Just hit 60, my first question is, how do I get more astral diamonds.
I've seen people type in chat while leveling up that they get as many as 200k a day. I need to know how. :P
I can't handle this level 20 horse any more.
Any tips are greatly appreciated.
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anrecielMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 21Arc User
edited June 2013
There's a few ways to gain Astral Diamonds:
1. Always make sure you do your blessings at an altar every hour.
2. Do the dailies. They sometimes give you multiple ones a day.
3. Play the market. Look through some high demand items and find ones that people are obviously oblivious to the pricing of, buy them, and resell them at higher prices.
Here is the skinny. People farmed level 60 purples and sold those on the auction house for AD. A lot of people did this, because frankly, gear trading was more profitable then dailies.
Problem is, too many people did it, and drove the market prices very low. People then complained that gear was now too "easy" to get. So now they are going to change most of the epic gear to be Bind on Pickup. Removing it from the market. And preventing anyone from making AD from selling it.
This will most likely happen in a week or two. If you hurry, you might catch the bus. but you best run fast. Or you could just get used to grinding dailies.
anrecielMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 21Arc User
Here is the skinny. People farmed level 60 purples and sold those on the auction house for AD. A lot of people did this, because frankly, gear trading was more profitable then dailies.
Problem is, too many people did it, and drove the market prices very low. People then complained that gear was now too "easy" to get. So now they are going to change most of the epic gear to be Bind on Pickup. Removing it from the market. And preventing anyone from making AD from selling it.
This will most likely happen in a week or two. If you hurry, you might catch the bus. but you best run fast. Or you could just get used to grinding dailies.
I'm level 38, and have already pre-purchased all my level 60 epic gear, for this reason exactly. It's incredibly cheap... even cheaper than some lower level blues. Definitely get it done while you can.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited June 2013
Best ways to get AD:
Make a good Foundry. This is by far the best method for steady income.
Grind t2 dungeons during bonus hour. Even with bad drops you'll net about 25k a run. Good drops sell for up to a mil.
Roll alts and level their Leadership. With 4 toons lvl 9-15 leadership I'm pulling 30-50k AD a day in Leadership and prayer.
Here is the skinny. People farmed level 60 purples and sold those on the auction house for AD. A lot of people did this, because frankly, gear trading was more profitable then dailies.
Problem is, too many people did it, and drove the market prices very low. People then complained that gear was now too "easy" to get. So now they are going to change most of the epic gear to be Bind on Pickup. Removing it from the market. And preventing anyone from making AD from selling it.
This will most likely happen in a week or two. If you hurry, you might catch the bus. but you best run fast. Or you could just get used to grinding dailies.
Oh wow. So gear thats up there for cheap at the moment is essentially better than T1?
Oh wow. So gear thats up there for cheap at the moment is essentially better than T1?
Most of it is pretty much gone, at least on beholder. Existing T1 and T2 sets will remain BoE. After the patch newly dropped versions will be BoP. Meaning existing sets will become legacy and suddenly insanely valuable. Most folks saw the writing on the wall and made a mad rush on the AH. Those selling either sold quickly or pulled their auctions or simply raised their prices.
But not everyone has gotten the news yet. I'm sure there are a few deals still out there, depending on server. I wish you luck with it. Best score what you can, while you can.
Make a good Foundry. This is by far the best method for steady income.
Grind t2 dungeons during bonus hour. Even with bad drops you'll net about 25k a run. Good drops sell for up to a mil.
Roll alts and level their Leadership. With 4 toons lvl 9-15 leadership I'm pulling 30-50k AD a day in Leadership and prayer.
Not meaning to single you out in any bad way Ranncore, just using this as an example Take this with a small grain of salt though. I run T2's everyday during DD hours. I have not gotten ONE drop in almost two weeks now that was worth more than 50K Infact the majority of the stuff I DO get is 4-10K. I'm obviously a little unlucky lately, but I think lots of people only get a little and not the 50-1mill sort of deal.
