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The adds on T2 Dungeon Bosses needs to be tuned more.

kethlorienkethlorien Member Posts: 5 Arc User
Just got done with the SpellPlague Dungeon, got to the last boss no problems. The adds on the end bosses in T2 need to be tuned, there are too many of them. You are going to alienate some class compositions, i.e. 1 of each class, etc because people will want 2 clerics or 2 wizzys.
You need to make the fights doable by 1 of each class and that does not mean spawning constant adds. Also AP generation has been nerfed to the ground, it now takes twice as long to get daily powers and that just makes things worse in the dungeons.

This is just my opinion however. I think you will lose a lot of people, if they cannot complete the dungeons with 1 of each class.
Post edited by kethlorien on


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    kelestrakelestra Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 82
    edited June 2013
    Just tossing in my experience; while I completely agree with you that Neverwinter has turned into a game of "Fight Adds" rather than "Fight Epic Bosses/Monsters".... you can still easily complete an Epic T2 with just one of each class. One of our static groups was a GF/GWF/CW/Cleric/TR and we cleared everything except CN. Granted we're all nearly fully geared out to the max.

    I personally (opinion here) think that having 2 Clerics is now a complete waste of everyone's time and unnecessary. I don't mind having 2 CW's though... when it comes to having to clear insane amounts of trash, it's great to have. (Knocking mobs)

    Cryptic, I hope, realizes that their game has turned into a "Knock adds off a cliff" fest. This is what you're game is known for in the gaming community in general. You've even coined your own phrase now in gaming, called "Knocking". (I'm not talking about the Wizard spell either) Some developers need to go back and play some Rift if you want to get a great example on dungeons done well.

    Again, my opinion here, but to me Neverwinter disgraces the word "Dungeon Boss" or "Epic Dungeon". You just took a ton of mobs, multiplied by 3 and dropped them on fancy boss model with a special name. The most difficult part about your game? Add management.

    Even with this latest 'Big Patch' that we're testing.... I can't "Tank" the main boss because now with my excellent taunting skills I actually -bring- all the adds ON top of the boss so now there's PBAOE/Adds cluttering the boss and no one can get a hit on him because they're accidentally be forced to hit all the adds. So what do I have to do? Now *I* am the one that is 'Kiting' all the adds around on my GF instead of the Cleric while everyone else burns the boss.

    Oh and... some extra advice: When people kill a boss... DESPAWN ALL THE **** ADDS THAT THE BOSS SPAWNED. (for the love of GOD)
    Multi-Gaming Community Founded in 1999 ~ Casual/Hardcore Friendly ~ Ages 21+ Preferred
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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ads hits stronger then boss this is very wrong ;/ now whit dc nerfs epic dungeons will be a lot harder
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    cihuacoatlcihuacoatl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Kelestra I agree...

    Just coming from Rift which seems like we agree has probably some of the best boss mechanics in the industry... I am in shock and awe how poorly these boss fights are. They require nearly no thought, no planning, and most of all have no real mechanics. I think the PWE developers have been in their own world to long. Please do not take this the wrong way... they need to play other games i.e. Rift, Everquest etc and COPY yes COPY some of their ideas. Nobody reinvents the wheel anymore almost everyone has copied EQ in some form or fashion. Rift did it and just improved upon everyone elses ideas. I think this game needs some of that.

    Players like to figure out puzzles and mechanics. We like to be challenged... however managing adds and kiting can be part of the tactic but shouldn't be the only piece of the puzzle. I hate to say it as it is right now... I have yet to see any boss that is more complicated that the level 10 ogre I fought in a questline. T1 and T2 are all add management...

    If you want ideas please feel free to contact me I have 20 years of MMO/Mud exp and have done game development in the past (10+ years ago). I have also done beta/alpha and work with devs in other games (within the last year) in assisting in tuning encounter mechanics. I am still under NDA so I can only tell you what is released...

    BTW what race and build did you use in your testing (conq/prot/tactics)?
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    juanzq88juanzq88 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is more like a Horde Mode but, no very fun, they are only to much..., and with a lot of hp, is more like a running contest to not die,
    some times spawns mobs, that do knocks , and not escape for that, i almost never do dungeons, they are too long, and i not have time always to wait a group to querbec and them pray for a good group with some skills, if not waste of time, last boss all die because no the boss , i die for the amount of mobs that spawns, soo... is like a dream to play a dungeon in level 60+ for me, is a same because is the focus of the games, do dungeons with other people, but no here, at least for people with no time to put some time in a good guild, or any guild at all
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    kelestrakelestra Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 82
    edited June 2013
    I'm still in my Hybrid DPS - I think I'm all Conq right now though since in the "Actual Game Server" the only way to get threat was from DPS.

