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PvP rewards : XP and Glory

morbidfunmorbidfun Member Posts: 15 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion

Could someone please explain how these are calculated?

It's quite the demotivator, to have spent 20 minutes in a game trying to contest points against TR's who exploit stealth and then only receive 1000xp for your time. A quick look at the final scoreboard puts my team at the top, kills and score combined.

What I meant by TR's who exploit stealth, is that they will run behind to the furthest point. Hold, then hide. When you come up to contest, they go stealth and burst you down. Or you burst them and they stealth and hide. When you try to rejoin the rest of your team, they just take the point again. So frustrating lol!

Why aren't the rewards based on your performance, as it is indicated, but solely on victory or defeat?


Thanks for your time.
Post edited by morbidfun on


  • kiadannahkiadannah Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2013
    I do nothing but pvp to level up, because the questing is dull (though faster). 26 glory on that, you are lower level. I would say maybe 10-20. 1109xp is very high for those levels, about a third of a level entirely. at level 40 you will get with that score, around 5k, which is less than 20% (or at)
  • ergophobianergophobian Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2013
    morbidfun wrote: »
    contest points against TR's who exploit stealth

    What I meant by TR's who exploit stealth, is that they will run behind to the furthest point. Hold, then hide. When you come up to contest, they go stealth and burst you down. Or you burst them and they stealth and hide. When you try to rejoin the rest of your team, they just take the point again. So frustrating lol!

    You should look up the definition of "exploit".
    Being outplayed by someone more skilled at using their class abilities is not an exploit.
  • morbidfunmorbidfun Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    I'm sorry, I thought my question was with regards to the rewards gained after a PvP event.

    Bursting someone down from stealth does not take skill. Neither does hiding. The tactic in itself is good, though it left me bitter because of how powerful the stealth mechanic is.

    Still, I don't think I did poorly in that game, as can be seen by the stats.

    Thanks for trying to answer the question though, it is appreciated.
  • morbidfunmorbidfun Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh and here are a few definitions for your edification...

    1. To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.
    2. To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor.
    3. To advertise; promote.
  • huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    since this thread is drifting into a "Nerf TR"-thread, ill post this:


    littile tip: leave out the insults and exaggerations next time and your main post (the xp thing) will actually get answered
  • morbidfunmorbidfun Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Perhaps you missed my original post.

    I quite clearly asked how XP and Glory are calculated. (Well if you read the title anyways)

    Then gave an example of why I would like it explained. The fact that you two are focusing solely on the TR, is beyond me. There are other examples, though I had just finished that game at the time of posting.

    I am not steering the thread into any other direction. Knowing how these stats are calculated could save a lot of time and effort.

    If it is solely judged on the outcome, then you may as well hug your camp fire when things go horribly downhill. Or divert all your efforts into capping instead of engaging the opposing team. Though that seems to be the point of "PvP" in this game lol..

    I don't need to read up on an unrelated thread, thanks.
  • silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    man answer is easy after the patch updates due to the bots losing team will get little glory, as for exp at the end is basically enough for you to level up and will increase with lv, ewven if your team combined had most of the dead assits, if you cannot dominate the field and mantain most of the 3 zones then your team will lose
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
  • morbidfunmorbidfun Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Dankie baie.
  • xellizxelliz Member Posts: 955 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm not really sure the exact calculations used to determine glory/xp. As stated above, you lost the match so you get like 1/3 of the glory as you might of had you won. Being 3rd on the list, I would guess winning might had netted you 80 or 90 glory, but again the key is winning. They implemented pretty heavy reductions on rewards because so many people were afk pvping just to get free glory/xp + pvp daily.
    Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
    - JailBreak (in development)
  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    That's a lvl 19 match right? I don't think it's reasonable to expect much more XP than that for losing a PVP match at that low of a level. You shouldn't get half a levels worth of xp for 20 minutes of fail.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    It was 750-odd vs 1000, so it's hardly 20 mins of fail.

    By your assessment (I assume), working to get 999 points isn't deserving of any exp, whereas working to get 1000 is.
  • vvergvverg Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What I meant by TR's who exploit stealth, is that they will run behind to the furthest point. Hold, then hide. When you come up to contest, they go stealth and burst you down. Or you burst them and they stealth and hide. When you try to rejoin the rest of your team, they just take the point again. So frustrating lol!

    Well wait when your lvl 60 and fight vs. cheesy Perm Stealth TR's lol.

    I actually also play a DC, you just need to keep your distance from a TR. If they are near just jump and walk random over the place, this makes Encounters like Dazing Strike pretty useless.
  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    It was 750-odd vs 1000, so it's hardly 20 mins of fail.

    By your assessment (I assume), working to get 999 points isn't deserving of any exp, whereas working to get 1000 is.

    You did get xp though, and 1000 is a pretty significant amount at that level. Winning would have gotten you more, which seems appropriate as well. 1000 xp is more than you would have gotten spending 20 minutes questing at that level, so I don't see what there is to complain about. What is unfair about giving out greater rewards to the people that completed the actual objective of the game, you know, winning?
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Uh..it wasn't me playing that match, dude.

    Though if you're asking, I'd say rewards should be commensurate with effort. Giving the team with 1000 points twice the exp given to the team with 999 points is not rewarding for effort.

