Hey there ! Been playing NW for quite a while now, still going smooth and good, but the only problem is, I'm still forever alone.

Would love to make new friends in this huge community, so I thought why not by starting a new thread to make myself known to the community outside of the game.
I'm Isaac, a Chinese, born Malaysia ( Asia region ), not much to know about me, but probably the least of it you must know would be I'm a very easy-going person, I'm easy to get along so don't hesitate to be in my buddies list if you are willing to. I'm active all around the day, so you could hit me up in-game with the name ( Calibur ) or in the forum. Currently, my main priority is to look for a decent / PvP guild, maybe a little relax could be in it, most importantly ; Friendship. I value Friendships more than anything in a game or no matter where I am. That's a little about me, hit me up if you wish to get to know me more !

I'd rather not be alone, because I value friendships more than anything else.
Proud to be a part of Graviora Manent
If you want people to contact you, you may also want to share your in-game handle, your @name - because the character name alone isn't enough. People cannot send you in-game messages with just the character name, or invite you to parties, etc. That's because multiple people can have the same character name. Only account @name is unique. If you've forgotten your account handle, go to mouse mode (alt), and right click on your character portrait in the top left.
I mean, chances are it's just @sotsotzaii ... but it could be something else. I think it's possible to have the forum and in-game ID be different.
My main character's Kaige, so my full contact details are actually Kaige@Acylion. I play on Mindflayer, though there are also a lot of players from the Asian/Oceanic region on Dragon.
I live in Singapore, which is mainly why I responded to your post after reading it. :cool:
My IGN is Calibur@sotsotzaii , and I'm on Dragon server, well I guess we wouldn't be able to team up but probably making friends ain't a problem. Hopefully we'll keep in touch !
I'd rather not be alone, because I value friendships more than anything else.
Proud to be a part of Graviora Manent
I'd rather not be alone, because I value friendships more than anything else.
Proud to be a part of Graviora Manent
I'd rather not be alone, because I value friendships more than anything else.
Proud to be a part of Graviora Manent
I'd rather not be alone, because I value friendships more than anything else.
Proud to be a part of Graviora Manent
I will try to add you in game, my ign is Sanasuke@feice05.
And I will be glad if you wanna to join us...^^
Dragon Server
i from Singapore...u can join my guild too if you want, we are looking for more chinese..