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Suggestion: HP multiplier for pvp

zanthe25zanthe25 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
Almost every game has the same issued balancing gear for pve/pvp

In pvp you need way more hp to survive, but in pve too many hp can take away the challenge if the dps is not nerfed.

However, why not keep the same gear for both pve/pvp BUT apply a flat 2x or 3x hit point multiplyer for pvp matches, a simple buff that starts when you join pvp, and goes away when you leave it.

This will remove the balancing process of gear, and make it easier to make gear thats useful in all circumstances, as opposed to swapping gear around all time for pvp/pve




Reguarding skills that are based off hp, these skills should scale based on the un-buffed total hp.

If hp scaling with melee/ranged classes is still substantially unbalanced then the buff could by a hybrid of +flat amout of hp, then multiplied by say 25 or 50%, this will give all classes a more even balance of hp but mellee will still have more than non mellee
Post edited by zanthe25 on


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    esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited July 2013
    Sure, i will just get my greater tenebrous and do 65k dmg in 1 shot then with my massive hit points then.
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    arrywilarrywil Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can imagine this causing many build issues, mainly that certain GWF builds would become nearly unstoppable with that much health.
    Also personally I am not a fan of single fights lasting way over a minute or two because everyone is struggling to chip away at ridiculous HP amounts also leading to a single game possibly being time extended as well.
    Sons of Schlarb
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    asashiroasashiro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I would love to see the GWF hate that this would spawn. Imagine, 20% temporary hp of a 60-120k base...
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    zanthe25 wrote: »
    Almost every game has the same issued balancing gear for pve/pvp

    In pvp you need way more hp to survive, but in pve too many hp can take away the challenge if the dps is not nerfed.

    However, why not keep the same gear for both pve/pvp BUT apply a flat 2x or 3x hit point multiplyer for pvp matches, a simple buff that starts when you join pvp, and goes away when you leave it.

    This will remove the balancing process of gear, and make it easier to make gear thats useful in all circumstances, as opposed to swapping gear around all time for pvp/pve

    this is a horrible idea... melee classes are OP as it is compared to non-melee and multiplying hp is going to make the matter way worse, scaled down damage would be a lot better than multiplying health but scaling down damage is going to destroy the low damage classes such as the clerics

    the only thing that would work well would be to make changes to the classes individually cause as a group you are making matters way worse for some while making others more immortal
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    esteena wrote: »
    Sure, i will just get my greater tenebrous and do 65k dmg in 1 shot then with my massive hit points then.

    just shows how OP tenebrous really are especially when placed upon multiple items
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    capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    zanthe25 wrote: »
    Almost every game has the same issued balancing gear for pve/pvp

    In pvp you need way more hp to survive, but in pve too many hp can take away the challenge if the dps is not nerfed.

    However, why not keep the same gear for both pve/pvp BUT apply a flat 2x or 3x hit point multiplyer for pvp matches, a simple buff that starts when you join pvp, and goes away when you leave it.

    This will remove the balancing process of gear, and make it easier to make gear thats useful in all circumstances, as opposed to swapping gear around all time for pvp/pve

    The problem is then multipling the duration of mechanics to balance ie longer stealth, longers cc's. its hardly fair for a rogue or a cw vs a gf or gwf. The extra hp just gives them more time to get into stunlock range.
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    uri92uri92 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Astral Shield healing is based on maximum HP. That would make it unbalanced.
    - DRAGON - ( Mehrea DC 13.1k ) - ( Volsung TR 11.7k )
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »
    The problem is then multipling the duration of mechanics to balance ie longer stealth, longers cc's. its hardly fair for a rogue or a cw vs a gf or gwf. The extra hp just gives them more time to get into stunlock range.

    its very unfair for the clerics that play PvP... increase health of everyone as a whole and clerics won't be able to get kills at all while about everyone will hit and stun and control them so much easier... reduce everyone's damage as a whole and clerics aren't going to be able to harm anyone and those they attack will stun and knock back the clerics so much easier in the process ... clerics get screwed either way (that is a sure sign that they need some love)
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    zanthe25zanthe25 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Made a edit reguarding the way skills scale off hp, due to a oversight on my part
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    esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited July 2013
    just shows how OP tenebrous really are especially when placed upon multiple items
    They currently aren't , with more HP they will be.
    its very unfair for the clerics that play PvP... increase health of everyone as a whole and clerics won't be able to get kills at all while about everyone will hit and stun and control them so much easier... reduce everyone's damage as a whole and clerics aren't going to be able to harm anyone and those they attack will stun and knock back the clerics so much easier in the process ... clerics get screwed either way (that is a sure sign that they need some love)

    As a cleric you aren't supposed to get any kills , you are supposed to heal and and cast astral shields while trying to keep your team mates alive. Whoever told you that a cleric can kill people 1 vs 1 and out heal damages is a fool. Build a tanky cleric not a paper bag and you will be fine. I've seen so many good clerics that can even kite adds in dungeons, if your cleric cant do that then the YOU have the problem not your class design.

    PS. Stop shoving your cleric issues in every thread whenever a tenebrous enchantment gets mentioned. It is getting cheesy and useless.
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    malkaviermalkavier Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well, the class design IS awful, to be fair. The stupid consoletard aim assist doesn't help matters.

    Clerics in DDO were fun. Awesomely, stupidly, fun. In THIS "4E" game? Nope.
    How Cryptic trolls the entire NWO playerbase: 9200 GS listed for CN, implying anyone who needs more has no skill.
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    wurstboiwurstboi Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And why there should be more HP? I don't get the problem. So people will face tank and run for potions all the time?

    All classes are fine. I am yet to encounter an ubergeared player who is significally better in pvp. They all die.
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