    Besides, I'm pretty sure you can get more exp than that just mooching about around the cloak tower, and it'd be a hell of a lot less stressful too. :P
  • silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    well to give you an idea in the same polace as you where on lv 60 pvp for losing you earn like 150-200 glory even with similar numbers, as for winning on that slot goes for 350-500 and obtain a green pvp gear XD , i have won a couple as well in first and 2nd place and well glory gain can be i think 800-1000 and the blue item :), and btw i won not having the most kills but having the most points, (dominating)
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    Uh..it wasn't me playing that match, dude.

    Though if you're asking, I'd say rewards should be commensurate with effort. Giving the team with 1000 points twice the exp given to the team with 999 points is not rewarding for effort.

    Besides, I'm pretty sure you can get more exp than that just mooching about around the cloak tower, and it'd be a hell of a lot less stressful too. :P

    Sorry from your reply I thought you were the OP. It's hard to judge effort by points, you get 300 just for standing near a tower when it flips even if you just ran up to it as it flipped and there were no enemies around. Holding a point against multiple attacking enemies causing them to run away rewards nothing. So to me the best measure of effort is whether you helped your team win the match, so the winning team should get more. Otherwise it would just be a bunch of TRs running around ignoring the points and trying to steal kills with throwing knives.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Hrmm...don't confuse match points with score points, though: I'm talking match points, not "point cap! +300!" or whatever. I.e. if a match is a 1000 vs 100 kerbstomp, giving out pitiful glory/exp to the kerbstompees seems reasonably fair. If it was a really hard-fought match that came down to the wire and ended 1000 vs 990 or something, I'd say giving out roughly equal rewards + perhaps a small U AM WINNAR bonus would be more appropriate.

    As it stands, unless you're actually in with a shot of winning, there's no real incentive to try harder: a kerbstomp where you didn't bother and a kerbstomp where you fought your socks off both seem to give the same level of crappy reward: if turning a "100 points of sitting around playing dance emotes" match score into a "400 points of really really trying" match score increased your final rewards significantly, maybe people would try for that, even if the ultimate result is going to be a "1000 vs whatever" lose anyway.

    (mind you, I've mostly PvPed in groups that either kerbstomped or were kerbstomped, so my actual experience of very close matches is fairly limited. I do recall one where we were a man down but 4v5'd for aaages and almost won, though, and the rewards for 20mins of frantic battling were...about the same as those we'd've got from mooching around in the spawn)
  • kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Well looking at your pic, you lost by not controlling the points, and they didn't have a lot of capture points on their side.

    its not pvp hack and slash and murder every OMFGWTFBBQ!!!

    Its domination and controlling the points. You can easily win the battles in PVP Domination/GG PVP and lose the war.
  • xellizxelliz Member Posts: 955 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well looking at your pic, you lost by not controlling the points, and they didn't have a lot of capture points on their side.

    Actually based on pts score for him, he could have capped as many as 10 nodes since we're talking about 500 pts for 10 kills and 775 pts for 31 assists. Math is a wonderful thing.
    Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
    - JailBreak (in development)
  • giggliatogiggliato Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just give everyone the same amount of glory and xp, most people just want to kill other players anyway.
  • mctankypantsmctankypants Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I played my first GG match this morning. In a nutshell, the pve side of it was b-o-r-i-ng, on Dragon I've been told that one faction almost always wins without fail. Our guild chose the faction that doesn't fair so well. My complaint is that I went 19/5/30 had over 5k points and ended up getting 3 coins and only 180 glory. I haven't had 180 glory since I was level 18.
    Complete waste of time.
  • morbidfunmorbidfun Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for all the great replies!

    Yeah I was running around after asrathiel01 most of the time ^_^ So I reclaimed points she/he took from us, and the other half I spent shouting at my screen for my team to actually stand on a point. Instead of just picking fights in the middle of nowhere haha!

    I think the fight was around the level 19/20 mark, can't really remember anymore.

    Again, thanks for the replies.
  • revealedrevealed Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Despite what you think your team played poorly. Perhaps their whole team could not stand toe to toe with yours, but that doesn't mean you played better than they did. When you can't kill a team outright it's foolish to continue to try and push point 2, instead do what you can to sneak around and attack where the enemy is the weakest. Your team responded poorly and you lost.

    TRs aren't overpowered and stealth isn't overpowered (I'm a DC not a TR mind you).

    At 60 I think I get 200 for a loss and 700 for a win + some smaller number based on your K/D or total score. Usually that number for me is ~30-50 range (I think).
  • morbidfunmorbidfun Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    morbidfun wrote: »
    the other half I spent shouting at my screen for my team to actually stand on a point. Instead of just picking fights in the middle of nowhere haha!

    Despite what I think?
  • xellizxelliz Member Posts: 955 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I played my first GG match this morning. In a nutshell, the pve side of it was b-o-r-i-ng, on Dragon I've been told that one faction almost always wins without fail. Our guild chose the faction that doesn't fair so well. My complaint is that I went 19/5/30 had over 5k points and ended up getting 3 coins and only 180 glory. I haven't had 180 glory since I was level 18.
    Complete waste of time.

    I'm on Dragon too and my guild is with Delzoun Explorers. Seems like Luskan always wins the PVP, but in the 5-6 GG PVP's I've been in, my side has always won the our battleground. I have gotten 7 coins and 700 glory for every GG PVP. I have no idea how you ended up with 180 glory unless your side lost their battleground.
    Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
    - JailBreak (in development)
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