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Hacking Pots?

yaubotyaubot Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
I am just wondering if there is a skill or a pot that can heal a great weapon fighter for 5,000 in level 60 pvp domination.

I'm talking straight 5k heal plus regen of 254. Maybe something from alchemy?

There was no cleric near him and as far as I tell no skill can nor pvp pot that can heal straight 5k plus regen.
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    okninerokniner Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    hmm a sentinal gwf critting restoring strike for about 8k or so damage? or pvp vendor pots
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    yaubotyaubot Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    okniner wrote: »
    hmm a sentinal gwf critting restoring strike for about 8k or so damage? or pvp vendor pots

    PvP Vendor Pots heal over time for 1k ticks and Restoring strike does damage for healing which he was running away at the time.
    Not to mention i just saw the same effect on a GF, so it's either an alchemy pot or a pot hack.
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    kiadannahkiadannah Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2013
    ok, I am the one you insulted in game as being a 'potion hacker'
    I even linked you the potion I used.
    from the blade vendor in the first city of the game you enter (yes the one that sells pvp gear) the first screen that opens in his shop, is the potions.
    level 60 potions heal 5k hitpoints in total (doesn't matter class, and only a few people use them for some stupid reason) at 1k per tick.
    The reason I am healing more hitpoints in that, is every 3 ticks, regeneration happens, and it heals a player. I have a high regen / lifesteal. I am my own healer.
    and if you bothered asking me in game how its done, I would have told you, even showed you my gear, but instead you act like an idiot and call me a hacker.
    I hope you feel stupid.
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    utuwerutuwer Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think you are talking about major rejuvenation potion, which can be stacked, usable in pvp, and have crit heal ticks (for some oddly reasons).
    You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
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    flynnieflynnie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have also seen this: 2 different classes can both heal for the same amount of 5000 (at once) and have healing over time for the EXACT same amount. It doesn't seem very likely that regeneration or life steal have any bearing on a straight 5k heal. I seen nothing in the alchemy tree either that would explain this.

    I have also seen heals upwards of 18k in pvp domination. Granted i think there was a healer maybe even 2 in there at one time but still 18k seems a bit excessive for 1 tick when there was no previous healing going on.
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    abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    kiadannah wrote: »
    ok, I am the one you insulted in game as being a 'potion hacker'
    I even linked you the potion I used.
    from the blade vendor in the first city of the game you enter (yes the one that sells pvp gear) the first screen that opens in his shop, is the potions.
    level 60 potions heal 5k hitpoints in total (doesn't matter class, and only a few people use them for some stupid reason) at 1k per tick.
    The reason I am healing more hitpoints in that, is every 3 ticks, regeneration happens, and it heals a player. I have a high regen / lifesteal. I am my own healer.
    and if you bothered asking me in game how its done, I would have told you, even showed you my gear, but instead you act like an idiot and call me a hacker.
    I hope you feel stupid.

    Did anyone read this!! ????

    He just said what he does. I just recently got called either a hacker or pot user. First off everyone should be using pvp pots if you don't then I don't know why you have glory. Also I stack regen gear and I heal faster then a campfire would heal you. In combo with skills as a GF I can heal a lot. There are so many legit ways to heal for a ton and I didn't even mention life steal go figure.
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    manholiomanholio Member Posts: 493 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Did anyone read this!! ????

    He just said what he does. I just recently got called either a hacker or pot user. First off everyone should be using pvp pots if you don't then I don't know why you have glory. Also I stack regen gear and I heal faster then a campfire would heal you. In combo with skills as a GF I can heal a lot. There are so many legit ways to heal for a ton and I didn't even mention life steal go figure.

    No go on the PvP pots. I spend my Glory on gear that I then sell. I get stacking regen, I'd do the same if there were a TR set that featured it, but why am I going to spend currency on PvP pots?
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    modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    It's a normal pvp pot, it ticks for 1000 each time and the healing shows it as, 1000-2000-3000-4000-5000. You probobly just saw the last tick.
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    yramragyramrag Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    manholio wrote: »
    ... but why am I going to spend currency on PvP pots?

    Because the PVP most basic pot cost 1 glory, and can sell to vendor for 25copper. I use my 25k glory to buy 25k pvp pots, and sell them at 25copper each back to vendor. I get 62 gold in the process.
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    dreamhuntressxdreamhuntressx Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Let's not forget the actual Rejuvenation pots exploit in PvP, where u can use it IN PvP, which is not intended.
    Leanan Sidhe (not "The Dresde Files" fairy!) - NW Legit Channel Moderator
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    griz024griz024 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    manholio wrote: »
    No go on the PvP pots. I spend my Glory on gear that I then sell. I get stacking regen, I'd do the same if there were a TR set that featured it, but why am I going to spend currency on PvP pots?

    Why wouldnt you?

    20 pvp pots is about one win's worth of glory
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    ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited July 2013
    They're using Rejuvenation potions. They stack, have no cooldown, and function in PvP. Buy a few stacks of the cheapest available at the AH, pop 5 or 6 before you run into battle, and enjoy your 5k per tick regen for 12 seconds.
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    abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    manholio wrote: »
    No go on the PvP pots. I spend my Glory on gear that I then sell. I get stacking regen, I'd do the same if there were a TR set that featured it, but why am I going to spend currency on PvP pots?

    Yea.. !!! Doesn't everyone kinda thought it was a requirement. Who goes into a dungeon with no pots.. Same with who goes into a PvP match with no pots. Currency ? They cost nothing and you get like 15k glory a day who isn't glory capped all the time.
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    krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have also experienced this in pvp where fighting a guardian 1v1 and I get him down to about 5% health and then all of a sudden his bar completely refills to 100% health. When I first saw it I was like WTF. No pvp pots can fill a health bar from 5% up to 100% in two seconds.
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    yaubotyaubot Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    modimor wrote: »
    It's a normal pvp pot, it ticks for 1000 each time and the healing shows it as, 1000-2000-3000-4000-5000. You probobly just saw the last tick.

    You might be right about that.
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    utuwerutuwer Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    krumple01 wrote: »
    I have also experienced this in pvp where fighting a guardian 1v1 and I get him down to about 5% health and then all of a sudden his bar completely refills to 100% health. When I first saw it I was like WTF. No pvp pots can fill a health bar from 5% up to 100% in two seconds.

    I think it is one of GF's daily.
    You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
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    modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    krumple01 wrote: »
    I have also experienced this in pvp where fighting a guardian 1v1 and I get him down to about 5% health and then all of a sudden his bar completely refills to 100% health. When I first saw it I was like WTF. No pvp pots can fill a health bar from 5% up to 100% in two seconds.

    Thats a Daily, that increase their lifesteal by an insane amount then use their Sheild Charge, the encounter that hits for like 15k and knock you down. And get a couple 1000 health in return.
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    abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    krumple01 wrote: »
    I have also experienced this in pvp where fighting a guardian 1v1 and I get him down to about 5% health and then all of a sudden his bar completely refills to 100% health. When I first saw it I was like WTF. No pvp pots can fill a health bar from 5% up to 100% in two seconds.

    2 things can big heal me as a GF. Fighters Recovery. Its my daily. its a % of my dmg and well if I crit you for 15k I am getting healed for that. Its pretty easy to full heal with 2 shots. 2nd one is Fericious heal from when your life is low. It actually can be a lil buggy and full heal I had a 17k heal from it earlier today. The 2nd one is few a far between it seems but it does happen. Basically when a GF pops his daily Fighters Recover you have to CC him so he isn't healing is all. Just a good 3 sec CC and you are in the clear.
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