Hello, im thinking of quitting the game or changing servers to see if i can have atleast some fun playing the game..
I play on Mindflayer server and i have to tell you that its not fun....
I have been playing MMOs for about 9/10 years now and i have never ever seen such **** players like on Mindflayer...
Cant finish a dungeon because 1 or 2 guys will afk or if they are not afk, they quit if we wipe one time on final boss, and when they stay they dont pull their own weight ( have had rogues and gwf and even CW on my groups doing less dps than my GF or cleric)...
On Gauntgrym half of our team goes afk on the 1st phase and the awnser they have if you ask why they do this is that the GG is boring.... then why play the game?
2nd phase starts and again half of team stays afk on base leaving 5 or 6 of us fighting 20 from enemy side in pvp...fun, right?
No1 does the T2 dungeon when we actually win the GG ( im on Luscan side so its rare to win), because they say its hard and cant be troubled doing something hard because its boring, they prefer to run T1 dungeon for GG coins and if we cant skip the walls ( ITS NOT FIXED) they leave.... again, why play the game then? to stay afk in main city?
In pvp if the enemy caps 2 objectives at start ,1 or 2 people always leave , i cant remember the last time i have had a full match with 5vs5.... if we are losing by 50 points ppl quit..... fun right there right? trying to actually win is not in the heads of most ppl.... they want insta-wins, they dont want to play and try to win....
Why play then? if you are not going to try, and just want to be carried, why play? no penalty for leaving pvp is ridiculous, every other MAJOR games out there have some sort of "deserter debuff" why dont NW have this?...
the people that quit the pvp matches if they are loosing by 50 points are only killing the game.... but then they dont admit it, they blame the game....
How can you blame the game for something YOU are doing?have fun quitting pvp matches when nobody left on the server.....then again you will blame the game, but it was YOU that killed it with poor mentality...
and the usual " find a guild" answers really doesnt help me or the few friends i have playing this game because all of us have HAMSTER work hours and usually we are not always online at the same time, and thats why the queue thing for pvp or pve is there, to help people find groups
Maybe im getting old, but i remember when people actually PLAYED videogames.... now its only afkers/bots/ quitters....
Well this will end mt rant....and sorry for any typos, english is not my language....
My question was : its the same on Dragon or Beholder? i dont mind leveling another Guardian fighter on any server if the conditions are better than on Mindflayer server...
Post edited by blindsyn1 on
jihancritiasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
You will have some for and some against the state of the other shards. Some will say the same thing happens, some will say they never have these issues. Some will tell you to join a guild, even though you already wrote about that.
IMO, it's the same everywhere. There will always be players that are bored with the game, and only want to afk through, letting others do the work. There are a ton of unbalanced things in this game, and players are getting fed up. There is no variety, not much endgame, not much pvp balance, and a ton of bugs and exploits. Players are tired of zen store upgrades, instead of fixes to the game.
That's why I think it's across all shards. It's worth a try though. At least there will be new people to meet.
Hmmmm....so your team has everyone afk but the other team has 20 active players?
Sounds like you need a decent guild.
Doesn't really mean the afkers are in his guild, or his friends.
and the usual " find a guild" answers really doesnt help me or the few friends i have playing this game because all of us have HAMSTER work hours and usually we are not always online at the same time, and thats why the queue thing for pvp or pve is there, to help people find groups
That's a part of this post that you might have missed.
Moot post. You can't change servers.
Moot post? Funny. Did you read the last sentence of his post, at all? It seems your post is moot.
Moot post? Funny. Did you read the last sentence of his post, at all? It seems your post is moot.
+5 Internetz for you!
nick1sternMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 330Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
Eventually all shards will merge to be one large open world server so there should be more
players on at a given time.....Unfortunetly no concreate date gien for the merge yet.
I feel like these forums almost are just Dragon forums. We all play Dragon seems like the other shards are dead and lack any competition for anything.
cutekhaosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
A traveler came upon an old farmer hoeing in his field beside the road. Eager to rest his feet, the wanderer hailed the countryman, who seemed happy enough to straighten his back and talk for a moment.
