I have played many, many new games. My brother and I sat down tonight to discuss what has happened in this "gold" launch, and compared it to others we have experienced. I feel that this was the worst "Gold" launch since Ubi Soft and Wolfpack did Shadowbane. In Shadowbane they had an official Gold launch, then let us play for two or three months then decided that the game needed fixing. They pulled all the servers down, remapped them and re-launched a short time later. This Gold Launch feels as dirty as that one. The Development Team did the "soft launch and called it Open Beta," They have fixed some things, but left enough broken that the player base no longer trusts or believes the devs. You give us alchemy, but the profession did not work as you wanted, so it was included in the Emergency Patch tonight. You launched new content for end game, but launched it broken. Patched tonight also. You took the special event vendor out of the game, people deleted the event items since the vendor was gone, and now he is returning in tonight's "Emergency Patch."
I am disappointed that you have a message telling me that more classes are available soon, more races are available soon, more paragon paths are available soon. Perhaps instead of telling us it is available soon, you should remove that text and the icons from the game then when and if you ever launch a new race/class/paragon path you can just put it in the game and tell us it is there.
I understand this is a free game. I understand that it, like all games, has issues. I understand you are working on fixing the issues. However, from a consumer's view not telling us that "there are issues and you are working on them, and there is not a definite timeline for the fix" would be better than what we have gotten today.
If your going to have a release party and go "gold" with your game please have a product that is worthy of a gold release. Perhaps your timing could have been better. Perhaps you should have released "Gold" when you released Module 1. Spent a little more effort polishing the game, launch the new profession and the new guild centered content while the game was in "Beta" still. Tested it out with the player base you have currently. Then when you were ready to drop Mod 1 on us launch your gold and have your party. I think it would have gone over much better.
implement a Screenshot feature for reporting Dungeon and Mapbugs, so it makes it more easy to descripe where he bug is and what happened. Today i just felt through the ground at one place in karrundax, but didnt report it since its to difficult to descripe where it happens. The shortcut where ppl just go to die to spawn at next campfire is still not fixed.
if Cryptic has problem finding the mapbugs, maybe recruite some people which run them dungeons regularly to help you finding the bugs. You dont even have to pay them cash, just give them free stuff like some AD/Zen for the invested time. Cause if people test dungeon fixes on the testserver, they get nothing out of it
maybe give some people access to the dungeonmap for reworking them with the "create foundry" mapping tool. I guess this would have fixed most dungeonbugs some weeks ago. It could be like this:
- guy/girl reports mapbug and offers to fix it on testserver
- gets access to the map to fix the problem
- map gets accessable on testserver for testing purposes (maybe as foundryquest)
- people test it and can vote if it is fixed now or if it still has bugs somewhere
- if bugs are fixed -> patch it on live
You took the special event vendor out of the game, people deleted the event items since the vendor was gone, and now he is returning in tonight's "Emergency Patch."
Hah, what kind of monkey deleted their event items?
implement a Screenshot feature for reporting Dungeon and Mapbugs, so it makes it more easy to descripe where he bug is and what happened. Today i just felt through the ground at one place in karrundax, but didnt report it since its to difficult to descripe where it happens. The shortcut where ppl just go to die to spawn at next campfire is still not fixed.
if Cryptic has problem finding the mapbugs, maybe recruite some people which run them dungeons regularly to help you finding the bugs. You dont even have to pay them cash, just give them free stuff like some AD/Zen for the invested time. Cause if people test dungeon fixes on the testserver, they get nothing out of it
maybe give some people access to the dungeonmap for reworking them with the "create foundry" mapping tool. I guess this would have fixed most dungeonbugs some weeks ago. It could be like this:
- guy/girl reports mapbug and offers to fix it on testserver
- gets access to the map to fix the problem
- map gets accessable on testserver for testing purposes (maybe as foundryquest)
- people test it and can vote if it is fixed now or if it still has bugs somewhere
- if bugs are fixed -> patch it on live
just my 2 cents - i would do it
Hah, what kind of monkey deleted their event items?