To the leadership I'll offer another perspective. I have 5 characters. 2 have 15 leadership, 1 has 14 and 2 have 12 leadership now. I make almost Zero AD per day with all these leadership characters because I actually want to level them and the missions that give AD almost never give decent leader exp/hour. It's a choice certainly but even if I went full bore AD missions I'm doubtful I would make 50K...really doubtful. 50K? I'll have to take a look tonight when I get home lol.
Best way to make AD was selling lucky drops which will soon end. Get cracking and you might make a little before the prices become silly before the crash :P
kagetempestMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Wow... sounds very unfair for the newer people... they should TOTALLY, like TOTALLY, remove all the astrals and items acquired from the people that have exploited the system to get that stuff to make it "fair" /sarcasm.
Leadership.... each day I can get around 8-14K AD from leadership. I know it isn't much..but you pretty much just set the task and collect the rewards later. You can also do pvp dailies, and daily dungeon but that is akin to pulling teeth. And that's bull... you won't be getting 200K AD just leveling up... not without spending some zen.
Well once you get to 60 .. you can start doing dungeon delves.. and if you get lucky you can obtain loot you can sell.. if you're the few who got into the exclusive Castle Never club.. yeah you can sell gear for $$$
1. Always make sure you do your blessings at an altar every hour.
2. Do the dailies. They sometimes give you multiple ones a day.
3. Play the market. Look through some high demand items and find ones that people are obviously oblivious to the pricing of, buy them, and resell them at higher prices.
This should help get you some diamonds fast.
Good luck!
Here is the skinny. People farmed level 60 purples and sold those on the auction house for AD. A lot of people did this, because frankly, gear trading was more profitable then dailies.
Problem is, too many people did it, and drove the market prices very low. People then complained that gear was now too "easy" to get. So now they are going to change most of the epic gear to be Bind on Pickup. Removing it from the market. And preventing anyone from making AD from selling it.
This will most likely happen in a week or two. If you hurry, you might catch the bus. but you best run fast. Or you could just get used to grinding dailies.
I'm level 38, and have already pre-purchased all my level 60 epic gear, for this reason exactly. It's incredibly cheap... even cheaper than some lower level blues. Definitely get it done while you can.
Make a good Foundry. This is by far the best method for steady income.
Grind t2 dungeons during bonus hour. Even with bad drops you'll net about 25k a run. Good drops sell for up to a mil.
Roll alts and level their Leadership. With 4 toons lvl 9-15 leadership I'm pulling 30-50k AD a day in Leadership and prayer.
Most of it is pretty much gone, at least on beholder. Existing T1 and T2 sets will remain BoE. After the patch newly dropped versions will be BoP. Meaning existing sets will become legacy and suddenly insanely valuable. Most folks saw the writing on the wall and made a mad rush on the AH. Those selling either sold quickly or pulled their auctions or simply raised their prices.
But not everyone has gotten the news yet. I'm sure there are a few deals still out there, depending on server. I wish you luck with it. Best score what you can, while you can.
event skirmish
daily foundry
Too bad the level 60 skirmish sucks. And there's not even a daily for it.
Don't forget Daily PvP will get you 4k. I actually prefer PvP over the Foundry daily at 60.
Not meaning to single you out in any bad way Ranncore, just using this as an example
To the leadership I'll offer another perspective. I have 5 characters. 2 have 15 leadership, 1 has 14 and 2 have 12 leadership now. I make almost Zero AD per day with all these leadership characters because I actually want to level them and the missions that give AD almost never give decent leader exp/hour. It's a choice certainly but even if I went full bore AD missions I'm doubtful I would make 50K...really doubtful. 50K? I'll have to take a look tonight when I get home lol.
Best way to make AD was selling lucky drops which will soon end. Get cracking and you might make a little before the prices become silly before the crash :P
Grind them T2s , sell the gear oh wait soon you won't be able to sell the gear so yeah go ahead and find another game instead .
Well once you get to 60 .. you can start doing dungeon delves.. and if you get lucky you can obtain loot you can sell.. if you're the few who got into the exclusive Castle Never club.. yeah you can sell gear for $$$