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Castle never: new-ish player feedbacks, comments and suggestions

shuy1shuy1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
So yesterday my group and I did CN for the first time. The group was made of: 2 CWs (1 me), 1 TR, 1 DC and 1 GWF. The GWF was the only one really experienced here that actually had made it many, many times. Everyone else, including me, did this dungeon once only up to the final boss, never completed.

Now, after the brief explanation, let me make comment the dungeon itself: long and boring.

The visuals were great, nice look of the castle and anything else so props for them.

However, we actually spent more than 2h to get through the dungeon, killing almost everything, no shortcut or anything like that. I think we killed much more than 1000 mobs (ONE THOUSAND), with lots of them being knocked off the edge. The first 3 bosses were not hard, with the 3rd one being the hardest of them all but nothing impossible. Of course the blademasters bugged out and they kept respawning forever so we had to die in order to proceed.

There are TOO MANY mobs here. I thought Spellplague was long but oh, was I wrong. The most boring dungeon of Neverwinter. Thousands of mobs with thousands of HP each, mobs running through doors, running through walls, mobs respawning if you knock them off.

After 2 hours of dungeon, we arrive to the final boss. Mind you, we never struggled to do this, we were actually pretty fast to be first timers-ish imho. It was just, again, BORING and LONG. Being first timers, we never cared about finishing it. We wanted to practice. And we did. In order to do so, big props to do the GWF that showed us the dungeon and actually helped us. He is the first real person to actually help us in neverwinter, after 2 months of playing.

He explained us what the CWs were supposed to do, how to do it, where to position ourselves. We tried it about 10+ times. We wasted another good hour at this point but I don't mind about this since it was actually helpful to understand the boss mechanic. In the end, we made it. We finished it. It dropped an Ancient Icon for the DC so he was happy about it. He was not hard at all, the hardest part was to knock adds off.

So, DD chest now: normal DD chest, useless HAMSTER. The GWF for some kind of weird reason (it's Cryptic) couldn't loot the DD. Too bad. We offered him our T1 HAMSTER that we got out of the chest but he refused. Very kind player.

Final comments and sugestions:

I've probably mentioned it already but this was the most boring and longest dungeon of Neverwinter.
- The DD chest should be changed, IN THIS DUNGEON ONLY, to give ONLY T2 pieces AND Ancient jewerly/weapons (after you fix all the exploits).
- Before the boss, there should be a Vendor for Major potions and kits (and no, the one at the beginning doesn't count because you will have to log off to reach him and you will lose DD if it's finished).
- Cut in half the mobs in this dungeon.
- Reduce HP of the Dracolich of about 10%. This is more likely a suggestion for every boss in this game. No real boss poses a threat to any party. They are just plain boring and lazy designed bosses. So at least make the fight shorter.
- Add a Vendor before the Dracolich.

We will probably do it but not because it's fun. My sincere props to the art team for this dungeon.

TL;DR version: this dungeon was long, boring, with too many adds and the rewards were good for one, TOO crappy for the other 4 but not compared to the effort for it.
Post edited by shuy1 on


  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think a good start would be to cut the trash mobs by 50%. If this dungeon could be completed in the stated 1:45, then it'd be mostly fine.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • iminluckiminluck Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree the DD chest should have better loot but I still don't think it should always drop T2 / Ancient items... trust me once you get geared up in this game... there's no more content! enjoy it for now.

    You need to come to the boss prepared. I see no reason for having this vendor at the boss.

    As of right now this is the "end game" instance. Try to enjoy it a little bit... There are still several short cuts even without the 1st window trick if you want to cut down the run time. It should NOT take 2 hours.

    Reducing the HP of Dracholich by 10% is pointless... it's currently an endurance test. I've done it over 100+ times and yes there are times when you die at 10% hp because someone gets lazy (so it is working as intended to a degree). But yes i agree that they need to make end fights harder!!! They are boring.

    Of all the dungeons this is probably my favorite because of the length and effort needed. The rewards as of right now are the best in the game and the only way to make good AD. It was farmed to death with the window trick and everyone wants epic loots right away! The market has already been flooded and this will help make getting your ancient weps more rewarding.

    Unless they make major changes... u run T2 dungeons during DD periods.... and you run CN when DD is not up. Nothing has changed. T2 dungeons are even LESS rewarding than CN since you usually end up with HAMSTER gear. At least the CN items all sell for 1M AD. Split that up if you run with guild members and you can become rich pretty quick!
  • leshil40leshil40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 157 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I refuse to run dungeons in this game. Plain and simple...they suck with all the trash and adds.
  • iminluckiminluck Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So you just want free loot? lol

    why do you even play?
  • chrono0812chrono0812 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 501 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    iminluck wrote: »
    So you just want free loot? lol

    why do you even play?

    Has to take the award for (Most Ignorant Post) on the forums today. The op never once in what they wrote made it out too be that they wanted (Free Loot), remove your head from your A$$hole and realize that giving feedback on a particular dungeon does not equate to wanting free gear.

    What the Op wrote was pretty spot on, the reward to effort ratio is pretty $hity, and really does need to be fixed. Cryptic needs to rework All the dungeons in this game, weather it be End game Dungeon or not. They need to work out a system to incorporate more loot drops for players, lower the number of Adds, and for god sake work on Boss mechanics.

    Area of effect circles, adds, adds, adds, adds, adds, and finally, adds is not a (Unique) boss mechanic. Running dungeons should be challenging, and fun for the players doing them. This isn't World of Warcraft, the dungeons are Not 10/25 man with 12 Bosses to go through each boss having their own Unique boss mechanics to deal with. Time invested versus rewards given are horrible right now and they really do need to be addressed.

