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Begging For A Solo PvE Leveling Build

klixanklixan Member Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013 in The Temple
I've tried three times to create a cleric that can solo all the PvE quests, and three times I've deleted the character out of pure disgust. They seem to be the weakest and most underpowered class in the game.

But I hate giving up, and I want to try just one more time. But if I fail at this again, then I'm ready to call it quits. Because there's only so much misery and frustration one person can take.

So I'm begging you guys for help. I've read all the guides, but they don't really help. They either focus on end game dungeon builds, healing builds or PvP builds. I don't want any of that, I just want a cleric that can play through the main storyline and solo all the quest bosses.

Is such a thing even possible with a cleric?

Anyway, my previous build focused on Critical (which was a total disaster) so I'm thinking I should ignore Critical this time and just stack Power and Defense. Likewise for stats, ignore Str and just go for Wis and Cha.

For skills, I'd like to focus on instant cast spells, like Sun Burst and Searing Light. Because I don't like the 'press key for targeting circle, position circle, press key again to cast' type spells. In the heat of battle, those spells got me killed more times than I can say.

So please, if anybody has come up with a solo PvE build, could you please share it. What stats did you choose? What skills? What Feats and gear? Any particular strategy you came up with for quest bosses?

Any and all advice would be extremely welcome.
Post edited by klixan on


  • baqqarabaqqara Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2013
    I leveled up as a healing specced cleric in the fashion of Deistiks Critical Cleric. You spec will not prevent you from being successful in any way. But your choice of powers will.

    I will give you a few groundrules for leveling up:

    1. Use Items with power on it.
    2. Entchant as follows: Offense: Power; Def: Def!; Utility: +exp
    3. Learn to use daunting light and chanis of blazing light. Those will kill any groups very fast.
    4. Use Brand of the Sun. Also: use Holy Fervor and Divine Fortune, that will give you more flexibility while leveling.
    5. Use any build you like, really, any. As it stands the DC builds are having little impact, while the power-setup you use, does a lot more.

    Finally: Searing Light is great. But it you have to have a CW getting his Singularity out and putting 15+ Mobs in the same place for this ability to shine. The mechanic when you use this in divine mode (pierced targets repel dmg to nearby targets, again, and again) really makes this one shine, but that's for groupplay. CN is a good place to use this, or any t2 dungeon, as long as you can keep up healing your buddies using only 2 skills. Just try again, you will do fine.
  • klixanklixan Member Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Thank you Baqqara. I'm glad I was right about power, last time I went for Lethal/Critical gear (it didn't work very well). This time I'm going to focus on Smiting gear (power, Recovery, Defense).

    Well, I've rolled my new cleric. Human with 14 Str, 10 Con, 10 Dex, 11 Int, 18 Wis (+2 points), 14 Cha. I've just hit level 12, but holy heck, compared to the other classes, the cleric really is incredibly weak and underpowered. It's a real struggle to play.
  • atorzatorz Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Odd, I myself find that my 3 clerics solo/damage alot better than any of my other characters, and they're 3 at 60, Made one of each paragon path just for the heck of it, And never had any problem with them.

    Gear-wise, I always tend to go for Power/Recovery, I don't find crit to be a big issue, as our dots seem to crit alot, regardless, atleast on my case.
  • sh4dowrunn3rsh4dowrunn3r Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Take cleric companion... one healing power (healing word, FF), 2 aoe powers. (chains, daunting, burst)
    flame daily is best for most soloing, nice strong aoe
    When many weak mobs try to 1shot/badly dmg them with aoe from distance and 1-2 tough mobs you can stand toe 2 toe. Otherwise need to move and dodge a lot. And always dodge from red stuff ofc.
    I tended to prioritize DEF on gear while leveling and power was last thing - since power scales really badly. At low lvls you'll just get very little to healing and damage from it. (def, rec, crit, pow)
    End bosses of solo dungeons you just need to dodge/run all the time while you whittle them down. Sometimes pays to switch powers just for boss... taking dots/debuffs.
  • baqqarabaqqara Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2013
    What power does, and why i like it on any character: it often made the differrence between one shot a group of trash (on a crit) or getting 95% dmg on them, forcing you to chain them and having to wait for the cooldowns for the rest. Power makes little difference, i give you that. But I like to just one-shot trashgroups.

