The fact that some of the more rare items are going to become BoP is good. This will make it so Epic Crafted items actually be able to be sold and actually useful. Also all the really bad epics that drop off other bosses can be sold too or people will actually use them.
With Tier items being BoP the market for items will actually be better then ever due to the fact that more items will be able to be sold rather then just Tier items that people know they can get if they farm enough AD.
Also this change to Tier items will make it so people actually have to run instances rather then again just farming or buying AD to get all their gear. Making this people have more incentive to farm instances when DD isn't up.
Don't look at this change as a bad thing look at it in a good thing. The Crafting items actually are good they just are shadowed over by the Tier gear because of how easy it is to get now with the changes a lot of different gear and items will be used rather then everyone who levels to 60 automatically already having full T1 / T2.
The game needs this change to be successful. Though I will say with this change the Tier gear should drop slightly more considering there are 3 T1 sets and 3 T2 sets for each class I believe a T1 or T2 piece should always drop off this last boss in every dungeon.
TL;DR This Change is for the good of the game. Though if all Tier gear is BoP they should raise the drop rate of T1 and T2 on final bosses in dungeons.
Post edited by quickfrost94 on
jihancritiasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I think it depends on how much ad they give for purples, when you drop them off. Also, there aren't many drops in dungeons at all, and many are blues.
What I don't like is the crafted stuff. If you want ok crafting gear, you either have to have the ad already to get dragon eggs, or buy zen to get keys, to get the eggs. Then you can craft the purples to get you started, assuming you have the profession level. I think they are just trying to force that on us. Well, on those that haven't joined the game yet.
There will be a giant disparity of the wealth of players after this. Some classes get higher priced drops, and can sell them for hundreds of thousands of ad. Those items will still be boe, and will just go higher. New players, or players that don't get those class drops, will be stuck with no good way to earn ad, with a low amount of drops for the ad turn in.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Well thats not true I haven't ran many T1's because of how easily and quickly I got geared, but I believe a purple and shard drop of every boss in most dungeons. I could be wrong with dungeons such as CT and CC the 2 lowest required GS dungeons, but I was almost certain that purples drop of all bosses even if they aren't that particularly good ones.
Also PW wants people to spend time doing Professions such as leadership to get rare profession materials. Even if this makes professional items/materials a little harder to achieve due to AD being hard to obtain it makes Epic crafting items even more profitable which gives you a reason to buy Dragon eggs of the AH or Zen from PW. Things are going to change with this we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I think this will eventually be for the best.
xervaiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
BoP is a good thing because gear is super easy to get. Helms were the hardest thing, even WITH DD. I'm happy with the changes because the loot on the AH isn't worth squat anymore.
That just kills the game for new players, who can insta-gear themselves in T2 and then go? So what's next? (Which is an entirely different issue altogether...).
Cryptic is just cleaning up the mess they made by launching this way. Wish they just pushed the OB back another month and launched it like this. Seriously, we could have waited.
alaric63Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Having good gear widely available is a much better way to go. The more people that have good gear the more there are around to make groups with. You won;t be judged by your Gear Score if everyone has a good GS.
It's bee said before. Need makes an item BoP. One can only Need what they can use. Winning a Greed roll the item stays BoE. The best of all worlds. I have yet to see a solution that even come close to those 3 rules.
Alaric we can't have Gear be BoE sometimes and not other times the economy is already really bad and for that matter the game level of play is bad too because people can just buy all their gear. Xervai is right Cryptic has realized that they shouldn't have let T2 / T1 be BoE and their trying to fix there mistake now. Making gear BoP makes the game more playable so that people actually run T1's. I mean come on who runs T1s?
Alaric we can't have Gear be BoE sometimes and not other times the economy is already really bad and for that matter the game level of play is bad too because people can just buy all their gear. Xervai is right Cryptic has realized that they shouldn't have let T2 / T1 be BoE and their trying to fix there mistake now. Making gear BoP makes the game more playable so that people actually run T1's. I mean come on who runs T1s?
I don't think BoP gear will draw that many people to t1s.
8300 GS is all it takes to q t2, the t2's aren't very hard anyways.
IMO people will run t1 dungeons for a day or two, then run t2 dungeons for months if they are unlucky. I think the reason they are making gear BoP has more to do with making crafted items useful as well as further reducing ninja'ing by people needing stuff for their class, which they are planning to sell on the AH.
Either way I'm against these changes simply because I like trading and selling and buying gear. By selling many things I had no use for I was able to buy t2 items for 3 of my characters. And, yes, I did run t2 dungeons before being the gear, only I was never lucky enough to get all 4 set items of one set to drop for my toons.
I just want to drop in and add that I FULLY support this change. I and many of my friends quit because the loot felt undesirable and "worthless" due to the fact that is was purchasable as a BoE. Now the loot will feel like TROPHIES! for all the hard work and dedication it will take to tackle tough encounters. Excellent change!
Well ya I agree with you Kevin they want people to actually use the Crafted items. I mean the stats on the tailoring one you can craft are great they give you what a CW wants at least if I wasn't able to easily buy T2 from the AH. I got my Full T2 from running T2 all the time besides buying my last piece because I never once have seen the T2 Chest piece drop for the shadow weaver set. But if I knew I couldn't eventually buy it off the AH I would have made myself the Tailoring Epic chest piece because its actually very good stat wise.
Though I do think people will do T1's more because of people not being able to buy cheap epics right away to get them above the required GS. Also if they do start doing T2's at the bare minimum GS requirement T2's will be hard.
klangeddinMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 882Arc User
edited June 2013
Uh, what?
The crafted gear in this game is trash, it gets blown out of the water by the Unicorn non-set version of T1. It's worse than the PvP sets that are incredibly easy to obtain. And they require good assets, lots of rare resources and a stupid amount of time to make.
There can be arguments in favor of BoP on best gear in game (such as reducing the impact of exploits on AH economy), but let's not use reasons that just don't exist...
As it stands, crafting gear is just for "perfectionists" who want to have everything just for the sake of it.
Seriously, has ANYONE bothered to make the level 20 Tier 2 blue item (usually a glove depending on their class, you the other pieces of that "set" (they have same name, but no bonuses) at the AD Bazar and they cost a stupid amount of AD) as an actual upgrade of their gear? I can only imagine it's done to see how it looks like and maybe change the appearence of better gear.
I just checked the preview shard and you can salvage your epics for AD. The current price is 4-5k AD for T1 gear and 8k for T2 gear. So yeah Cryptic successfully stopped raging prices on epics alright.
vaelosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The fact that some of the more rare items are going to become BoP is good. This will make it so Epic Crafted items actually be able to be sold and actually useful. Also all the really bad epics that drop off other bosses can be sold too or people will actually use them...
The Crafting items actually are good they just are shadowed over by the Tier gear because of how easy it is to get now
People who care to stick around for the ridiculous grind will just run PVP gear until they get their drops. Non BiS items will still be barely worth putting on the AH, and the crafted gear will still be completely undesirable because it's not worth burning a dragon egg on, making each piece cost at least 120K AD to produce. No one will spend that kind of AD on crafted gear when they can just run with PVP gear until they get the drop they want, maybe supplemented with unicorn/drake gear.
So you'll have to ask them to nerf PVP gear and unicorn/drake gear to make this work. Which would be another nail in the coffin.
I just want to drop in and add that I FULLY support this change. I and many of my friends quit because the loot felt undesirable and "worthless" due to the fact that is was purchasable as a BoE. Now the loot will feel like TROPHIES! for all the hard work and dedication it will take to tackle tough encounters. Excellent change!
Thanks Devs.
If it actually was work and dedication i might feel more like agreeing,but the drop is LUCK,nothing else (the item drops or doesnt,it if doesnt your work was for nothing) and that can repeat itself forever,aka you never get gear.. ^^
But sure,if it makes some people happy that their completed set is something based on luck thats fine with me,just dont go and relate it to skill or anything like that please ^^
Most of those who say it's a good idea have their gear already. Dungeon queue times are getting longer and longer. Crafting is a joke. This is killing the population. I love this game but it is not very fun when you can not find anyone to play it with you....
vaelosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I have the gear already and I think it's an awful idea.
I just checked the preview shard and you can salvage your epics for AD. The current price is 4-5k AD for T1 gear and 8k for T2 gear. So yeah Cryptic successfully stopped raging prices on epics alright.
