I've gotten it to work, sort of, but the "transitional map" that I make to go to the indoor map always requires me to place a marker on the large "overhead" map.
I've already did that when I set up my outdoor map when you go to it from Protector's Enclave". I shouldn't have to do that again just to get inside!
I talk with an NPC in the woods outside her house, then I go in.
The "map" with the warning on it is where it asks me to place the marker...even though it's going to an indoor map.
The other problem I have is:
I have a farmhouse in the middle of the woods. I can get into the farmhouse (ie. I can get in to the "indoor map" from outside but I have to use the "Press F to go to the next map option". The "interact with door" doesn't do anything!
2. Um, yes. I'm not sure what the question is here? Map transitions are handled by the storyboard tab, not by making an object interactable in the editor.
You can't. Maps are one time transitions. You cannot transition back to a previous map.
You can, however, duplicate whatever previous map you want to go back to and transition to that "new" duplicate.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I hope that helps, and as far as the work-arounds for the map transitions, I would be happy to explain in detail.
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