"What sort of people live in the next town?" asked the stranger.
"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer, answering the question with another question.
"They were a bad lot. Troublemakers all, and lazy too. The most selfish people in the world, and not a one of them to be trusted. I'm happy to be leaving the scoundrels."
"Is that so?" replied the old farmer. "Well, I'm afraid that you'll find the same sort in the next town.
Disappointed, the traveler trudged on his way, and the farmer returned to his work.
Some time later another stranger, coming from the same direction, hailed the farmer, and they stopped to talk. "What sort of people live in the next town?" he asked.
"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer once again.
"They were the best people in the world. Hard working, honest, and friendly. I'm sorry to be leaving them."
"Fear not," said the farmer. "You'll find the same sort in the next town."
Well I'm playing a cleric on Beholder and I can't speak to the state of pvp as I'd rather just go play another game if i wanted pvp. I can however say that I've never had someone afk or bail out of a dungeon through the dozens of instances I've done.
A lot of what you describe is also true on the Beholder server (people quitting dungeons, etc). Having said that, what other people have said is also true - find a good guild. I haven't pugged a single epic instance. Period. None. Zero.
Not saying you shouldn't, and a lot of new ideas can be found in PUGs, but I don't really have the time for that, so I wait till a guild run is ready, and I jump in that.
If you can have a little patience (which it sounds like you do) and get into a good guild - a group may not be ready for you every single DD that pops, or not every single time you login, exactly when you login (and not saying you're asking for that - but some people start to feel like that's what a guild will provide) - well, then, you might just find what you're looking for in a good guild.
If you can't find one on your server, I know Beholder has some. The one I'm in, for example. (thecrimsonguard.com)
Take care and good luck to yas -
kimberixMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
The truth is (and it hurts); the single biggest problem with MMORPGs nowadays is the PLAYER-BASE...
They are the ones that complained that the older games were too hard, too grindy, too groupy, too exclusive, too expensive, too time-consuming.
Now, they are the same ones that complain that the newer games are too easy, too simple, too solo, too casual, too cheap and too quick.
I can't see either side getting their own way and I'm sure the arguments will continue, but it does sadden me to think that I had much more fun in MMORPGs around ten years ago than I do nowadays.
The truth is (and it hurts); the single biggest problem with MMORPGs nowadays is the PLAYER-BASE...
They are the ones that complained that the older games were too hard, too grindy, too groupy, too exclusive, too expensive, too time-consuming.
Now, they are the same ones that complain that the newer games are too easy, too simple, too solo, too casual, too cheap and too quick.
I can't see either side getting their own way and I'm sure the arguments will continue, but it does sadden me to think that I had much more fun in MMORPGs around ten years ago than I do nowadays.
Wow you are 1000% correct.
A good MMO needs to be hard, grindy, exclusive, and time consuming that what makes it a MMO. When they start making things harder and the kids will stop playing so they can play Mario cart then that will be a great MMO. Thing is MMO's aren't made for gamers anymore they are made to be general for all and they generally end up sucking. Look at the great fall of WoW which at one time was hard, grindy, time consuming and it was at that time the best MMO. Now it has pandas and well. We can stop at pandas.
It would be great if a company just makes a MMO for gamers who is why MMO's were created in the first place. Something where only 3% can finish end game content and progression is difficult so that way its actually a achievement.
Personally, I think the problem lies with the emphasis on solo play that has risen from the games nowadays. You can either go through the hassle of finding a group to go into a couple of areas for some better gear, or you can do the solo thing almost immediately. Most people will solo their way through a game, never learn about using their classes in a group setting, never make the connections that we used to in some of the... rougher... mmo experiences, and as such it leaves the community feeling pretty closed off to each other.
Now I'm not saying that making games like they were back in the day is a good thing. I remember the days of EQ1, and while I had some good times there, I am 100% happy with a lot of the changes that have been made since it's days. What I would like to see, however, is more of an emphasis on cooperation and teamwork.