I did the same as well. T2 gear is 8k AD, whether it's the MA set for TRs or Swash.
yeah such a good thing, good luck trying to farm AD whiteout selling dungeon gear, you will see.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited June 2013
Here's a suggestion: Improve the gear that can be purchased with seals, or otherwise increase the quantity of seals that drop, (while also allowing us to buy seal items for other classes), so that we can market our dungeon-running efforts better.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
starkaosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Having bind on pickup for current bind on equip items is a very bad idea. It hurts 2 groups of people. The people that want to sell their items for Astral Diamonds so they can get Zen items without paying a cent and the people that don't have time to grind for good items. The first group is why we shouldn't change the status of certain bind on equip items to bind on pickup. Being a slave to the RNG gods suck and selling rare items on the Auction House is a good way for people to not burnout since they have everything, but one piece of the set and have ran a specific dungeon a 100 times for it, but it never drops. STO before Season 7 was really bad for causing burnout due to not getting the right piece.
kerlaaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Alaric we can't have Gear be BoE sometimes and not other times the economy is already really bad and for that matter the game level of play is bad too because people can just buy all their gear. Xervai is right Cryptic has realized that they shouldn't have let T2 / T1 be BoE and their trying to fix there mistake now. Making gear BoP makes the game more playable so that people actually run T1's. I mean come on who runs T1s?
I ran T1's until I had a complete set and started my T2 runs. I do however support the BoP for NEED rolls and BoE for GREED rolls tho.
omgbee5Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I am in full T2... I have literally every item for every spec that I need. I have multiple sets of gear with at minimum rank 7 enchants. The only reason I continue to log into this game every day and farm T2s/CN is to make AD.... and there are lots of people like me. If they change the gear to BOP it will discourage players like me from continuing to play. I am sorry but this change will be the end of the game for me.
I'm a huge fan of the token system. I hope they implement that a lot more. I really hated the NBG/Random drop/roll system as it brings way too much drama.
You're assuming that these groups of people matter to the developers. A big assumption, mate.
Not at all. The former is a group VERY CLOSE to the developers' hearts. Or at least PWI's wallets. Think about it: if people want to buy zen from the exchange, that means that they need AD to do so. If you take away on huge source of AD trade (by making many items BoP), then these people have less AD, and thus can purchase Zen more slowly. If Zen purchases slow, the price will drop. If the price drops, then less people will buy Zen to sell it. This will cause prices to go up a little bit more again, due to lack of supply. However, the buyer's AD levels are STILL low, so they cannot afford large amounts of the Zen. Eventually, the prices will find an equilibrium. However, that equilibrium will either be A: too costly for the buyers to afford enough of or B: too cheap for the sellers to pay cash for. Either way, the number of people purchasing Zen will lower.
So, if PWI really wants profit, their best bet is to make sure that Zen stays at a healthy equilibrium, rather than one that chokes the market. In other words: they NEED to care about the people who sell their items for AD so that they can exchange them for Zen.
I have 5 characters , 1 of each(ok concentration problem and I'm an alt-aholic). I cannot be described as anything but a casual player.
I have no problem with this system. As a side note, the RNG hates me.
What I don't like is the crafted stuff. If you want ok crafting gear, you either have to have the ad already to get dragon eggs, or buy zen to get keys, to get the eggs. Then you can craft the purples to get you started, assuming you have the profession level. I think they are just trying to force that on us. Well, on those that haven't joined the game yet.
There will be a giant disparity of the wealth of players after this. Some classes get higher priced drops, and can sell them for hundreds of thousands of ad. Those items will still be boe, and will just go higher. New players, or players that don't get those class drops, will be stuck with no good way to earn ad, with a low amount of drops for the ad turn in.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Also PW wants people to spend time doing Professions such as leadership to get rare profession materials. Even if this makes professional items/materials a little harder to achieve due to AD being hard to obtain it makes Epic crafting items even more profitable which gives you a reason to buy Dragon eggs of the AH or Zen from PW. Things are going to change with this we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I think this will eventually be for the best.
That just kills the game for new players, who can insta-gear themselves in T2 and then go? So what's next? (Which is an entirely different issue altogether...).