    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
    ~Sholom Aleichem
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    2h is a bit long for castle never. If you get a skilled team it should be done in 1h or so, with a 15 mins boss fight. There are some legit skips (2-3 iirc) like the one in the shadowfell, fell free to use it. And i really love fighting all the mobs there! It's the best dungeon in game and i'd hate to see it dumbed down because people can't focus on something for more than 5 minutes...
  • shuy1shuy1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    iminluck wrote: »
    You need to come to the boss prepared. I see no reason for having this vendor at the boss.

    Why not? By what you said later in your post, CN should be run when DD is not up. So I ask you: what is the difference between logging off to respawn at the start to buy from the vendor there and having a vendor before the last boss? The only difference is that you wouldn't have to log off. Saving time.
    iminluck wrote: »
    Reducing the HP of Dracholich by 10% is pointless... it's currently an endurance test. I've done it over 100+ times and yes there are times when you die at 10% hp because someone gets lazy (so it is working as intended to a degree). But yes i agree that they need to make end fights harder!!! They are boring.

    This is not an endurance test. We both know that once adds are thrown off, it becomes just a dull fight against the boss and 2 archers.
    iminluck wrote: »
    So you just want free loot? lol

    why do you even play?

    Thanks for the laugh.
    diogene0 wrote: »
    2h is a bit long for castle never. If you get a skilled team it should be done in 1h or so, with a 15 mins boss fight. There are some legit skips (2-3 iirc) like the one in the shadowfell, fell free to use it. And i really love fighting all the mobs there! It's the best dungeon in game and i'd hate to see it dumbed down because people can't focus on something for more than 5 minutes...

    If it was only 5 minutes, I'd agree.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    shuy1 wrote: »
    Why not? By what you said later in your post, CN should be run when DD is not up. So I ask you: what is the difference between logging off to respawn at the start to buy from the vendor there and having a vendor before the last boss? The only difference is that you wouldn't have to log off. Saving time.

    This is not an endurance test. We both know that once adds are thrown off, it becomes just a dull fight against the boss and 2 archers.

    Thanks for the laugh.

    If it was only 5 minutes, I'd agree.

    Meh there are many 30 mins dungeons and ONE epic one you may play during the weekend if you don't have enough time during the week.

    If you want some shorter instances it's something the devs should definitely consider, but it doesn't have to be CN. It could be epic skirmishes for instances. The maps are there, the mobs too, and there are already some unique low-level rewards with an existing skin.
  • shuy1shuy1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Meh there are many 30 mins dungeons and ONE epic one you may play during the weekend if you don't have enough time during the week.

    If you want some shorter instances it's something the devs should definitely consider, but it doesn't have to be CN. It could be epic skirmishes for instances. The maps are there, the mobs too, and there are already some unique low-level rewards with an existing skin.

    I didn't say it needs to be another 30min dungeon. But even the estimated time says 1h and 30. Imho, the standard should be around 1h. Make them more than that and they become boring already.

    We need to look it even from the new and casual player's eyes: they don't have all this time to spare for just one dungeon and if you make every next dungeon as long as this, in the end it will hurt the game.

    I hope Castle Never was kinda a test for them and they will never make such a mistake of design again imho.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    You ran the hardest dungeon in the game for the first time in under two hours. You had to listen to explanations. You obviously wiped because the trash respawned and you complain.

    How fast could you get it down to when you know how to play it.

    Most other MMO's had much longer dungeons, longer wait times, more people required. 2hrs for your first time and complains.

    Y generation much.

    And yes ive run it plenty with full ancients for PVP and PVE sets.
  • shuy1shuy1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Lets clear some things:

    1) It was 3h in total, not 2h. And as I said, even 2h is too much. We could get it down to 1h and 30 but it would be still long.
    2) It is NOT hard. It is just LONG. LONG =! HARD. There is a very significant difference here. Never in my OP I said this was too hard. I just said it is too long and too boring.

    I'm one that LOVES challenge. This was not one of them. I would even accept a 2h dungeon if it was actually hard and challenging. Castle never is not hard nor challenging.
  • gaatorgaator Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 104
    edited June 2013
    I think its stupid that we never get to see the outside of the castle, theres no build up to going, theres no adrenaline, theres no area to explore around the castle... its just... get to 60, get your gear score up and press k and queue. THIS IS HAMSTER LAME CRYPTIC, HOW CAN YOU BE PROUD OF THIS.

    How do you spend time on something like this and NOT FINISH IT. How do you spend countless man hours developing this content only to go half way and be able to go home to your wife and kids and look them in the face and tell them you did a good job at work. How arent you embarrassed for these countless mistakes and half assed quests, instances, dungeons, game modes, classes, feats, gear. Literally EVERY single FACET of your game has been broken to the point of being GAME BREAKING. My CW gear is still bugged, my abilities are still bugged, my passives are still bugged, my savage fkng runestones are STILL BUGGED.

    On top of that we still have to get HAMSTER in the HAMSTER by your zen store prices. HAMSTER in the *** and drug along a gravel road by our cheeks being told, "Keep coming back, Module 1 soon, Drow soon, keep coming back. Well you know what, after all my RL friends leaving. After being in 3 large guilds that have ALL died, I can honestly say Im at a breaking point.

    Fix your problems Cryptic, or Ill fix mine. And I cant speak for anyone else, but when I leave a game I dont come back.
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