I think it would do some of these companies well to look to other methods of getting things done other than just solo play or grouping up into parties. Some of them have hit on some good concepts: Rift, for instance, has an invasion mechanic that occurs at regular intervals on each map. Once an invasion starts, a bunch of rifts open up, and a ton of monsters pour out to attack the different areas of the map. At this point, everyone tends to stop what they are doing, head to the closest grouping of people, and start defending the areas, while others form up and start attacking the rifts themselves. After the rifts are closed, a huge boss appears, and everyone swarms it to take it down. The entire experience is actually very fun, and it brings people together who would've otherwise stayed away from each other. It's actually a shame that the rest of the game feels very lackluster compared to the invasions.
Stuff like that, though, where games think outside of the box to get both solo and group players together, is what I love to see, and I think that you get a greater sense of community when people are gently encouraged, not straight up forced, into grouping with each other to get through the game.
My question was : its the same on Dragon or Beholder? i dont mind leveling another Guardian fighter on any server if the conditions are better than on Mindflayer server...
The grass is always stronger on the other side, you know. There's good and bad on all servers. It depends which circles you move in, and to an extent, how you relate to the group- that can transform a bunch of non-speaking ragequitting zergtards into a bunch of determined players, making lousy jokes when they die.
There's a big demographic skew towards adolescant males, which does tend to exaggerate the problem. However, a lot of people react to how they're treated, and how people externalise their expectations. I know this because I am basically a tosser, with no people skills, and have noticed how much more chaotic and rude things are until someone in the group makes an effort to turn it into a coherent group with communication, a bit of co-operation and some team tactics.
Obviously, not every group is salvageable. Sometimes people simply have no idea how to play their class, and no-one else in the group can persuade them to do something more useful ("I don't really have Astral Shield"). Also, there is the game that a guildie of mine (somewhat offensively) described as "HAMSTER or Russian?". He was referring to the many Russian and Polish players who don't even seem to understand MMO phrasebook level stuff, e.g.:
"Hey, ComradePotato1947, you kite adds, ok?"
With people like that, you just have to hope that they know what they're doing, as you can't communicate with them at all. It's always funny to watch a Finn angrily asking "English, motherf*cker, do you speak it?".
So to an extent, you get what you give- that's maybe 80% of the folks. The rest you just can't fix. PUGging makes it worse, as people assume that they will never see you again, so they will often tend towards being rude, lazy, greedy and dishonest if there's a nascent seed of that lurking.
The truth is (and it hurts); the single biggest problem with MMORPGs nowadays is the PLAYER-BASE...
They are the ones that complained that the older games were too hard, too grindy, too groupy, too exclusive, too expensive, too time-consuming.
Now, they are the same ones that complain that the newer games are too easy, too simple, too solo, too casual, too cheap and too quick.
I can't see either side getting their own way and I'm sure the arguments will continue, but it does sadden me to think that I had much more fun in MMORPGs around ten years ago than I do nowadays.
i have to agree with you especially you last point...
i had alot more fun playing MMos 10 years ago then i have now... but then the game genre was kind of new and everyone PLAYED the games...
people these days log in to stay afk in citys while chatting or they go to pvp/GG/DD and afk or ragequit because they only want to be online or they only want free stuff and insta-wins.... if they have to put an effort to get something that they cant leech of other player efforts they will leave or afk...
i dont know why ppl like that are online, this is a videogame, not a facebook roomchat
Yes the players can be problematic but some game design elements cater to laziness. i.e. afk'ing and still getting a win. Just brainstorming here, but with GG maybe you have to collect x number of things or other drops in order to qualify for phase 2. Then in phase 2, maybe you have to assist with x number of caps or kill/assist x number of enemies in order to qualify for phase 3. Point is, if it can be done easily/lazily then some players will do it that way.
