I have been convinced for some time that a lot of people are playing Guardian Fighter wrong. After tanking Spellplague tonight I am absolutely convinced. I'm sure I'm not the only one that's done this, but in all my attempts at Spellplauge on my Cleric and Wizard I have never seen anyone tank like me. And I don't even think I'm a particularly great player (I only recently figured out what the Tab power does for the GF, I just thought we got block as our class power.) Which just tells me that if someone that's merely a competent player is able to pull something like this off, something's wrong when most of the Guardian Fighter's I've grouped with can't... Not saying I've got all the answers, but something to think about.
Edit: Okay, so since it's been asked of me to do so, I'll just say it. I tanked the hoard at the end of Spellplague and we killed them all before the boss died, basically insuring victory for the group with out some stupid DPS race with death.
As far as stacking defense to tank you're completely wrong, in stalwart alone you reach the soft cap on that stat, anything above 3000 is a waste of stats because of diminishing returns. You need a little over 500 points to gain 1% damage reduction which is just silly.
Just wait until they patch it and/or add content to make it that way. Game is broke, CW needs serious nerfing anyways. Extremely high DPS and extremely high cc in one package? OP.
Even without a Cleric, with just the Stalwart set and a few HP enchantments a GF can last quiet a long time in most boss fights by Blocking > Fighters Recovery > Heal+Recover Guard > Repeat, using a potion when needed.
The primary role of the GF is controlling aggro, it is the thing the GF does better than any other class. Many people lump controlling aggro and tanking into one, but they are distinct roles. You do not need to tank in order to control aggro. Tanking to a certain extent does help control aggro as it means you can handle more aggro at once, but you have to balance that with being able to kill the enemy.
This does delve into the area that most people ignore, this is a team game. There are 4 other players alongside you, to be most effective you work as a team, not individuals. A DPS GF and a Cleric (that does not have to spend time healing allies who could have easily avoided taking the damage in the first place by moving away from the giant red bits on the ground) can tank anything they need to tank, while a Tank GF still needs a Cleric, but now the Cleric isn't being fully utilized and you have significantly less DPS.
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
I don't really have an answer to that. I normally use Into the Fray and my dailies frequently. And honestly, with the dailies, I frequently wait to see what the situation calls for and if I need to heal myself. Like I said, I'm not the most experienced tank and I'm still getting the hang of it. Which is why I think it's stupid that I managed to tank that hoard at the end and we killed them before the boss, ensuring victory, while every group I get in on my other characters usually fails because everyone thinks the best thing to do is get on the boss and have a DPS race with death.
I'm pretty sure the content is already that way, but some people are able to DPS race things with high enough GS. All I know is I have yet to fail a dungeon yet on my GF that I've had trouble with on other characters. As far as the CWs, pretty sure they're working as intended, like Rogues. Someone needs to do a lot of damage to the hoards.
So much to disagree with in this thread I can't even believe it. And I don't mean just you guys demoting protector gf, mostly the OP.
I'm sorry, but the parts I looked I just found horrible, had to skip through the video because it was just painful to me. Rarely use daily powers even though they're sometimes up for a minute, taking damage whilst running around with full guard meter, not controlling the adds one bit, hardly doing any damage at all, using iron warrior but not guarding for its duration, rarely if ever using into the fray,...
How you even specialize tank without using threatening rush is beyond me. I didn't see a whole lot of marks up at all.
While I disagree with the rest on a protector gf being detrimental to a team, I must agree in this case that you were, and that run would have gone smoother with another wizard or something.
If you don't get the point, I'm not sure what me explaining it will accomplish. The point, however, is eliminating variables and maximizing chances of success without having to resort to stupid HAMSTER like requiring everyone to have 11k+ gear scores. I've failed this many times on other characters because of that last part. If you kill everything, there's breathing room and you don't need to have insane DPS. I don't believe this fight needs more than one CW or DC.
When we run spell with a GF guildie they are on the boss with the TR's/GWF's punting off some blue adds, bring adds back to the DC/CW party and DPS'ing boss when clear. Never had any issues. I honestly think you've run into some poorly played DPS guardians
I resent that, keep your insulting ad hominem garbage to yourself.
1. Well done on playing your class properly now for your spec. ("Just learn't what the Tab button does" as quoted from OP)
2. That final phase would have been much faster had you either just all dpsed the boss down or were a DPS GF that murdered all the adds even faster.
3. Nothing you did in that video couldn't have been done by a DPS GF.
4. Nothing you did in that video couldn't have been done by a CW.
You made a good effort but your title was insulting which set you up to fail. As a Tank spec when you play properly it takes the load off of other people who don't know or don't play their class properly. I agree a DPS GF may be less forgiving in a group since the playstyle is different but it actually benefits a group of far more when the group plays as a group.
Reread what I said, I was giving him props for making such a video despite his disability... Keep your resentments to yourself
Edit: It seems he clarifies in his video comments that he is indeed Autistic after someone brought it up, so again, keep your resentments to yourself, someone is overly defensive, are you disabled as well talesmith? In any case was giving props...
Is exactly how me feel everytime I reroll.
Had a GF in closed beta, was easy but a bit boring.
Made a TR, was bloody easy. Still saw TRs failing.
Rolled a DC (prepatch) thinking it would be more challenging.....was even easier than the TR.
You want to be tough enough to survive incoming damage with a competent CW and DC.
You want to keep party members who cannot handle themselves free from harassment by enemies.
You want to contribute damage once you have met the previous criteria in order to shorten the fights so there is less time for someone to make a combat ending error.
Guardians are a tactical class with options. they are not a pure stiker as some people play them and they are not a pure meat shield either. A good GF will adapt to the situation.
You're making it sound like it's a big deal when it's not .
You got dunked on, alright?
Exactly this. People are overcomplicating things. DPS GF is the optimal GF. Not only is it the highest dps spec in the game, but tanks aren't needed in the current state of the game.
You can use tanks, they are just not optimal.
lol, indeed
Really annoying when I'm on my TR tanking 5 mobs + boss....and look over to see the GF wanking off on a mob that's already about to be pushed off a ledge....Like literally being pulled into a singularity.
Like dude you've already got aggro on it, it's going to die regardless of what you do, & I'm being humped by 5 mobs that you could easily pull off me...