So I've been playing neverwinter for about a month now, reached level 60 about a week and a half ago. My guild mates and I where having a discussion about fraudulent websites that claim to sell astral diamonds (the in game currency used to buy better gear) warning them not to use them, and now my account is banned. I've tried contacting support, with no response. I WASN'T SPAMMING, I WASN'T TRYING TO SCAM ANYONE, I WAS WARNING PEOPLE, AND I GOT BANNED. gotta love stupid admins that can't read a chat log properly.
I'm sorry to hear that. Be aware that other players can report you as a spammer, which may get you banned - even if you committed no offense. It's been like that in Cryptic's other games, and while the devs have stated that they've taken steps to address this, it's still going on.
Frankly, no support person will do anything to help you, and you'll just have to deal with the 24 hr ban. It stinks, and I'm sorry that you have to deal with this...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
It's ironic that you're complaining about inability to read. You were warned when you used the website address, then you did it again, so you were banned. If only you'd read the warning...
If you're nice (and they don't see this thread), CS may unban you. After you wait through their queue.
BTW, discussion of bans isn't allowed on the forums.
Therefore, I must close this thread. Please be patient and communicate your matter through Customer Service. Forum admins and moderators cannot resolve account matters, sadly.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
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