A mystery person every other day runs my quest and sits there for hours or more intentionly driveing up the avg run time. .
my avg runtime was 25 min then went up to over hour after 1 run. friends ran thru it again as well as me and wife to get it back down. Got it back down to 30 min to have. Somebody come in and do it again to drive the avg run time back up.
This kind of petty immature behavior is just stupid I give everyone an honest review and welcome honest reviews. If you don't like my quests I welcome you to say so but to be this petty. We need a way as authors to prevent constant harassment from others
After the Forge ran my quest and I made a post in response to some things I thought were ridiculous in their style of reviewing, there was a person who ran my quest, gave it a one star, and then left a comment that could only be in relation to that. I haven't brought it up until now because I didn't really care and I still don't. At the time my quest had about 100 plays and now it's over 1000. Those 1 star trolls really don't mean much in the long term. However, sitting in your quest to make its time look unappealing is pretty lame and whoever is doing that needs to get a life. However, if you are alluding that it is the creator of Bill's Tavern doing this I have to say I highly doubt it. He doesn't seem to be that type of person to waste time doing that and I also doubt he has a die-hard fan who wants nothing but to get even for him.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
An easier change would be to base the average time per run on the average calculated from excluding any times more than a 2 sigma deviation fro the group mean. That is, so long as you have enough playthroughs. Until then the time could be an author suggested play time and labelled as such.
after haveing a confrontation with the creator of bills tavern. A mystery person every other day runs my quest and sits there for hours or more intentionly driveing up the avg run time. I am saying it was him. But its little wired it started happening right after he made threats against mine over a bad review on one of his.
Fixed your post.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors. Video Preview
1) your initial review of my quest was so idiotic - claiming I quadrupled the time of quest on purpose to trap players - It stood out to me from the 500-1,000 reviews I get on this quest / day. Congrats.
2) I haven't played neverwinter in almost 2 weeks, I don't have access to my gaming computer since I'm moving across state. I've said as much on these forums. I've never played your quest. And you think even if I had access, I would just sit there in some asinine attempt to "drive up your time."Stop being an idiot. Thank you.
After the Forge ran my quest and I made a post in response to some things I thought were ridiculous in their style of reviewing, there was a person who ran my quest, gave it a one star, and then left a comment that could only be in relation to that. I haven't brought it up until now because I didn't really care and I still don't. At the time my quest had about 100 plays and now it's over 1000. Those 1 star trolls really don't mean much in the long term. However, sitting in your quest to make its time look unappealing is pretty lame and whoever is doing that needs to get a life. However, if you are alluding that it is the creator of Bill's Tavern doing this I have to say I highly doubt it. He doesn't seem to be that type of person to waste time doing that and I also doubt he has a die-hard fan who wants nothing but to get even for him.
As a member of the Forge stream, I can assure you no one from our group is griefing. All we do is run quests and offer suggestions for improvement (mine being environmental) Interesting thing happened today however I logged on and saw that I got ten 1 star ratings within the hour on Ravenloft with no comments. Seriously...seriously? I say to myself.
I never started any wars with anyone, in fact I have had no ill will towards anyone in the community.
Then that happens, it's just very sad to see.
We should be supporting on another, not ripping each outher down, all I want out of this is for folks to enjoy the content I make, help folks with their content, and get a job at cryptic
At any rate we want to help the community, that's why The Forge was created, I'm sorry if you still have a bitter taste in your mouth from the 1st stream almostcool, I will apologize on everyone's behalf.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
After the Forge ran my quest and I made a post in response to some things I thought were ridiculous in their style of reviewing, there was a person who ran my quest, gave it a one star, and then left a comment that could only be in relation to that.
Not the first time, someone even made a troll post pretending to be me on reddit, and I've gotten comment trolls as well. I'd ignore the guild and their stream.
zovyaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
We had a bad apple go rotten in the group and he's gone now. If I thought ANYTHING like griefing was happening within the Guild, or the streamers, I wouldn't be a part of it. I stake my word, and reputation on that.
Our stream consists of:
The Texan, Chili: Jovial, recovering bad healer.
The Love-able Nyghoma: As sensitive as a rampaging herd of rabid elephants.
The Level-headed Apoc: Always getting where you didn't intend for players to get, then using /killme.
And myself, along with various guest authors.
We're streaming today at 5pm EST twitch.tv/The_Forge
We had a bad apple go rotten in the group and he's gone now. If I thought ANYTHING like griefing was happening within the Guild, or the streamers, I wouldn't be a part of it. I stake my word, and reputation on that.
