Since open beta, all I've seen is people shouting what end game dungeon they are looking for followed with class and gear score. I know gear score is a stat displayed on the character sheet but I believe it's worthless because I can simple purchase stuff at max level that will "boost my gear score" but that doesn't mean I'd know the dungeons or my class, my opinion of course. So my question is this because I've gotten HAMSTER from other saying I don't know what I'm talking about:
Is this Gearscore requirement a limitation imposed on us by the developers, meaning I can't enter the place alone with out that magic number, or something being imposed by fellow players?
If it's the latter, then my opinion is that we need to stop. I've seen many threads *****ing about people not knowing their class but apparently have the GS to go places. I can't count the amount of epic level 60 items are on the AH in this game and being sold in /zone chat. The Zen exchange is an easy way to get diamonds to purchase gear but that doesn't necessairly mean you know what to do.
I've seen Gear score used as a dominant determining stat in WoW during Wrath of the Lich King Expansion, a limitation placed on people by players, and watch raids fail because the player met their magic number but didn't know their class. This happened a lot close to the end of that expansion. I've seen people that have less GS do a lot better than someone of same spec there with better GS on the same content in the same raid.
While most of this is personal opinion, I'm really looking for an answer to my question: Is this Gearscore requirement a limitation imposed on us by the developers, meaning I can't enter the place alone with out that magic number, or something being imposed by fellow players? I'm fully aware I'll probably get flamed and trolled for even asking but I believe it's a question to ask and my personal experience from other games it that Skill of a player is always better than the score of their gear.
As far as whether it is imposed by players or the dev its both actually. You need a certain GS score to be able to run the Epics and has been set by the devs. The community however has decided that a challenging dungeon run isn't welcome so idiotic amounts of GS are demanded for all but the simplest dungeons. Dont be surprised to see the party leader have a way lower GS than he is demanding from the rest of the group, its the WoW generation that wants a piggy back ride while proclaiming they are hotshizz.
I hate the system but what can you do. The dev's have kindly provided the GS as a measuring system for e-peen combined with a dps meter that doesn't show any useful information but makes the WoW kiddies feel right at home. Granted its sometimes better to borrow good ideas from your competition but these weren't good ideas to begin with, not even in WoW!
As far as whether it is imposed by players or the dev its both actually. You need a certain GS score to be able to run the Epics and has been set by the devs. The community however has decided that a challenging dungeon run isn't welcome so idiotic amounts of GS are demanded for all but the simplest dungeons. Dont be surprised to see the party leader have a way lower GS than he is demanding from the rest of the group, its the WoW generation that wants a piggy back ride while proclaiming they are hotshizz.
I hate the system but what can you do. The dev's have kindly provided the GS as a measuring system for e-peen combined with a dps meter that doesn't show any useful information but makes the WoW kiddies feel right at home. Granted its sometimes better to borrow good ideas from your competition but these weren't good ideas to begin with, not even in WoW!
Also, anyone wanting to judge another players' ability to handle a dungeon without actually seeing them fight in a dungeon is an idiot.