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Am I just really bad at this game?

xylon1234xylon1234 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
I'm afraid the answer is going to be yes...but it's ok, I can take it.

I have had the absolute worst time soloing the Captain of the Guard on Pirates Isle. I originally had a GWF that I leveled to I think 45 where I got really stuck on this. Granted, I have a really hard time with the GWF "dash-dodge" mechanic, I like to basically stand still and hit things.

So, resigned to my inability to get through this dungeon, I started a Guardian Fighter. The good news is I'm a lot better at blocking than dodging. I leveled to that quest. The bad news is even if I build for damage, I couldn't put out enough DPS to beat him.

At this point, one option I had was to wait for the companion training books to be released so I could have more than a Rank 15/Level 30 cleric with me who is as bad as I am at standing in the red stuff. Instead, I went back to my GWF fighter and ran through the next zone pretty easily, with no boss issues. About half-way through I went back to try the Captain...probably around 47-ish when I could get a tier of blues for AD....and yep, splat again. I sighed and went back to leveling. Finally at 52 I was able to complete the boss, a level 43 quest -- and then sailed through the next one in the area, and through the next two zones with no noticeable problems; I'm 54 now.

Is this one quest really hard? Or is it just the mechanics really bother me? Or should I (shudder) go back to WoW?
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    That is the first really hard boss I think.

    I have managed that one on every class (even the GWF before the buff when it was hideously underpowered) so it is doable. On weaker classes I made sure to save any buff potions and drink them before that fight though.
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    wurstboiwurstboi Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You mean a normal solo quest? I leveled to 60 with GF and i can't recall any challenge whatsoever in solo missions. And i am not a DPS build, mind you. Protector tank. Which companion do you use? I used lvl 15 cleric and was fine all the way. If it gets to tough - control, revive the companion and well, use potions.
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    kwequakwequa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If its the double tap that gets you..if you have an extra mouse button key bind it to that. Much easier and reliable.:)
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    phaazenphaazen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    possibly, read more wiki?
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wurstboi wrote: »
    You mean a normal solo quest? I leveled to 60 with GF and i can't recall any challenge whatsoever in solo missions. And i am not a DPS build, mind you. Protector tank. Which companion do you use? I used lvl 15 cleric and was fine all the way. If it gets to tough - control, revive the companion and well, use potions.

    The OP is a GWF not a GF. I found the GF to be much easier and safer (although slightly slower) to level to 60 and I can't remember dying except for one disconnect.
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    ergophobianergophobian Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2013
    xylon1234 wrote: »
    So, resigned to my inability to get through this dungeon, I started a Guardian Fighter. The good news is I'm a lot better at blocking than dodging. I leveled to that quest. The bad news is even if I build for damage, I couldn't put out enough DPS to beat him.

    He heals with a life drain. Don't stand in it. Don't let your companion stand in it either.
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    jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I didn't have any problems with the Captain of the Guard, as a Guardian Fighter.

    or the Rime Hound for that matter.

    now, that one room in the Edge of the Underdark solo dungeon..........ugh. I used 5 Injury kits on that one room alone, before I beat it. then I rampaged through the rest of the dungeon with no issues whatsoever.
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    jimpman88jimpman88 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I cant beat that guy with my GF either. He's way over powered.
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