Our stream consists of:
The Texan, Chili: Jovial, recovering bad healer.
The Love-able Nyghoma: As sensitive as a rampaging herd of rabid elephants.
The Level-headed Apoc: Always getting where you didn't intend for players to get, then using /killme.
And myself, along with various guest authors.
We're streaming today at 5pm EST twitch.tv/The_Forge
I just want to echo this post.
All of us were unaware of this bad apple up until just 2 days ago. What he was doing was on the sly. Our guild does NOT support grieffing in the Foundry community and deals with it swiftly and harshly.
Now back on topic. I'm not a fan of anonymous reviewers. I'm a firm believer if you want to rate something, you should have your name attached to it. I'd even go as far as seeing a system with a pre-generated IP code assigned to users when they rate, so you can determine if the same person is grieffing you. Although, if a whole guild is down rating you or increasing your playtimes, IP checks won't help much. But schemes like that usually get exposed and result in exile for the plotter, lol.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
Okay, this really needs to stop. This author on author hatred is getting tiresome.
Like previously mentioned we had one person who apparently went way out of his way to create drama. Because of that he is no longer associated with the guild or the live stream. Please, do not hold the entire guild and the The Forge accountable for the actions of one person. We are trying to unite and strengthen the foundry community, not rip it apart from the inside out.
That is done, its over, move on from that. Please.
Lets try to work together to make a better community because no one else really is going to.
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
Okay, this really needs to stop. This author on author hatred is getting tiresome.
Like previously mentioned we had one person who apparently went way out of his way to create drama. Because of that he is no longer associated with the guild or the live stream. Please, do not hold the entire guild and the The Forge accountable for the actions of one person. We are trying to unite and strengthen the foundry community, not rip it apart from the inside out.
That is done, its over, move on from that. Please.
Lets try to work together to make a better community because no one else really is going to.
To dzogen I wanted to appologize for the orginal bad review As I have said to him before I don't know what happened that day to cause the extra content we prob will never know. If I could take the review back I would I have since went back and rerated a 5 star rateing with a good writen review.
I know that there is bad blood between us and I hope that we can put that behind us and just move on and each enjoy the game.
Also would like to say I am sorry this thread has brought out bad things against the Forge. That was not the intent I watch your stream all the time and felt that the reviews were all good on the ones I have seen.
As chili said we as authors need to stick together I have learned my lesson in this situation. Hopefully something like this can be avoided in the future and others can learn from it.
To dzogen I wanted to appologize for the orginal bad review As I have said to him before I don't know what happened that day to cause the extra content we prob will never know. If I could take the review back I would I have since went back and rerated a 5 star rateing with a good writen review.
I know that there is bad blood between us and I hope that we can put that behind us and just move on and each enjoy the game.
Also would like to say I am sorry this thread has brought out bad things against the Forge. That was not the intent I watch your stream all the time and felt that the reviews were all good on the ones I have seen.
As chili said we as authors need to stick together I have learned my lesson in this situation. Hopefully something like this can be avoided in the future and others can learn from it.
If he doesn't accept your apology, than I say he has not half the guts or character that you have.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors. Video Preview
It has brought up another flaw in the Foundry system people should be aware of and it has proven that some flaws can only be dealt with a strong community. And I have no doubts that the Neverwinter modding community, which has always been exemplary since NWN came out in 2002, will be able to keep the Foundry system an enjoyable experience for authors and players alike.
In case you find my grammar or spelling weird ---> native german speaker
To dzogen I wanted to appologize for the orginal bad review As I have said to him before I don't know what happened that day to cause the extra content we prob will never know. If I could take the review back I would I have since went back and rerated a 5 star rateing with a good writen review.
I know that there is bad blood between us and I hope that we can put that behind us and just move on and each enjoy the game.
Also would like to say I am sorry this thread has brought out bad things against the Forge. That was not the intent I watch your stream all the time and felt that the reviews were all good on the ones I have seen.
As chili said we as authors need to stick together I have learned my lesson in this situation. Hopefully something like this can be avoided in the future and others can learn from it.
Well I think you are setting a great example for authors. Thank u for this. I also apologize since I was a jerk in my response to you. Sounds like miscommunication on all sides.
Just know I have never played your quest. I had forgotten all about it. My computer arrives to my apt on friday after 2 weeks of no gaming.
I look forward to starting a new quest and playing more foundry. If I play yours ill rate it highly if I like it and wont rate it if I dont.
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
lolsorhandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 981Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013
All of us were unaware of this bad apple up until just 2 days ago. What he was doing was on the sly. Our guild does NOT support grieffing in the Foundry community and deals with it swiftly and harshly.
