Hello guys,
first of all, excuse my crapy english,
second i want to share with you what i found out last night while i was doing pvp (around 5-6 arenas)
These pics are showing a major bug with gwf dmg in arena:
http://prikachi.com/images/814/6209814J.jpg (out of arena)
http://prikachi.com/images/823/6209823o.jpg (in arena, in all 6 arenas)
Hope this helps improve the game.
This is a known issue, and it's not GWF related. The bolster mechanics on PvP are messed up atm and so the upscaling to X9th level is actually reversed. To explain it better:
at level 40 when you enter pvp your damage is scaled up to level 49
at levels 41 to 48 your damage gets progressively worse and worse, at 48 you are severely nerfed
at level 49 your damage jumps back to normal for level 49
As soon as you hit 49 you'll feel OP .
It applies to all classes.