I just wanted to say thank you for providing me (and thousand of others) for a great game. I truly enjoy my expirience in this world. Flaws or no flaws, this is a good game with a lovley atmosphere and detailed world. Looking forward to more upcoming content, purchasable or not.
Thank you very much.
If your post is honest, then I envy you (honestly).
Me, I am just raise alts so it is not a big issue but many others will just get frustrated, and leave.....
For me, I want to see the game get better and improve, that's why I'm still here on the forums so long after I last logged in. Unfortunately, I don't see Cryptic working as hard as they could be to correct the glaring issues that this game has; any talk of bots / exploits is nipped at the bud with tired references to customer service which may as well be a black hole. Whilst I do appreciate that much of this work isn't up for discussion, the regular patch notes seem only to disappoint me.
I'm praying that module1 gets enough of it right to rekindle my enthusiasm.