    Since I'm still in that DPS/Hybrid Tank spec.... I can't wait to get some Respec Tokens from Cryptic (add a vendor please?) so I can fully commit to Prot with my T2 Tanking Gearsets. I was holding aggression extremely well even without being 100% spec'ed into tanking.

    If anything; I highly suggest that they Mini-Patch/Send over the Cleric/GF Threat mechanic changes ASAP. There is no reason -at all- to wait to patch that into your live server; it's ready, it works, and it's a much needed relief.
    Multi-Gaming Community Founded in 1999 ~ Casual/Hardcore Friendly ~ Ages 21+ Preferred
    Enjoy our Community @ www.vigilantaddiction.com & http://www.twitch.tv/team/vigilantaddiction
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    xjdx6xjdx6 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kelestra wrote: »
    Just tossing in my experience; while I completely agree with you that Neverwinter has turned into a game of "Fight Adds" rather than "Fight Epic Bosses/Monsters".... you can still easily complete an Epic T2 with just one of each class. One of our static groups was a GF/GWF/CW/Cleric/TR and we cleared everything except CN. Granted we're all nearly fully geared out to the max.

    I personally (opinion here) think that having 2 Clerics is now a complete waste of everyone's time and unnecessary. I don't mind having 2 CW's though... when it comes to having to clear insane amounts of trash, it's great to have. (Knocking mobs)

    Cryptic, I hope, realizes that their game has turned into a "Knock adds off a cliff" fest. This is what you're game is known for in the gaming community in general. You've even coined your own phrase now in gaming, called "Knocking". (I'm not talking about the Wizard spell either) Some developers need to go back and play some Rift if you want to get a great example on dungeons done well.

    Again, my opinion here, but to me Neverwinter disgraces the word "Dungeon Boss" or "Epic Dungeon". You just took a ton of mobs, multiplied by 3 and dropped them on fancy boss model with a special name. The most difficult part about your game? Add management.

    Even with this latest 'Big Patch' that we're testing.... I can't "Tank" the main boss because now with my excellent taunting skills I actually -bring- all the adds ON top of the boss so now there's PBAOE/Adds cluttering the boss and no one can get a hit on him because they're accidentally be forced to hit all the adds. So what do I have to do? Now *I* am the one that is 'Kiting' all the adds around on my GF instead of the Cleric while everyone else burns the boss.

    Oh and... some extra advice: When people kill a boss... DESPAWN ALL THE **** ADDS THAT THE BOSS SPAWNED. (for the love of GOD)

    This here is my reply summed up in one, the game has literally become 1 person kite boss/fight boss, everyone take on adds.
    Who ever designed the dungeon specifically the encounter aspect needs to go back to the drawing board. The only bosses which are actually able to have the boss title is the end boss of 'Dread Vault' and 'Castle Never', these are the only bosses i find to actually be worthy of the name. All the others are just adds adds adds
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    axer128axer128 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The challenge of T2s is a lot of fun imo.

    But yea the shear number is a bit nuts.

    On the other hand a very skilled/well played CW can handle unlimited adds.

    So I dunno, the only solution to me seems to be to make boss adds somewhat resistant to CC, kinda like the spellplague fight where they get that buff that gives them kb immunity. More T2s should be like that.

    And spellplague is not too hard. If you failed it, and considered yourself a good gamer, its either because your undergeared, or used a bad strategy. It's doable with pretty much any variety of clases as is, and even more so if they made it easier on the test server.

    Some fights that may need tuning:
    2nd boss of karrunax (9000 adds that are all huge, CC immune (cept choke) and all use aoe knockbacks? wow.. - 99% of grps pull him back due to this. Leash him, reduce adds.

    all bosses in frozen heart: a gillion regenerating trolls/cc immune golems and no pits to toss them into just isnt fun. It forces clerics to kite, and anytime kiting is the ideal strategy, the fight design needs to be reconsidered. Kiting is lame.

    Epic Dreadvault: It's insanely hard, but I like it.. Take the hulks out because the only winning strategy relies on them not seeing us anyways, and its a bit cheesy.

    All other t2s are fine imo. Only issue is the infinitely respawning adds even after boss dies. They should always disappear upon boss defeat (like vs dracolich).
    -Group tools in dire need of improvement, please read and reply to improve our community.
    -Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
    Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
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    kethlorienkethlorien Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    axer128 wrote: »
    The challenge of T2s is a lot of fun imo.

    But yea the shear number is a bit nuts.

    On the other hand a very skilled/well played CW can handle unlimited adds.

    So I dunno, the only solution to me seems to be to make boss adds somewhat resistant to CC, kinda like the spellplague fight where they get that buff that gives them kb immunity. More T2s should be like that.