    Bzw: there will be several points where you are going to have a hard time. I noticed the first "bump" is that undead village. Everytime I start there I have a hard time at first, gets better after a level or so, though. And of course the last map. That one was hard when I first came there. Did finish it way later (i got to 60 in the middle, got bored, and started to give my AD for really crappy 60s gear to the auction house. Other then that: if you get your hold of you cleric, he really thrashes the hell out of everything solocontent. (but so did rogue and wizard... i don't know about fighters, cause i simply dont like them)
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Honestly, on a Cleric, other than Defense, gearing does not make much of a difference, certainly not while levelling anyway. This is assuming you have a decent weapon at all times, of course, i.e. the highest base weapon damage you can get.

    The key for me was:

    1. Chains of Blazing Light + Daunting Light synergy. This will decimate most weak questing mobs in groups.
    2. Cleric Disciple companion to top your self-healing before you get Astral Shield.
    3. Slot Foresight and Holy Fervor in later game.

    For completeness, I happened to use a balanced 16/14/14 -> 20/20/20 build while stacking crit and defense equipment.

    With those three things, I completed every single questing instance in the game solo except one, including the final Whispering Caverns one with those annoying almost one-shotting brain dogs + 5 enemy "player" treasure room + the boss who summons elites.

    The one I could not complete, but which I only tried twice without changing set up before asking for Zone help was the mother wolf + child wolves one towards end of Icespire Peak, I believe. This was trivial on other classes, but I kept being CC'd by the child wolves and then decimated by the turn bite of the mother wolf. However, I think if I were doing it again, better use of Chains or Break the Spirit or a Man-At-Arms pet or even higher healing would have turned out better.

    Given that the Icespire instance is before you get Astral Shield, you should similarly have no significant problems till then. Of course now with the nerf to Astral Shield, the Whispering Caverns instance and maybe another in Mount Hotenow, could be quite unpleasant...

    Finally, you cannot compare DC to other classes. Its offensive capability is very weak indeed (and actually becomes weaker relative to difficulty of mobs as you level). Since it was my first class, I had nothing to compare and just dealt with it at the time.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have 2 clerics at 60, one before and one after the nerf. Both were okay, and up till cap I ran AP>Crit/Recovery>Power. I soloed everything without much trouble (in fact without any trouble before the AS nerf). At cap get rid of the AP of course.....
  • klixanklixan Member Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Big thanks for all the advice folks.

    I really do think the Cleric is the hardest class to play solo. I've played a Guardian Fighter, Wizard and Rogue so far and none of them were as hard to level as the Cleric.

    Sadly, I don't think I would ever recommend this class to a new player. But if you're hardcore and you love a challenge, then this is the class for you :)
  • icyclassicyclass Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Dunno, I leveled without much trouble not really knowing what I was doing. I tended to look for power and defense in gear because power sounds pretty good and I know I die easy. I kept Healing Word because I figured I was supposed to heal, and then looked for damage in my other powers. Divine Daunting Light is the essential tool; if will kill or nearly kill the weak mobs, and then get a Man-At-Arms to tank the strong one that's left. Round out with a damage-over-time for extra damage or when your companion gets killed and you have to tank. (I was using Prophecy of Doom, but probably Forgemaster's Flame is probably better.) Eventually Astral Shield replaced Healing Word.

    I did all of the quests, so I was pretty much always over-leveled for the zones. (No dungeons but did do skirmishes.) Mount Hotenow I ran with a rogue I met in zone, so I can't swear I could have solo'd that ok. Whispering Caverns I did solo but that was before the Astral Shield nerf and I don't think I could do it today.
  • tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The thing about cleric nukes is that they're about timing and precision. A well-aimed, well-timed cleric nuke can be even more destructive than a wizard nuke. Then there's the part where you have to balance divine power generation and divine pip use. Basically put, the cleric is definitely not a class for new players not seeking a challenge. But all leader classes are this way, afaik.

