We're a new guild created by long time gamers and friends, and now we're opening up our ranks to all who wish to join a friendly laid back guild with a mix of both hardcore and casual players. We run epic delves, some of us pvp, and we do plan on participating in the guild vs guild Gauntlegrym content. Please note the guild chat will sometimes be rated M. Mostly active during evenings on EST time.
Who are we looking for?
We currently have no level/gear/time requirements for joining, though you are expected to be able to perform the role of your class and be able to follow directions should a need for strategy arise. We're a guild you can learn and grow with, and run both speed and full dungeon runs.
What we are not is a guild of stacked GS pro elite obsessed hardcore farming guild. We came to Neverwinter to play, not work. We play well, but we do not require anyone to play hard.
Anyone with an interest in exploring the world and discovering/sharing new parkour locations are automatically accepted, regardless of their ability to contribute to delve/pvp runs, or whether they wish to participate in them at all.
The only thing we absolutely will not tolerate is griefing. All members must be courteous both within the guild and to others.
Why are we called the Roofdwellers you ask? Well, allow me to show you screenshots of our favorite pass times while waiting on queues! Such as:
Catching the ocean breeze
Terrorizing noobies fetching quests from Knox
Terrorizing auction goers
Jamming with Lord Neverember
Interrupting secret orc meetings
And of course...
Dwelling on the rooftops!
Also dwelling on rocks
More screenshots available:
More screenshots to come in the future!
Interested? Simply reply to this thread with your contact info or look for one of us on dragon server and send us a pm or mail at: