With the right Def and skill set up, a skilled GF (like me *cough cough* yes I just said that. problem?) can camp a point for days (not exaggerated).
Yeah a good defender, but not a good killer, and the game is usually dps heavy in a PVP match, never is defence heavy. I have seen 4 CW combinations before, but not 4 GF
With the right Def and skill set up, a skilled GF (like me *cough cough* yes I just said that. problem?) can camp a point for days (not exaggerated).
looks liek someone went scrubmode low lvl pee v pee .
Try "blocking" an Orc Shaman's super attack. He'll just knock you down. And as long as your down you'll have a pile of orc warriors stomping you to death...
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
Try "blocking" an Orc Shaman's super attack. He'll just knock you down. And as long as your down you'll have a pile of orc warriors stomping you to death...
The OP was referring to PvP. And you can block those without being knocked down as long as you're facing the center of the circle.
The Spartan pic ruined it, spartans relied on mobility rather than defense.
But i guess history isn't everybody's thing.
Actually you're the one who doesn't know history. Spartan soldiers, as were most Greek soldiers at the time, were called hoplites after their hoplon, which was a heavy shield. They were heavy infantry basically. They didn't run around half naked like they do in the movie 300, they wore over 35 kg of armor.
So maybe before insulting people you should actually know your facts.
The Spartan pic ruined it, spartans relied on mobility rather than defense.
But i guess history isn't everybody's thing.
Before calling anyone out on history, and I do agree that image is not exactly accurate, you might want to check your own facts. Spartans wore a heavy bronze cuirass, leg greaves and a bronze helmet, usually in the Corinthian style. That is by no means ignoring defense in favor of mobility, in fact that was a hell of a lot of armor for the time period, and that style would not be changed much for almost 800 years. Around 7-6 BC they most likely would have switched to the Linothorax, which is a cuirass made of cloth and metal, as opposed to bronze.
looks liek someone went scrubmode low lvl pee v pee .
If your sexual identity is so fragile it felt threatened by using the word "meat" on a web forum, it might be time to do some serious soul searching.
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
lol wut?
The OP was referring to PvP. And you can block those without being knocked down as long as you're facing the center of the circle.
Actually you're the one who doesn't know history. Spartan soldiers, as were most Greek soldiers at the time, were called hoplites after their hoplon, which was a heavy shield. They were heavy infantry basically. They didn't run around half naked like they do in the movie 300, they wore over 35 kg of armor.
So maybe before insulting people you should actually know your facts.
Before calling anyone out on history, and I do agree that image is not exactly accurate, you might want to check your own facts. Spartans wore a heavy bronze cuirass, leg greaves and a bronze helmet, usually in the Corinthian style. That is by no means ignoring defense in favor of mobility, in fact that was a hell of a lot of armor for the time period, and that style would not be changed much for almost 800 years. Around 7-6 BC they most likely would have switched to the Linothorax, which is a cuirass made of cloth and metal, as opposed to bronze.