    Chains + aimed tabbed Searing Light/tabbed Daunting Light for early levels. I prefer aimed tabbed Searing Light because I save Daunting Light for the elites, and both work just as well when it comes to clearing out normal mobs. Daunting Light is an excellent finisher - it will usually kill elites before they can use potions. Use chains to help you aim tabbed Searing Light, use dodge make sure that mobs are standing in a line or are closely packed together when you use Searing Light. I usually avoid Sunburst outside of dungeons at low levels. Sunburst scales very well with stats/feats/levels, but by itself does rather poor damage/self-healing. Forgemaster's Flame is hit-or-miss - great for some areas, bad for others. You need to use it on an elite mob for it to work but it does wonders for the tank companion. At mid levels Divine Glow comes into play and Sunburst starts picking up damage/heal-wise. Virtuous can get away with just using Divine Glow/Sunburst, more because they usually get Terrifying Insight along with other +damage feats, but for others Daunting Light should be a staple. Finally, Astral Shield comes into play. The best thing about Astral Shield is that it makes the tank companion viable again, which is important for non-virtuous clerics. You will need those few extra seconds your tank gives you to nuke the hell out of mobs once you reach the Whispering Caverns. For dailies, I suggest Flame Strike with Hallowed Ground/Divine Armor. Note that Divine Armor affects companions now.

    From my experience you should have both cleric and tank companion. Cleric for most zones, tank for those zones that give you problems. The tank gives you a few precious seconds to aim a nuke or decide whether to flee or not. The cleric may seem unimpressive at first, until you realize you are barely using potions and that you're moving from one enemy group to the next fairly quickly.

    Others have already pointed out some of the problems you will be facing. The first hurdle is indeed the ruined village in Ebon Downs, and that's because clerics do not have a reliable nuke for clearing out a large group of mobs which are not tightly packed together and which tend to spread out when attacking. This is especially true for mobs without an elite member among them, preventing you from properly using Forgemaster's Flame. You will encounter a similar problem on Mt. Hotenow.

    For stats, I go by Crit&Recovery->everything else. Your tank/cleric companions can help you with survivability. The only thing your companions can't provide you with, atm, is good DPS. I have not tested the Phoera though. Don't forget to revive your companions during fights. This is crucial - you can ignore him/her in dungeons, but a lot of the time a living companion can mean all the difference between a successful/failed boss attempt in solo play. This affects the cleric in particular because most of our abilities are group oriented. Also, do not rely solely on your powers for healing especially at low-mid levels.
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I am at a loss as to why you need a "levelling build". Levelling any class is very easy in this game, DC included. Remember to swap in new gear from time to time, and throw some cheap enchants in the slots. If you're playing properly, it's a faceroll.

    Sure, levelling a Control Wizard is faster, as you can just pull multiple packs, freeze and burn them, but hey. The DC might be the weakest class for solo PvE, but it's still laughably easy, the levelling content is fun and pretty, but it's pitched at "training wheels" level to help you learn the game.
    tyrtallow wrote: »
    From my experience you should have both cleric and tank companion. Cleric for most zones, tank for those zones that give you problems. The tank gives you a few precious seconds to aim a nuke or decide whether to flee or not. The cleric may seem unimpressive at first, until you realize you are barely using potions and that you're moving from one enemy group to the next fairly quickly.

    Really? I just grabbed the basic wizard companion and had to trouble at all. Popping seals on all the mobs meant that we both got heals, even from an early level, and the odd healing word kept him alive through most things.

    As to using pots, I hardly ever used pots levelling my DC (my first character, as people could tell by dodgy gear choices). I was giving them away as they dropped far faster than I could use them, and I ended up with too many pots of previous ranks cluttering my bags.

