This post regards the discussion about what i've been experiencing a lot with the last pvp's i've encountered.
Quite a few rogues are now running the so called "Perma-Stealth" build and some of my friends too, sure it can be quite fun to be almost all the time invisible, and thats not why i'm creating this post.
My main problem with this build is that those rogues can do damage while they are in stealth, i know that there is just a handfull of skills that doesnt break the invisibility, but this creates a scenario that is impossible for you to counter, you simple doesnt know where to run and can't do much, only pop some potions or defense cooldowns, and wait for them to appear.
Is this intented to happen? Should any class be able to do continuous damage (if the rogue is geared this damage is enought to kill players just with the 12 stacks of Cloud of Steel) while they cannot be target or even seen?
They could equip impact shot but that'll break stealth & put them at risk of being perma stunned/killed. (Since they won't be able to equip impossible to catch as their other two abilities are going to be Bait & switch and Shadow strike in order to maintain permastealth).
Also because they run with PvP gear usually with recovery enchants which makes them squishier than PvE spec TRs.
I run a PvE spec TR that can actually counter perma stealth rogues but it involves forcing a 1 vs 1 between me and the rogue. (quite easy as they keep trying to backcap.)
The real problem with these builds is when there's more than one rogue around using them. You can't beat more than one if you don't have an organized group.
Sounds great! Rogue should have perm stealth and kick-*** damage. It would make the other class look silly running around like headless chicken. cheer!
Imagine 5 TR with the same build in a team, wow! cool~
Could you share the perm invisible build?
Im seriously so **** annoyed with all u whiners always crying mommy i cant beat him i cant beat that bla bla bla !!! Seriously learn to play or gtfo ! Im a tr using Metzils build and I have 1 shot HAMSTER a lot of these so called perma stealth build rouge . My frnd who is a gf HAMSTER em , gwf HAMSTER em , heck they couldnt kill a cleric with 9.5 gs !!! This all just comes down to this that, learn to play and know where their weaknesses lies rather than coming here on forum crying was that supposed to happen ! was i suppose to **** from my HAMSTER ? am i supposed to eat with my mouth ? They are alrdy sacrificing they'r pve damage for the sake of surviving in pvp and now ppl crying to nerf cos ! I mean realy why not just ask for the removal of the class ? they only offer single target dps and who the fck needs it right ?
And finaly to all the Mighty TR's whos saying "hey im a tr and im think its op and i think we should be nerfed" why dont u guys just stop using the op skill ? plz do urself and all other a favor and stop playing op class and play the other so called "not op" class who can perma choke, perma stun, 2 shot kil u from 1 mile away...
Let the darkness prevail ,,For I rise from there ..
While very agrily stated i have to agree with this. It really is not hard to deal with. If you simply stealth after a few hit you your stealth will probably last longer and when he pops out you ITC and 1-2 hit him.
Any rogue who prioritizes stealth duration and regeneration is sacrificing damage.
The trick is knowing it can be done. Its listed in the rogue forum but in a nutshell...
1) roll a race with +2 int. Increase int at every 10 levels instead of str or cha or dex, giving up dps to gain recovery.
2) use bait & switch, a 0 damage skill, giving up dps.
3) use the mid damage attack that refills stealth bar, giving up dps
4) use feats that extend stealth instead of dps, giving up dps
5) use a weak at-will attack that extends stealth, giving up dps.
6) slot a bunch of recovery instead of crit, armor pen, or power, giving up dps.
7) slot a class feature that maintains stealth if hit by aoe... instead of dps boosting features...
See what happens? It gives up dps at every turn. It regains SOME dps from combat advantage boosts, but its still a substantial net loss over a damage built TR. Also it requires the TR to get in melee range and to drop dummies. Dropping a dummy is a giveaway: the rogue is going to be 10 feet behind it for a second or 2 after. Melee range is also a giveaway: you know he is there, and most likely, is trying to get behind you.... aoe? Every class has some aoe... try it...
JEEZZZZ FINALLY some1 who can see that. How come no1 crying about GF's dmg? class who can deal similar dmg to a TR on pvp BUT ALSO can perma knock u down while doing so and TAKING FCKING HUGE amount of dmg before it dies? And CW who can do AOE knockbacks, hit u from a mile away + choke ? And TR only have dmg on their side + little stealth or alot of stealth + little dmg.... and to all those idiots out there, YES U CAN SEE STEALTHED ROUGE IF HES CLOSE TO U while ure facing them!!!
So lets see here.
1) TR can build for lower damage and perma stealth
2) TR can build for DPS and lower survivability
3) CW can build for Stun locks
4) CW can build for maneuverability
5) CW can build for DPS
6) DC can heal (albeit poorly)
7) DC get AS (thanks for getting it hit by the nerf bat)
8) GF can build for 2 shotting and survivability
9) GWF can build for AOE dmg
10) GWF can build for high DPS
Wow is there a class that you PvPers don't complain about.
damage will bring down stealth bars......
or... smoke them out.... and if they are in smoke they cant cast anything...
so many ways...
stop looking for the easy way out...
theres a counter to every build...
There is a counter to every build.
THIS right here. is PURE WISDOM. Realistic and fair.
ALOT of you whiners should recite this every morning and everynight.
Not sure what the point of this post is. The stealth/regen build is very viable in PvP.
While it is viable, its hardly game breaking. If you know what you are doing, you can hunt a rogue in stealth, even one "perm-stealthed".
Many others have mentioned strats to beat stealth, it gets ignored.
Contrary to popular belief, stealth is not invisibility.
meh, wrong, the permastealth build, although has a pretty fun gameplay lack damage, i know because i am rolling one.
The concept of this build fits me because it is not just a simple faceroll build focused doing on 1 shooting people or perma-controlling them (like some cws around there), it allows you to play a bigger role on pvp rather than just killing your opponents and use of good timing along with good positioning to turn the match for your team.
The last pvp match i went my team was getting knocked down hard on flag 2, however rather than getting my butt there to present to mr.boot, i continuously back capped the enemy team (and managed to run away unscratched when they came for me) thanks to perma stealth, forcing them to split for recovering the flag and giving my team the chance to outnumber the enemies on flag 2 and take it. The only moment i would get kills would be if my enemy was dumb enough to try to scout alone and allow me to nail him down or being opportunist and killing the leftovers that barelly survived a teamfight and thought they were safe by running away from the fight and splitting from their group.
And lets face it, the only way for a rogue to actually have a chance against CWs right now is the perma stealth build. If a CW have as much as a glimpse of you, congrats, you will be chocked nonstop, frozen, nailed by magic missiles, frozen again and then comes along a passing enemy who has nothing to do with the fight just to end the job.
Here I have to disagree with you... Maybe for a perma stealth may have problems... but for my Executioner who utilizes stealth... I have since learned how to hunt CW's. Doesn't mean I always win, but in a 1v1, everything off cooldown and charged up, I can usually get them now. The main thing to use against them is Impossible To Catch is the only thing that will give you a chance against them. But that does not last long and has a long CD.
People have tried mentioning that to the complainers but all they say is "well this is the Thieves' Den and the complaint is the Rogue.