The grass is not greener. If you just wanted to complain about your experiences in the game you should have simply done so. It is unrealistic and naive to ask if gamers are going to meet your expectations in another server. You wishful thinking is wishful.
cutekhaosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
MMO's are a niche market, they always have been. The more commercial and mainstream they try to go with the harder they fail. So when you have a game that is so easy it is hard like Neverwinter and then add a pay to win shop the only good that will happen it what you can make of it. Bring the expectation bar back down to an appropriate level. There will never be another WoW, stop trying to clone dinosaurs, it never works out just ask John Hammond. Stop comparing every thing to something else, unless your shopping for an appliance.
People want to leave a PvP match fine by me I'll stand there and let you exploit camp all day long while I watch music videos and shard bag you for the giggles. I have only left a PvP match voluntarily, twice, once because the team members were so rude I changed the channel, once when the opposing them was making really rude comments/gestures and I am human so the minute I had a "u mad bro" moment I took a breather via log out.
PvE is terrible, the encounters are so scripted if all the lights are out and my eyes are closed I can spam double tap and left mouse without dying. Crafting, there isn't enough time in my day to wax philosophical about this, so here is my biggest issue: The fact that you will always out level your character's crafting ability to the point where it is obscenely more expensive to level crafting than what you would get from doing so. Sorry I can't resist the why do we not have the ability to create green level assets, news flash not everyone is unemployed in fact if they were then this game would go down in a blaze of glory. Might want to fix that feature, especially with the new titles coming out.
For me the biggest issue is the social aspect, this is the first time in all my years in MMO-land that I can honestly say there is just a negative undertone to communication and the community. No one will stop to help anyone, when you do they just ride off into the sunset instead of taking a millisecond to type "ty", half the time I think that other player are just NPC's with broken AI... If people ask questions instead of just answering with class it become a virtual high school where asking a question makes you an instant outcast. Forget even trying to play the game you want to, every body has an opinion about it. However the beauty is I am entitled to tell you to bugger off.
Even with voice chat (FYI, the default setting for Push to Talk is "V" please use it. You are not Vader, nor do I like Techno.) I constantly feel like I am on a deserted planet. When I do talk, I have actually had a few people leave because they got freaked out the game was talking too them. No, not making that up it is honestly too perfect on its own.
TD;LR: I still log on to PvP and craft/invoke, GG, if from nothing else force of habit. I have learned at least for myself, that my BS meter has limitations and those limitations get shorter every time. At least with some other games that are F2P if I get burned out I don't feel like I would be left out of the loop. More that anything that is what sup/P2W does, and in of itself helps to keep you coming back so that you're part of the Jones. We at out basest level pack/social creatures often times the need to belong will out way the need to be who you are. Even when the game feels like a solo player with an interactive spectator feature (really need to find out how to turn that off some times.) I stand by my original comment, sorry to derail the OP.
It's time to merge all the servers into one world.
The merge will come after the module is released i say few weeks to month after that. Why becuase of all the people that came back will leave again and more will leave with them causing the population to drop once again.
I give it month maybe 2 and the servers will be merged
I agree I play on B and man I can not get through an epic dungeon to save my life! I know u did not mention Dungeon but I have to mention it something needs to be done about spending 1 to 2 hours on a game then what u were working for goes to sh111t and well no one cares! they need some sort of -buff for leaving anything unfinished. I would make it like you loose 5% of your gold
It's time to merge all the servers into one world.
Funny thing is they said it was going to be one giant mega server before release. But go figure they didn't keep their word. They must have gotten Peter Molyneux help them design the game.
IMO, it's the same everywhere. There will always be players that are bored with the game, and only want to afk through, letting others do the work. There are a ton of unbalanced things in this game, and players are getting fed up. There is no variety, not much endgame, not much pvp balance, and a ton of bugs and exploits. Players are tired of zen store upgrades, instead of fixes to the game.
That's why I think it's across all shards. It's worth a try though. At least there will be new people to meet.
Sounds like you need a decent guild.
Doesn't really mean the afkers are in his guild, or his friends.
That's a part of this post that you might have missed.
Moot post? Funny. Did you read the last sentence of his post, at all? It seems your post is moot.