    Even with the 40% healing debuff, I was able to do keep myself topped off reasonably well. Don't be afraid to spam those seals on targets though, it's ludicrously good value. The biggest incoming damage mitigation is dodging the big red attacks, of course. Crowds of little mobs clustered around you could just be sealed, sunburst, and burned down with at-wills in a lazy way.

    tyrtallow wrote: »
    Others have already pointed out some of the problems you will be facing. The first hurdle is indeed the ruined village in Ebon Downs, and that's because clerics do not have a reliable nuke for clearing out a large group of mobs which are not tightly packed together and which tend to spread out when attacking. This is especially true for mobs without an elite member among them, preventing you from properly using Forgemaster's Flame. You will encounter a similar problem on Mt. Hotenow.

    The easiest way to cope with stuff like that is often, as in most MMOs, to line of sight pull (i.e. aggro the pack, and then duck behind an obstruction that breaks line of sight). The targets tend to be far more bunched up by the time they get to you. Situational awareness and positioning is more valuable than a 30% GS bonus :)
  • odd111outodd111out Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I ran my Cleric with the Phorea and my healing could keep her alive straight up to Epic Pirate. Loaded with critical and life steal, she was good at burning mobs down while I dealt with the elite. I would warn people that at level 30, her constant AoE burn activates and she now continually attacks everything, which then agros onto you. And that can be annoying when you are just crusing Tower Distict for the skill nodes.
  • macerukmaceruk Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree I play cleric and it was awful leveling, if you didn't use all heal encounters AS FF and WOM you could not survive without a lot of hassle if you switched to DPS you could not DPS enough before you had to run away or die haha its like catch 22.

    Level slow as hell stay alive or go dps and get ready to run in case you cannot burn down the mobs as sometimes you deal with one group and another appears so you gotta run forest run! haha.

    I got it to 60 but now PvP is totally useless as you cannot do damage or heal good enough to make a contribution and yes its probably my gear as its only 9k GS atm but that's the starting gear so if its no good then should they not be offering something more useful?

    I am thinking of just ditching my DC and playing any other class as they all seem better than DC.
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    maceruk wrote: »
    I am thinking of just ditching my DC and playing any other class as they all seem better than DC.

    Now you're at 60, and assuming you have any tolerance left, you could do some of the easier T1s and low-gear score T2 just to get experience with them. I do not recommend dungeons like T1 Mad Dragon because it relies on competence of others so much, stretching your patience even further. The higher T2s basically require an augment-class companion which is an expensive investment if you are not going to make the class your main.

    So, yes, unless you are a hardcore pure healer type who loves to min-max builds for that 0.5% extra (yes, the differences are very small across effective DC builds), you'll enjoy any other class more and they will be faster to level too.
  • tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I would take kattefjaes advice with a grain of salt (pulling multiple groups with a CW? companions healing themselves with Astral Seal when their damage caps in the low hundreds in end-game? Astral Seal spam on normal mobs post mid-levels? doing that is a guaranteed way to kill yourself) and maceruk's experience is not typical of a good DC's, though it's a cautionary tale: extremes don't work. Don't go out there without a good heal, and don't try leveling with only healing spells.
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    tyrtallow wrote: »
    I would take kattefjaes advice with a grain of salt (pulling multiple groups with a CW? companions healing themselves with Astral Seal when their damage caps in the low hundreds in end-game? Astral Seal spam on normal mobs post mid-levels?

    Works fine all the way up to 60, it's how I cleared the Wrathforge, too. If you have basic minimum skills, it's risibly easy. If you're a Bad who can't avoid red stuff, or are too stupid to LoS pull to group ranged mobs together, then that's your lookout. Moreover, using your cooldowns are they become available is a core mechanic when you start doing endgame dungeons, and you're going to suck pretty hard if you don't manage it.

    Don't rely on your companion. I took a free CW as a bit of damage on legs, and popped the odd heal on him, but if he died, it's no big deal. Ultimately, you should be playing with a blue stone anyway.