Now back on topic. I'm not a fan of anonymous reviewers. I'm a firm believer if you want to rate something, you should have your name attached to it. I'd even go as far as seeing a system with a pre-generated IP code assigned to users when they rate, so you can determine if the same person is grieffing you. Although, if a whole guild is down rating you or increasing your playtimes, IP checks won't help much. But schemes like that usually get exposed and result in exile for the plotter, lol.
Yeah, this. Always good to know, why someone gives a certain rating.
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
Fixed your post.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
Video Preview
1) your initial review of my quest was so idiotic - claiming I quadrupled the time of quest on purpose to trap players - It stood out to me from the 500-1,000 reviews I get on this quest / day. Congrats.
2) I haven't played neverwinter in almost 2 weeks, I don't have access to my gaming computer since I'm moving across state. I've said as much on these forums. I've never played your quest. And you think even if I had access, I would just sit there in some asinine attempt to "drive up your time."Stop being an idiot. Thank you.
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
As a member of the Forge stream, I can assure you no one from our group is griefing. All we do is run quests and offer suggestions for improvement (mine being environmental) Interesting thing happened today however I logged on and saw that I got ten 1 star ratings within the hour on Ravenloft with no comments. Seriously...seriously? I say to myself.
I never started any wars with anyone, in fact I have had no ill will towards anyone in the community.
Then that happens, it's just very sad to see.
We should be supporting on another, not ripping each outher down, all I want out of this is for folks to enjoy the content I make, help folks with their content, and get a job at cryptic
At any rate we want to help the community, that's why The Forge was created, I'm sorry if you still have a bitter taste in your mouth from the 1st stream almostcool, I will apologize on everyone's behalf.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Our stream consists of:
The Texan, Chili: Jovial, recovering bad healer.
The Love-able Nyghoma: As sensitive as a rampaging herd of rabid elephants.
The Level-headed Apoc: Always getting where you didn't intend for players to get, then using /killme.
And myself, along with various guest authors.
We're streaming today at 5pm EST twitch.tv/The_Forge
Haha, yes it was. Though it is a little sad to see there are people that would sit in a quest for hours or would spam one star ratings.
A Nobleman's Request - NW-DIYMYKKVY (Avg. 33 mins)
Sometimes your best promoters are your critics.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I just want to echo this post.
All of us were unaware of this bad apple up until just 2 days ago. What he was doing was on the sly. Our guild does NOT support grieffing in the Foundry community and deals with it swiftly and harshly.
Now back on topic. I'm not a fan of anonymous reviewers. I'm a firm believer if you want to rate something, you should have your name attached to it. I'd even go as far as seeing a system with a pre-generated IP code assigned to users when they rate, so you can determine if the same person is grieffing you. Although, if a whole guild is down rating you or increasing your playtimes, IP checks won't help much. But schemes like that usually get exposed and result in exile for the plotter, lol.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
Like previously mentioned we had one person who apparently went way out of his way to create drama. Because of that he is no longer associated with the guild or the live stream. Please, do not hold the entire guild and the The Forge accountable for the actions of one person. We are trying to unite and strengthen the foundry community, not rip it apart from the inside out.
That is done, its over, move on from that. Please.
Lets try to work together to make a better community because no one else really is going to.
Very well put,
I know that there is bad blood between us and I hope that we can put that behind us and just move on and each enjoy the game.
Also would like to say I am sorry this thread has brought out bad things against the Forge. That was not the intent I watch your stream all the time and felt that the reviews were all good on the ones I have seen.
As chili said we as authors need to stick together I have learned my lesson in this situation. Hopefully something like this can be avoided in the future and others can learn from it.
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
If he doesn't accept your apology, than I say he has not half the guts or character that you have.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
Video Preview
It has brought up another flaw in the Foundry system people should be aware of and it has proven that some flaws can only be dealt with a strong community. And I have no doubts that the Neverwinter modding community, which has always been exemplary since NWN came out in 2002, will be able to keep the Foundry system an enjoyable experience for authors and players alike.
Well I think you are setting a great example for authors. Thank u for this. I also apologize since I was a jerk in my response to you. Sounds like miscommunication on all sides.
Just know I have never played your quest. I had forgotten all about it. My computer arrives to my apt on friday after 2 weeks of no gaming.
I look forward to starting a new quest and playing more foundry. If I play yours ill rate it highly if I like it and wont rate it if I dont.
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Yeah, this. Always good to know, why someone gives a certain rating.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash