Hi. im looking for some people to do some serious RPing with and general social gaming. my character name is Amelia and im in dragon server. for anyone interested meet me around protectors enclave or reply to the post
Hi. im looking for some people to do some serious RPing with and general social gaming. my character name is Amelia and im in dragon server. for anyone interested meet me around protectors enclave or reply to the post
We have a few people in our guild that are into RP and trying to get some more. We have had a ton of fun here and there with it and hopefully will get more regular roleplaying sessions going once people on summer holidays and such get back into the game more regularly.
One of our members started a thread about RP on Dragon server here with some nice links to stuff our guild members have done. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?372201-Roleplay-on-Dragon-server&p=4710581
Hi, I wouldn't mind rping with you.
Fallow farrow, Ash and Oak, bide and borrow, chimney smoke.
Barrel barley, stone and stave, wind and water, misbehave.
One of our members started a thread about RP on Dragon server here with some nice links to stuff our guild members have done.
BLOOD neverwinter wiki - http://neverwinteronline.wikia.com/wiki/NeverwinterOnline_Wiki