I was wondering how long the free respecs after launch would last?
I take it they are one per character (could a MOD or Dev actually confirm this please as i didn't see it specifically mentioned in the notes), but am not sure how long we would have to use them.
The reason being I was thinking of re-feating a mid-level character now, but if the respecs have a limited time-duration to use them I might as well wait, but if the 'Launch' respecs are permanent then it is worth me respecing now.
Also as a side point, it would be great if these Launch repecs enabled you to change you starting attribute rolls as I made a TR with DEX focus and a Cleric with WIS focus since those were the recommended primary stats, but it turns out that these are for some reason overshadowed by STR and possibly CHR for both classes
Sorry to be a pain, but do you have a link to where a Dev says that the token won't expire?
Also I am pretty sure that any tokens will be bound to character. Are they actually even tradeable - I have never checked the AH for any as it never occurred to me.
You can't sell it because its not "physical item", it just unlocks respec button for you.
Example: Resepec can only be used once, but will not be used until you use it. They will stack (in STO, as a lifetime member you get a new respect for every level you gain). Think of it this way: they work exactly like your potions: they will sit there forever until you use them. But you get one use.
As for "timed" affects: an example would be a timed bonus that is not server-based. For example, in Champions Online they had a celebration a few months ago, you character talked to an NPC to get a two-hour double XP bonus (character-based, as the character had to go get it). When it expired, you went back to get another one. I STILL have a few characters that got the two hour bonus, but haven;t used them. This is a few months ago. But when I log in to those characters, the clock is still ticking, because the clock stops when I log-out. So I still have the two hour XP bonus on those characters waiting to be used up.
Now, knowing this, do what a previous commenter said: if you already know the race and class you want to play with your alts: create them now, run them through the tutorial, then let them sit there. When the Kitchen Sink Patch is applied, they will each get a respect applied. Then that respec will remain there forever until you use it.
The only real question is whether enough respecs will be handed out to cover multiple characters (or only one per account). I have a Hero pack which comes with ONE respec (account wide) - so I can use it in only one character, but any character. I would hope Cryptic gives enough complimentary respec tokens to cover every character on one's account because it is a practical requirement due to the massive changes in the Kitchen Sink Patch.
Thank you very much, as I can't be the only person who was trying to figure out whether it was worth respecing a low/mid level character before the free respecs came out.
BTW can you confirm whether it is one per character, not just one per account? I assume so, but haven't actually see any Dev post that clearly stated that.
Because of this:
After we feel that the updates here have received sufficient testing on NeverwinterPreview, we’ll be introducing them to the Open Beta servers (with any necessary changes), and offering free respec tokens so that you can build your character the way that you’d like.
Source: http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?p=907501