So instead of posting a long, detailed, very informative thread that will most likely not get any dev's attention, I'm deciding to do the opposite! Short, straight to the point.
Reaping strike sucks, it is the most useless ability, and is bugged; the first swing after using unstoppable doesn't receive any speed bonus. Now seriously, reduce the cast time of reaping strike... it's currently ridiculous how long it takes, and not worth the trouble, OR add something appealing to it or increase it's damage.. DO SOMETHING to make it viable.
Sprint / Punishing Charge / Mighty Leap / Savage Advance are choices for gap closers or mobility. I don't think GWF lacks at this part atm (not saying they are the greatest but they exist). I think since WS/WMS are the At-Wills for AoE, there should be an At-Will to support Sure Strike. A more consistent single attack that will buff like WMS does.
I would rather have the actual damage of Reaping Strike be just a tad bit higher than it currently is to make having it worth it rather than getting rid of it all together.
Right now the only benefit for reaping strike is the determination gain from while charging. Thats it really.
ioannides5Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I would rather have the actual damage of Reaping Strike be just a tad bit higher than it currently is to make having it worth it rather than getting rid of it all together.
Right now the only benefit for reaping strike is the determination gain from while charging. Thats it really.
I would rather a buff to the charge speed rather then it's damage.
I would kill for an at will with a charge, like threatening rush.
Right now the only benefit for reaping strike is the determination gain from while charging. Thats it really.
I would rather a buff to the charge speed rather then it's damage.