+5 Internetz for you!
players on at a given time.....Unfortunetly no concreate date gien for the merge yet.
if that happens it would improve the chances of pugs actually having some sucess due to the larger player base imo,but we dont have any ETA about that
"What sort of people live in the next town?" asked the stranger.
"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer, answering the question with another question.
"They were a bad lot. Troublemakers all, and lazy too. The most selfish people in the world, and not a one of them to be trusted. I'm happy to be leaving the scoundrels."
"Is that so?" replied the old farmer. "Well, I'm afraid that you'll find the same sort in the next town.
Disappointed, the traveler trudged on his way, and the farmer returned to his work.
Some time later another stranger, coming from the same direction, hailed the farmer, and they stopped to talk. "What sort of people live in the next town?" he asked.
"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer once again.
"They were the best people in the world. Hard working, honest, and friendly. I'm sorry to be leaving them."
"Fear not," said the farmer. "You'll find the same sort in the next town."
one of the better answers i have seen to OPs question
and yeah im on Mindflayer doing competitive 4man cn runs/GG/semi competitive pvp with guild
Not saying you shouldn't, and a lot of new ideas can be found in PUGs, but I don't really have the time for that, so I wait till a guild run is ready, and I jump in that.
If you can have a little patience (which it sounds like you do) and get into a good guild - a group may not be ready for you every single DD that pops, or not every single time you login, exactly when you login (and not saying you're asking for that - but some people start to feel like that's what a guild will provide) - well, then, you might just find what you're looking for in a good guild.
If you can't find one on your server, I know Beholder has some. The one I'm in, for example.
Take care and good luck to yas -
They are the ones that complained that the older games were too hard, too grindy, too groupy, too exclusive, too expensive, too time-consuming.
Now, they are the same ones that complain that the newer games are too easy, too simple, too solo, too casual, too cheap and too quick.
I can't see either side getting their own way and I'm sure the arguments will continue, but it does sadden me to think that I had much more fun in MMORPGs around ten years ago than I do nowadays.
Wow you are 1000% correct.
A good MMO needs to be hard, grindy, exclusive, and time consuming that what makes it a MMO. When they start making things harder and the kids will stop playing so they can play Mario cart then that will be a great MMO. Thing is MMO's aren't made for gamers anymore they are made to be general for all and they generally end up sucking. Look at the great fall of WoW which at one time was hard, grindy, time consuming and it was at that time the best MMO. Now it has pandas and well. We can stop at pandas.
It would be great if a company just makes a MMO for gamers who is why MMO's were created in the first place. Something where only 3% can finish end game content and progression is difficult so that way its actually a achievement.
Now I'm not saying that making games like they were back in the day is a good thing. I remember the days of EQ1, and while I had some good times there, I am 100% happy with a lot of the changes that have been made since it's days. What I would like to see, however, is more of an emphasis on cooperation and teamwork.
I think it would do some of these companies well to look to other methods of getting things done other than just solo play or grouping up into parties. Some of them have hit on some good concepts: Rift, for instance, has an invasion mechanic that occurs at regular intervals on each map. Once an invasion starts, a bunch of rifts open up, and a ton of monsters pour out to attack the different areas of the map. At this point, everyone tends to stop what they are doing, head to the closest grouping of people, and start defending the areas, while others form up and start attacking the rifts themselves. After the rifts are closed, a huge boss appears, and everyone swarms it to take it down. The entire experience is actually very fun, and it brings people together who would've otherwise stayed away from each other. It's actually a shame that the rest of the game feels very lackluster compared to the invasions.
Stuff like that, though, where games think outside of the box to get both solo and group players together, is what I love to see, and I think that you get a greater sense of community when people are gently encouraged, not straight up forced, into grouping with each other to get through the game.
The grass is always stronger on the other side, you know. There's good and bad on all servers. It depends which circles you move in, and to an extent, how you relate to the group- that can transform a bunch of non-speaking ragequitting zergtards into a bunch of determined players, making lousy jokes when they die.
There's a big demographic skew towards adolescant males, which does tend to exaggerate the problem. However, a lot of people react to how they're treated, and how people externalise their expectations. I know this because I am basically a tosser, with no people skills, and have noticed how much more chaotic and rude things are until someone in the group makes an effort to turn it into a coherent group with communication, a bit of co-operation and some team tactics.