    And spellplague is not too hard. If you failed it, and considered yourself a good gamer, its either because your undergeared, or used a bad strategy. It's doable with pretty much any variety of clases as is, and even more so if they made it easier on the test server.

    Some fights that may need tuning:
    2nd boss of karrunax (9000 adds that are all huge, CC immune (cept choke) and all use aoe knockbacks? wow.. - 99% of grps pull him back due to this. Leash him, reduce adds.

    all bosses in frozen heart: a gillion regenerating trolls/cc immune golems and no pits to toss them into just isnt fun. It forces clerics to kite, and anytime kiting is the ideal strategy, the fight design needs to be reconsidered. Kiting is lame.

    Epic Dreadvault: It's insanely hard, but I like it.. Take the hulks out because the only winning strategy relies on them not seeing us anyways, and its a bit cheesy.

    All other t2s are fine imo. Only issue is the infinitely respawning adds even after boss dies. They should always disappear upon boss defeat (like vs dracolich).

    I don't mind the challenge, it is that there are WAY to many adds, and with the CW changes, it is difficult to control large packs of adds now, with the nerf to AP generation, and the fact that as soon as I used my AS, I had all the aggro and well got turned into a pile of drow goo.. It was not fun. The mechanics of the bosses need to me re-evaluated to work with not so many adds.
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    cihuacoatlcihuacoatl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    axer128 wrote: »
    The challenge of T2s is a lot of fun imo.

    But yea the shear number is a bit nuts.

    On the other hand a very skilled/well played CW can handle unlimited adds.

    So I dunno, the only solution to me seems to be to make boss adds somewhat resistant to CC, kinda like the spellplague fight where they get that buff that gives them kb immunity. More T2s should be like that.

    And spellplague is not too hard. If you failed it, and considered yourself a good gamer, its either because your undergeared, or used a bad strategy. It's doable with pretty much any variety of clases as is, and even more so if they made it easier on the test server.

    Some fights that may need tuning:
    2nd boss of karrunax (9000 adds that are all huge, CC immune (cept choke) and all use aoe knockbacks? wow.. - 99% of grps pull him back due to this. Leash him, reduce adds.

    all bosses in frozen heart: a gillion regenerating trolls/cc immune golems and no pits to toss them into just isnt fun. It forces clerics to kite, and anytime kiting is the ideal strategy, the fight design needs to be reconsidered. Kiting is lame.

    Epic Dreadvault: It's insanely hard, but I like it.. Take the hulks out because the only winning strategy relies on them not seeing us anyways, and its a bit cheesy.

    All other t2s are fine imo. Only issue is the infinitely respawning adds even after boss dies. They should always disappear upon boss defeat (like vs dracolich).

    Spell is probably the only encounter that I think is fun and requires a little strategy.

    Karrunax is just plan broken. The boss never moves, never targets anyone. You can just sit behind him and kill him. This is a prime example of very poor AI, throwing adds to add complexity, the encounter is just bad.

    Frozen you nailed it... there is no add management... this is just a kite fest.

    Spider I refuse to even do this one. I have never seen anyone kill this boss without an exploit. I was even in one group that used the jump exploit to go directly to the last boss without having to kill more than 12 NPC. Then used a jump bug to lock him and just shoot him down. Unlimited nearly no risk farm... 15min farm.

    Anyways I voiced my opinion earlier...
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    sinamonsinamon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I wouldnt hold your breath on them changing anything as far as bosses go. There is alot of expansions and large updates coming for a number of MMOs this summer. If they dont start listening to legitimate issues instead of 1 got 1 shot in pvp by rogue in a pve game. Its doomed, someone said it will take a year to be a good game. Doesnt have that long. ESO, FFXIVRR to name 2 new releases that will crush player base in any MMOs on the market even briefly. For f2ps those player losses hit harder than a sub based game. Unfortunately NWO isnt a f2p game, its a p2win game, the easiest way to get AD is to buy zen and sell it, or buy zen items and sell them. Easiest way to gear up is to hit the AH and buy everything with AD. If you dont have a cat or stone as a cleric or tr most groups dont even want you.
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    aceofgamesaceofgames Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree with Kelestra.
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    kobrakai2kobrakai2 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I've done spellplague countless times with 1 wizard and 1 cleric.

    I actually find it easier to go solo wizard (I play a wizard myself) because I can get into a pattern of using my skills in order to restore action points. Having another wizard pushing things about makes it harder. I can quite easily control all of the adds by myself as long as the cleric is watching my back.

    The perfect team in my opinion is 1 CW, 1 DC, 2 TR and 1 GWF. Which is what I look for when putting together parties for T2 dungeons.
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    chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited June 2013
    Hrimnir needs more smackdown.
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    grimelrokgrimelrok Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    /signed agree with OP and Kelestra.
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