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dungeon dropping

rnewton8rnewton8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 131 Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
What is the deal with poeple in Pugs going all the way to the end of a T2 dungeon and then dropping after 1 wipe. And then to top it off, they get pissed at me the DC for not healing them.

I mean seriously folks,,, a 60 T2 final boss is not mean to be that easy, especially for a PUG with no one on voice.

It just really grind me gears to see a guy get pissed at me and drop when he dies at a final boss. total time wasters.

Cleric skills have Cooldowns and we cant keep Astral shield up 100%, and we have to manage divinity carefully to keep the heals coming.

So that means ppl need to start putting more points in defense stats, and stop sitting there eating red damage like it was candy

I wish more ppl would realize this.... I would have my miracle healer set by now, if it werent for running into PUGS where everyone drops.

On a side note, if anyone reading this in the U.S. PST time zone wants to start running regular T2 d/ds at night and not drop, send me a PM and lets get something going..I think im on mindlflayer but not sure.
Post edited by rnewton8 on


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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rnewton8 wrote: »
    What is the deal with poeple in Pugs going all the way to the end of a T2 dungeon and then dropping after 1 wipe.

    This seems incomprehensible to me too. People spend a lot of time getting to the final boss, perhaps wiping more than once on the way, but after wiping once on the boss someone leaves?

    I am not sure how they ever expect to learn how to beat the boss if keep leaving on the first wipe.
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    aaronjfaaronjf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    SO FAR, I have been fortunate where the group only quits after several wipes. I understand if you aren't making a dent on the boss.. Spider place for example, the group just couldn't get the boss even down one notch. After 3-4 wipes with no improvement, we decided to call it quits. Really tho, leaving after a wipe or two even is just sad :/ Esp since the slot won't be filled and you can't invite a buddy to help complete it :)
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    rnewton8rnewton8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 131 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Snydrith heals herself, so thats probably why u werent making a dent.


    he comes in two phases. The first phase in human form where she teleports often. Second in Spider form. Both phases she does the same damage i think and uses the same abilities. Except in the second phase she does not teleport anymore.

    One of her key abilities is Consume. This spell heals her for approximately 16k health per consumed target. (i could be wrong but that's what i noticed from the numbers). When she consumes, a red circle is placed under the add which remains frozen in place, This red circle detonates for alot of AOE damage with prone. Now the key of this fight is to let her kill the adds for you and dps through her sustain. In order to get this done, the adds should be as far away from the cleric and Astral Shield as much as possible.
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    theblazedtheblazed Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think I've just been lucky, but I've never been legitimately blamed as a DC. Only one occasion where a TR got mad at me after he died, saying I couldn't keep mobs off of him on FH last boss. We didn't even wipe. We beat the boss and he was the only one that died and was saying I was a terrible DC. Thankless job I tell ya.
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    flamexsoldierflamexsoldier Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2013
    theblazed wrote: »
    I think I've just been lucky, but I've never been legitimately blamed as a DC. Only one occasion where a TR got mad at me after he died, saying I couldn't keep mobs off of him on FH last boss. We didn't even wipe. We beat the boss and he was the only one that died and was saying I was a terrible DC. Thankless job I tell ya.

    That guy has a serious problem if he wants a cleric to tank for him.
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    theblazedtheblazed Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    That guy has a serious problem if he wants a cleric to tank for him.

    Well, before the cleric threat nerf patch, I was able to kite during the fight just fine. Now it's hard to keep adds on me.
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