I'm kinda worried. I got this image in my head now where simply stepping into a zone will cause every enemy in it... and the dungeons connected to it... to converge onto where the Cleric is. And ask him for his photo and autograph. O_O
And that in doing so will angrily aggro every player that's there to kill the offending cleric... O_O
But in all seriousness, I read that the aggro will be spread to every creature in the encounter. That's not a bad thing, is it?
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
i think the wording is just poor on the description.
people who have been on the test server said it is much better now.
i would like to understand the math better, on many things, but it seems like cryptic doesn't like giving that type of information out. then again all i do is stare at numbers and equations most days, so maybe its just me.
I've seen much the same. Test server tanks are having little trouble keeping hate, so things should be fine except on the mobs that attack randomly with pounces/dashes.
daervonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Aggro's much better now on Test -- at least until the tank dies because your AS went down, it's still on cooldown, they just had two 20k hits land on them, and you don't have any powers that can heal them up so fast... Then you're screwed. But hey!
Aggro's much better now on Test -- at least until the tank dies because your AS went down, it's still on cooldown, they just had two 20k hits land on them, and you don't have any powers that can heal them up so fast... Then you're screwed. But hey!
What you just described there is something I've said the GF class has a problem with all along, but with aggro being such a huge issue no one seemed to want to even think about it. GFs will now get aggro, lots of aggro from lots of mobs. How are we supposed to hold up block while getting hit from all sides and even see the red circle under our feet let alone "dodge" out of it? Tanks are going to be taking more damage than ever, I'm not really sure now is the time for a healing nerf.
daervonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
If the end-game content was trivial with a single cleric, in the current state of healing, then I could understand a nerf of healing ability. It's not though. Still requires skill and coordination -- and 90% of the time it's not doable in a pug, so luck is not really a factor either.
I fully agree with removing the stacking issues from AS, and whatever other abilities whether for clerics or other classes. But nerfing healing?... Bonkers.
But in all seriousness, I read that the aggro will be spread to every creature in the encounter. That's not a bad thing, is it?
No. As I understand it, if a cleric in a group of 5 fighting 10 mobs, throws a heal for 100 on each party member (so total of 500):
Previous system, each mob gains 500 points of aggro against the cleric.
New system each mob gains 50 points of aggro against the cleric. (The 500 total is spread out amongst all 10 mobs.)
The "encounter" refers to the mobs involved in the combat. Throwing a heal will not cause mobs not currently in combat to aggro on the cleric. (But it may cause adds that have already entered combat to do so.)
What you just described there is something I've said the GF class has a problem with all along, but with aggro being such a huge issue no one seemed to want to even think about it. GFs will now get aggro, lots of aggro from lots of mobs. How are we supposed to hold up block while getting hit from all sides and even see the red circle under our feet let alone "dodge" out of it? Tanks are going to be taking more damage than ever, I'm not really sure now is the time for a healing nerf.
I brought this up a long time ago when peopled wanted aggro fix, disappointed they didn't address the fact he class is pretty squishy a long with the fact cleric has no burst heal.
klangeddinMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 882Arc User
edited June 2013
The problem is that Fighter's Recovery is currently too strong to allow for a buff to Guardian Fighter's survival.
If we could survive T2 trash mobs for a more "reasonable" time (with lots more block, hp and damage reduce), we would be god-mode with the current incarnation of Fighter's Recovery as well.
As a Guardian Fighter it pains me to say it, but I'd rather see Fighter's Recovery nerfed into the ground if it's preventing us to be "juggernauts of defense".
However, I can see that such a change would not please many other guardian fighters that maybe enjoy different play styles.
Has anyone ever noticed that GFs can tank stuff INSIDE of AS?
I'm anxious waiting for a video or a rant about a party dying on one of those short but long 5 seconds of AS cooldown or a GF crying because he got 2 shotted by adds when AS was on CD.
No. As I understand it, if a cleric in a group of 5 fighting 10 mobs, throws a heal for 100 on each party member (so total of 500):
Previous system, each mob gains 500 points of aggro against the cleric.
New system each mob gains 50 points of aggro against the cleric. (The 500 total is spread out amongst all 10 mobs.)
The "encounter" refers to the mobs involved in the combat. Throwing a heal will not cause mobs not currently in combat to aggro on the cleric. (But it may cause adds that have already entered combat to do so.)
I'm glad for that change. I'm tired of having huge groups of adds chasing me while I try to keep the party alive.
I'm still getting those weird visions where every mob in the zone (and even the dungeons connected to the zone) show up where I'm at the moment I enter the zone... and all of them asking me for my photo/autograph...
Valindra: I'm your biggest fan! Marry me!!!
Hapless Cleric: No way!!!
*eyes every player in the zone looking at him with murderous intent*
Hapless Cleric: Definitely NO WAY!!!
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
people who have been on the test server said it is much better now.
i would like to understand the math better, on many things, but it seems like cryptic doesn't like giving that type of information out. then again all i do is stare at numbers and equations most days, so maybe its just me.
- What Class Are You? -
What you just described there is something I've said the GF class has a problem with all along, but with aggro being such a huge issue no one seemed to want to even think about it. GFs will now get aggro, lots of aggro from lots of mobs. How are we supposed to hold up block while getting hit from all sides and even see the red circle under our feet let alone "dodge" out of it? Tanks are going to be taking more damage than ever, I'm not really sure now is the time for a healing nerf.
This does not apply specifically to clerics but to whomever is executing heals, conveniently Clerics do most of the healing
sourced from http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?p=907501
| NeverWinter Meme's | Kevrlet's Guide to Gauntlgrym |
I fully agree with removing the stacking issues from AS, and whatever other abilities whether for clerics or other classes. But nerfing healing?... Bonkers.
- What Class Are You? -
that's new.
I want this class in NW.
Previous system, each mob gains 500 points of aggro against the cleric.
New system each mob gains 50 points of aggro against the cleric. (The 500 total is spread out amongst all 10 mobs.)
The "encounter" refers to the mobs involved in the combat. Throwing a heal will not cause mobs not currently in combat to aggro on the cleric. (But it may cause adds that have already entered combat to do so.)
If we could survive T2 trash mobs for a more "reasonable" time (with lots more block, hp and damage reduce), we would be god-mode with the current incarnation of Fighter's Recovery as well.
As a Guardian Fighter it pains me to say it, but I'd rather see Fighter's Recovery nerfed into the ground if it's preventing us to be "juggernauts of defense".
However, I can see that such a change would not please many other guardian fighters that maybe enjoy different play styles.
I'm anxious waiting for a video or a rant about a party dying on one of those short but long 5 seconds of AS cooldown or a GF crying because he got 2 shotted by adds when AS was on CD.
I'd love to have some good laughs
I want this class in NW.
I'm glad for that change. I'm tired of having huge groups of adds chasing me while I try to keep the party alive.
I'm still getting those weird visions where every mob in the zone (and even the dungeons connected to the zone) show up where I'm at the moment I enter the zone... and all of them asking me for my photo/autograph...
Valindra: I'm your biggest fan! Marry me!!!
Hapless Cleric: No way!!!
*eyes every player in the zone looking at him with murderous intent*
Hapless Cleric: Definitely NO WAY!!!
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*