Cryptic is just cleaning up the mess they made by launching this way. Wish they just pushed the OB back another month and launched it like this. Seriously, we could have waited.
It's bee said before. Need makes an item BoP. One can only Need what they can use. Winning a Greed roll the item stays BoE. The best of all worlds. I have yet to see a solution that even come close to those 3 rules.
I don't think BoP gear will draw that many people to t1s.
8300 GS is all it takes to q t2, the t2's aren't very hard anyways.
IMO people will run t1 dungeons for a day or two, then run t2 dungeons for months if they are unlucky. I think the reason they are making gear BoP has more to do with making crafted items useful as well as further reducing ninja'ing by people needing stuff for their class, which they are planning to sell on the AH.
Either way I'm against these changes simply because I like trading and selling and buying gear. By selling many things I had no use for I was able to buy t2 items for 3 of my characters. And, yes, I did run t2 dungeons before being the gear, only I was never lucky enough to get all 4 set items of one set to drop for my toons.
Thanks Devs.
Though I do think people will do T1's more because of people not being able to buy cheap epics right away to get them above the required GS. Also if they do start doing T2's at the bare minimum GS requirement T2's will be hard.
The crafted gear in this game is trash, it gets blown out of the water by the Unicorn non-set version of T1. It's worse than the PvP sets that are incredibly easy to obtain. And they require good assets, lots of rare resources and a stupid amount of time to make.
There can be arguments in favor of BoP on best gear in game (such as reducing the impact of exploits on AH economy), but let's not use reasons that just don't exist...
As it stands, crafting gear is just for "perfectionists" who want to have everything just for the sake of it.
Seriously, has ANYONE bothered to make the level 20 Tier 2 blue item (usually a glove depending on their class, you the other pieces of that "set" (they have same name, but no bonuses) at the AD Bazar and they cost a stupid amount of AD) as an actual upgrade of their gear? I can only imagine it's done to see how it looks like and maybe change the appearence of better gear.
People who care to stick around for the ridiculous grind will just run PVP gear until they get their drops. Non BiS items will still be barely worth putting on the AH, and the crafted gear will still be completely undesirable because it's not worth burning a dragon egg on, making each piece cost at least 120K AD to produce. No one will spend that kind of AD on crafted gear when they can just run with PVP gear until they get the drop they want, maybe supplemented with unicorn/drake gear.
So you'll have to ask them to nerf PVP gear and unicorn/drake gear to make this work. Which would be another nail in the coffin.
If it actually was work and dedication i might feel more like agreeing,but the drop is LUCK,nothing else (the item drops or doesnt,it if doesnt your work was for nothing) and that can repeat itself forever,aka you never get gear.. ^^
But sure,if it makes some people happy that their completed set is something based on luck thats fine with me,just dont go and relate it to skill or anything like that please ^^
I did the same as well. T2 gear is 8k AD, whether it's the MA set for TRs or Swash.
yeah such a good thing, good luck trying to farm AD whiteout selling dungeon gear, you will see.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I ran T1's until I had a complete set and started my T2 runs. I do however support the BoP for NEED rolls and BoE for GREED rolls tho.
As I keep posting in similar topics, you can read my thoughts on the official thread:!&p=4475311&viewfull=1#post4475311
Not at all. The former is a group VERY CLOSE to the developers' hearts. Or at least PWI's wallets. Think about it: if people want to buy zen from the exchange, that means that they need AD to do so. If you take away on huge source of AD trade (by making many items BoP), then these people have less AD, and thus can purchase Zen more slowly. If Zen purchases slow, the price will drop. If the price drops, then less people will buy Zen to sell it. This will cause prices to go up a little bit more again, due to lack of supply. However, the buyer's AD levels are STILL low, so they cannot afford large amounts of the Zen. Eventually, the prices will find an equilibrium. However, that equilibrium will either be A: too costly for the buyers to afford enough of or B: too cheap for the sellers to pay cash for. Either way, the number of people purchasing Zen will lower.
So, if PWI really wants profit, their best bet is to make sure that Zen stays at a healthy equilibrium, rather than one that chokes the market. In other words: they NEED to care about the people who sell their items for AD so that they can exchange them for Zen.
I have no problem with this system. As a side note, the RNG hates me.