it back.
One mistake I see made a lot is getting complacent when first and mid are capped. Unless the opponents are trickling down one by one, this is just an invitation to get zerged.
But number 1 rule for 5v5 Team Domination: DO NOT SOLO.
And then there is the subsequent enemy team is dead, leaving / quitting.
Also to the point, I will charge 3-4 people, knowing I will die and not get a kill, at an enemy node, because it gives my team an unfair advantage in their favor, to take the other two nodes, and keep pushing.
Those people that do these things solo, and can handle themselves, are the reasons many teams win early on, and get the advantage, at the costs to themselves. They may get the lowest rewards from the match, but they get more than they ever would from losing.
Ah, yes to that kind of soloing. But no to the soloing where you just run around, kill random people in random places and hitting 'x' every 5 seconds to see if you're still number 1.
Bad idea for part of this. You should have one of your most powerful characters popping point. Better groups with high-geared TRs know that a sure win is to have that guy run to the enemy's point to cap it as the rest of the team caps the other two. I've seen it a number of times. Always pay attention to the capping meter for all the points, that's another mistake I see made (or assume is what I see). Soloing, can't agree with you there, either. If you're strong enough, soloing another strong player takes that player's edge off of the rest of their team. They'll spend time fighting you just to say they did it, when in fact you've just taken up more of their team's time in winning. Even if you lose.
I'm not a big fan of the 1/4 split, to be honest. Our guild will often have all rush middle, decimate and demoralize the other team, and then go get our point. It helps two ways:
1. Serious psychological effect having the other team killed at mid from the get-go.
2. It breaks up the other team's respawn times. Then the start trickling out in 1s and 2s, which is just PVP fodder.
Different strokes for different folks.
I think our biggest advantage is that we communicate. We all use a voice chat and keep on the same page very well. It's not too common for us to be beaten, but even when we do we put up a helluva fight. If we don't have a full premade it can swing whichever way.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
I guess the point Im trying to make is its to easy to not at least have the PvP gear at 60 which helps a little but people need to not wait till 60 to start PvPing because your just putting yourself and your team at a disadvantage plus its a very steep curve to get into it at 60.
Guild - <Lords of The Dead>
LvL 60 CW-Dragon Server
LOL....loved this post and the one above it....I got a CW to 60 and now am playing a GF. I do exactly what you said....run for their nod...dragging 2+ people with me...generally dying for sure but in theory it should allow my team to get 1 and 2. Its SO FRUSTRATING when you dragged 4 people away and for some reason your ***** team still has somehow lost 1 and is only starting to take 2.....
i made this mostly for all levels of pvp, not just level 60 and so. Most groups are pug groups, and its for pugs to have a general idea of what is going on.
I was just in a party of a pug group, I am level 44, and all fourof my team mates zerged the back node. I left them when they did this to me.
The thing is, I just want people to have a clue whats going on. It doesn't even have to be the most powerful person, in pug groups you don't know who that is. It just has to be someone that knows how to handle themselves. Even a cw (ice path) can perm freeze someone to death. that is all it takes.
ive pulled 3 to back node, and held there about 30 seconds or so before I died, and found out during it, my party has lost a node or both against 2 people, while they had 4. I have cursed out my party for their stupidity and left the matches. I know exactly what it is like, and I feel for you
That pretty much sums up the major problem in PvP. People not learning their classes properly.
Sadly, most of players ignore the fact that you are playing against a human being that can fall in mistakes and that you can take advantage of them. So instead of developing strategies and play styles they prefer to ask for a nerf to a specific class/build just because they failed to beat it.
No matter how much time you spend explaining tactics and different play styles to them, they will reply with theoretical based arguments, that they probably never tried, and will say that it is "impossible" to defeat certain class/build with your tactics or any tactic (besides the nerf hammer ofcourse) and you will end up being called "A ****".
More pro tips to come later/
If you send someone with push/kb there, they can wait till its almost capped, knock the enemy off, and get instantly get the point.
Normally works and since people tend to send squishies there you can kill them before they get back on point.
By this time enemy realizes you have their base, and charges bsck to reclaim it. Which leaves 2 empty and ripe for the picking.
Fight tends to cycle after this with enemy rushing between their node and 2 (all while your team is racking up pts from their unmolested base).
won`t get sticky, it has the word idiot in first post ;p so, no chance.
but yes, i call people nub all the time also in pvp haha, been busy in low level pvp, lot of people don`t have a clue yet what to do ;p
and me being overexperienced after having 24 chars above lvl 30 conflicts a lot ;p
for me it`s just automatic pilot
i`m happy i`m done in there, now my goal was to save some AD for rank 10 enchants so i won`t be dependent on others in 60
but, i don`t use bots and starting jobs on so many chars is a bit time consuming if i need , like 8 million ad for each rank 10.
guess i need to settle with rank 8 or 9 to not completly waste my life on it.
edit: it`s about time something else comes along then capping nodes.