    Levelling in this game is easy, for all classes, if you're not terrible. Levelling as a DC is a tiny bit slower, but as long as you're not just waste biomass, you'll do OK, even against the odd annoying elite mob. Play properly, righteousness or no, "you can't outheal stupid", as has been said in many other MMOs.
  • veruganverugan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 100
    edited July 2013
    I leveled my Cleric with healer spec (for dungeons and skirmishes) and the Man At Arms. Slow and steady, no complaints.
  • macerukmaceruk Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    tyrtallow wrote: »
    I would take kattefjaes advice with a grain of salt (pulling multiple groups with a CW? companions healing themselves with Astral Seal when their damage caps in the low hundreds in end-game? Astral Seal spam on normal mobs post mid-levels? doing that is a guaranteed way to kill yourself) and maceruk's experience is not typical of a good DC's, though it's a cautionary tale: extremes don't work. Don't go out there without a good heal, and don't try leveling with only healing spells.

    Thats the point there is no in between its either slow as hell going full heal or take a chance and throw a few sub par dps skills in there that frankly do not cut it.

    Sure I could level easy with full heals but its slow and boring try using AS and FF but when you have lots hitting on you, you cannot use FF to any decent extent and then a group comes out of no where then you have to run making it just as slow to level with healing. I just went healing and slow with a mix of dps in between to stop the bordem.
  • macerukmaceruk Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    fondlez wrote: »
    Now you're at 60, and assuming you have any tolerance left, you could do some of the easier T1s and low-gear score T2 just to get experience with them. I do not recommend dungeons like T1 Mad Dragon because it relies on competence of others so much, stretching your patience even further. The higher T2s basically require an augment-class companion which is an expensive investment if you are not going to make the class your main.

    So, yes, unless you are a hardcore pure healer type who loves to min-max builds for that 0.5% extra (yes, the differences are very small across effective DC builds), you'll enjoy any other class more and they will be faster to level too.

    I have done a few dungeons with no problems so far have not tried the 8300 ones though but i guess there the next step but not sure who well i could do them with only a 9k score.
  • wildlustwildlust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 38
    edited July 2013
    Learn how divinity(Tab button) interacts with your powers and use it to your advantage.

    Take sunburst for example. While under divinity it causes a decent knock back. A well placed knock back can throw mobs off cliffs etc..

    Dodge(sift key plus direction).

    I used a wizard companion.
  • whyismyplantdyinwhyismyplantdyin Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Early levelling was cake for me. The only content causing trouble was the first pirate dungeon (blackdagger?) because of lag but all the solo stuff was boring and easy. How can you find that hard? My build is absolutely horrible and 99% of the game was like this: Run up to mob, chains of blazing light, sunburst. Astral seal the remaining elite, and use your built up divinity to kill it with punishing light. Punishing light is the best on undead/ghosts. Some of them have a certain on hit sound, and well...basicly: Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! That was always fun. Even before all of these abilities I was literally amazed at how easy it was. I was scared this was going to be one boring road to 60.

    I always kept healing word on. FF is only good when maxed out and only when there's groups like 3 trash 1 elite mob. 5 trash+ is just not going to work with FF only for healing and youll need to run chains/healing word/sunburst and not be scared to pot. I actually didn't pop a pot except at that spellplagued quest and once I got to the undead village map (not the first undead map with the picky lich that would rather die then deal with a certain necromancer).

    However, the undead village (as someone mentioned) is a big big step up in difficulty. The quests are still very easy, but man that map is pretty hard because mobs just spawn right on top of you and cleric spells are bugged like crazy so sometimes you target them with aoe and half of them dont get hit. It's not that the area is hard, but the bugged spells make dealing with the large amount of mobs hard. Once I started investing in defense this area also became cake because I could take the hits easily.

    The next area thats hard (wolves was ez and I loved it, the dungeon boss is insanely brutal though, first dungeon I actually managed to fail, felt bad when after 2 runs I couldn't do pit skirmish anymore) is the ice map. Oh man, undead village map was kinda tough, but the ice map is pull your pubes out balls to the wall fall off your horse and die while running to dungeon hard. And also brutally annoying. AAARGgghhh. SO glad I'm at the next map now, which is chasm. LOVE IT. Easy, few mobs at a time and you now have Astral Shield which is godmode. Only thing I hate is that you outlevel the insanely easy skirmish way too fast. I'm not sure, but I am still afraid that the next skirmish will be like the black dragon one. Laggy pos with too much useless mobs out there to lag you to death. And that's not even talking about the mobs all aggroing on the healer and using you as a volleyball. That's pretty bad in the ice map too, but there it's manageable because there's zero lag there. Swamp is lag hell, and it really shows in the skirmish. The map itself was easy though, just the skirmish was unplayable for me.