Obviously, not every group is salvageable. Sometimes people simply have no idea how to play their class, and no-one else in the group can persuade them to do something more useful ("I don't really have Astral Shield"). Also, there is the game that a guildie of mine (somewhat offensively) described as "HAMSTER or Russian?". He was referring to the many Russian and Polish players who don't even seem to understand MMO phrasebook level stuff, e.g.:
"Hey, ComradePotato1947, you kite adds, ok?"
With people like that, you just have to hope that they know what they're doing, as you can't communicate with them at all. It's always funny to watch a Finn angrily asking "English, motherf*cker, do you speak it?".
So to an extent, you get what you give- that's maybe 80% of the folks. The rest you just can't fix. PUGging makes it worse, as people assume that they will never see you again, so they will often tend towards being rude, lazy, greedy and dishonest if there's a nascent seed of that lurking.
i have to agree with you especially you last point...
i had alot more fun playing MMos 10 years ago then i have now... but then the game genre was kind of new and everyone PLAYED the games...
people these days log in to stay afk in citys while chatting or they go to pvp/GG/DD and afk or ragequit because they only want to be online or they only want free stuff and insta-wins.... if they have to put an effort to get something that they cant leech of other player efforts they will leave or afk...
i dont know why ppl like that are online, this is a videogame, not a facebook roomchat
People want to leave a PvP match fine by me I'll stand there and let you exploit camp all day long while I watch music videos and shard bag you for the giggles. I have only left a PvP match voluntarily, twice, once because the team members were so rude I changed the channel, once when the opposing them was making really rude comments/gestures and I am human so the minute I had a "u mad bro" moment I took a breather via log out.
PvE is terrible, the encounters are so scripted if all the lights are out and my eyes are closed I can spam double tap and left mouse without dying. Crafting, there isn't enough time in my day to wax philosophical about this, so here is my biggest issue: The fact that you will always out level your character's crafting ability to the point where it is obscenely more expensive to level crafting than what you would get from doing so. Sorry I can't resist the why do we not have the ability to create green level assets, news flash not everyone is unemployed in fact if they were then this game would go down in a blaze of glory. Might want to fix that feature, especially with the new titles coming out.
For me the biggest issue is the social aspect, this is the first time in all my years in MMO-land that I can honestly say there is just a negative undertone to communication and the community. No one will stop to help anyone, when you do they just ride off into the sunset instead of taking a millisecond to type "ty", half the time I think that other player are just NPC's with broken AI... If people ask questions instead of just answering with class it become a virtual high school where asking a question makes you an instant outcast. Forget even trying to play the game you want to, every body has an opinion about it. However the beauty is I am entitled to tell you to bugger off.
Even with voice chat (FYI, the default setting for Push to Talk is "V" please use it. You are not Vader, nor do I like Techno.) I constantly feel like I am on a deserted planet. When I do talk, I have actually had a few people leave because they got freaked out the game was talking too them. No, not making that up it is honestly too perfect on its own.
TD;LR: I still log on to PvP and craft/invoke, GG, if from nothing else force of habit. I have learned at least for myself, that my BS meter has limitations and those limitations get shorter every time. At least with some other games that are F2P if I get burned out I don't feel like I would be left out of the loop. More that anything that is what sup/P2W does, and in of itself helps to keep you coming back so that you're part of the Jones. We at out basest level pack/social creatures often times the need to belong will out way the need to be who you are. Even when the game feels like a solo player with an interactive spectator feature (really need to find out how to turn that off some times.) I stand by my original comment, sorry to derail the OP.
The merge will come after the module is released i say few weeks to month after that. Why becuase of all the people that came back will leave again and more will leave with them causing the population to drop once again.
I give it month maybe 2 and the servers will be merged
Funny thing is they said it was going to be one giant mega server before release. But go figure they didn't keep their word. They must have gotten Peter Molyneux help them design the game.