Hiya ppl,
after today's patch it seems Rhix is bugged now. At least for me. if I speak to him he doesn't show any dialog options anymore. Even by using Esc-Key I cant exit this deadly end of dialog so Ive to terminate the client. Can any1 confirm this or is it just me?
Sry for opening another post. d4m13n5's post was few min in adavance. So im refering to his post.
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/oyOQy1Q.jpg
ps. You can close the dialog by clicking outside of it and then pressing ESC but that's not real problem here
Same here, but also with other NPC's.
Found that if you spam the esc key / click it will exit the 'conversation'.
Ty for tip I'll try it out now :P Esc-Key Spammers FTW
Yeah I can confirm it lol. A combination of Esc-Key hammering and mouse clicking just worked well.