    For later maps, just get someone to party with. CWs clear the trash mobs easily, way faster. It's not hard but boring, your dog just doesn't scale anymore and daunting light alone just doesn't cut it.

    I really don't see how you can have trouble at level 12. At level 12 I was not used to the controls yet since I am allergic to the mouse view that the game forces you to play in and it was still easy. Build doesn't matter. I got a 17 cha/14 int cleric and it's still easy. I only used gear I found without enchanting and my feats are messed up beyond belief. I bet the endgame content will be impossible for me because I really couldn't have picked worse feats.

    Key abilities:
    Sunburst (does not leave bar until daunting light, must max)
    Healing Word (same as sunburst, I only got 2 levels in this only because I had to, you'll need it so much that 3 is not a waste but silly me I put points in searing light. I'd max it if I could do it again, but not essential.)
    Chains of Blazing Light (awesome, must max, has left bar only in certain heal mode dungeons, essential for soloing.)
    Daunting Light (Normal mode...meh...too slow. You get hit too often. But divinity...let's just say it's REALLY worth burning a pip for. Must max, don't ignore.)
    Forgemasters Flame (can solo heal with 1 elite/few trash mobs. Must max if only because of the value in dungeons. This is where I found out I have too many encounters and too little slots.)
    Astral Shield (Done. Godmode.)

    Flamestrike (Extra DPS, and what else are you going to use for 99% of the game?)
    Hallowed Ground (Massive area, more valuable in dungeons since for solo flamestrike is often better.)

    At will:
    Astral Seal is must max for dungeons. Solo, meh. I'm not sure if this is another bug, but it only procs on at wills for me. Other classes get massive healing and I doubt they're permanently using at wills. The main use later is spreading cleanse.

    Harder to decide. I rarely used spear since I preferred using divine on punishing light (it's OP during much of the game, very very good single target damage).
    I thought that the best at will was brand of the sun, and it works when I'm in healbot mode for passive divine generation but solo you sometimes need fast divine generation. Brand of the sun/Astral seal are must maxes imho, but either spear or sacred flame is also a must have. Very good DPS and divine generation on those.

    I could've done much better myself at selecting these powers, but I still do fine. I didn't use daunting light for a long time because I was still happy with sunburst. It's just a pain to target but I suggest you learn to do so because both chains and daunting light are really so awesome that you need to be able to use them well. I f them up many times but they're still amazing.
  • bootyjoosbootyjoos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 54
    edited July 2013
    I had Companion Cleric and ran (1 or max):

    Astral Seal
    Lance of Faith
    -> Brand of the Sun
    Healing Word
    or Chains1 -> Daunting Light
    Searing Light
    -> Forgemaster's Flame -> Prophecy of Doom1 once I found out I can Flame Strike all day with it -> Divine Glow post-patch
    Healer's Lore -> Foresight
    Holy Fervor

    I found that if I use stuff like Astral Shield or Healing Word while soloing, I actually risk dying. In epic dungeons though, I use them both and life is considerably easier.

    For gear, I went for crit and recovery, though now I think crit and power would have been better. I didn't enchant most of my gear 'til maybe around level 40 or 50, and I didn't run normal dungeons much so I had maybe 4 pieces of blue gear from 1-60.

    Maybe a bit late now, but I hope that helps.
  • dsolzdsolz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hmm I leveled a gwf cw and dc. I find cw the hardest to level. Most of the player who request help in levelling zone for instanced boss area are typically cw. My dc solo find for all content thought I there might be need to kite mobs. Gwf is the easiest to level for this far.
  • veruganverugan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 100
    edited July 2013
    I leveled 1-60 pure heal spec (critical build in builds section). It got rough around 55-60 but not too bad. Used Man-At-Arms and played it like a pet class. Easy and didn't have to respec at 60, straight into dungeons.
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