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Misdeeds: NWS-DTKFUSA72

zitpopperzitpopper Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Foundry Quest Database
Hello everyone! This is my VERY FIRST attempt at writing my own quest! I would appreciate any kinds of feedback, good, negative, whatever. I have yet to take any screenshots, but I will ASAP.

I read not to stack encounters, so I may have gone TOO light on them, according to some folks, so please don't hesitate to let me know~ I will add more ;) Part 2 is very choice-driven. I used a lot of "or logic" with items and interactions, so you can choose a good path, neutral, or evil path. Obviously all paths lead to the same end result, but the way you interact with the characters can change. I had cool music in there, but I guess that hasn't been fixed yet...

Again, this is my FIRST attempt, so be firm, but gentle in your assessments :)

Campaign Misdeeds: Part 1, Valanthe
Part 2, Nightbreeze

Body: I haven't come up with a really good description as of yet, but right now it involves a family of... elves.
MISDEEDS campaign by @zitpopper
Short Code: NWS-DTKFUSA72
Mission Type:
Average Duration: 16-20 minutes per part
Amount of Combat: Fair-Average
Starts at: Go to any gate
Author tips/hints: There are two boss fights in Part 1, so if you solo, especially at higher levels, bring pots. In Part 2, you will have to fight waves of enemies, so bring pots :)
Screenshots/attachments: I will post one shortly

Thank you in advance!!

Screenshots for Part 1:

Screenshots for Part 2:
Post edited by zitpopper on


  • darriot777darriot777 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2013
    I'm a beginner at this too. I'll check out yours as soon as I can!
    Here's mine: NW-DP6JVC2WPO
  • zitpopperzitpopper Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks darriot! I will hop on later tonight and check yours out!
  • darriot777darriot777 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2013
    Okay, just completed it.
    Things I liked:
    1) The quest was simple. I've been encountering many complex questlines lately and this one had the feel of a saturday get-together with the guys playing D&D while the DM had short notice to throw something on the table. Go here - do this - get paid. It felt more real to me than just about anything I've played so far.
    2) Difficulty of encounters progressively increased. Something you don't see quite often around here. Nice touch.
    3) It was cool to see two types of undead. The mindless enemies, but also, ones that you could speak to and seemed to have motivations. Nice.
    Things that could be improved:
    1) You used a whole empty map, just for an elf and a sewer grate. Seemed kind of empty to me.
    2) From a role play perspective, why would she ask me to "activate it?"I don't know what "activate" means. Pull a lever, push a button? A little more detail in the dialogue would improve this.
    3) The ladder says "teleport." Can it be changed it to "Climb above?" or something like that?
    4) You call the undead "risen." change the titles of the enemies to reflect this.
    5) I wanted to see some deeped interaction with Himo and Lady Lia. You could use this as an interesting interaction to add a little flavor to the whole situation. Maybe just some extra dialogue or dialogue choices to reflect if you've talked to her or not.
    6) And lastly, maybe have a "Portal" to get out of the dungeon instead of a magic trail that leads to nowhere. i think people use the effect "Magic Barrier" to get a little swirly vortex that works well as a "teleporter."
    All in all, good stuff. I hope this helps improve it some!
  • zitpopperzitpopper Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey darriot, thanks for checking it out! Yeah, I think some of the stuff I intended to do (i.e. make the interactions more "rich") got lost in fumbling around with the Foundry tools trying to make things work. I will definitely go back and try to address those things.

    I might move Valanthe to a different location, as my intent was just to have you meet her in a darkened alley, but the best map there was that I saw was the little city map. And you're right... it's totally empty! Now that I'm more familiar with the tools, I may fix that too.

    Sorry it took me so long to try yours, but I went in there just now to enter your code, and I can't pull up your quest. I even searched by using your handle @darriot777 (I even tried just @dar to see if I could pull you up), but I just couldn't find you. Is it under a different name or code?
  • darriot777darriot777 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2013
    zitpopper wrote: »
    Hey darriot, thanks for checking it out! Yeah, I think some of the stuff I intended to do (i.e. make the interactions more "rich") got lost in fumbling around with the Foundry tools trying to make things work. I will definitely go back and try to address those things.

    I might move Valanthe to a different location, as my intent was just to have you meet her in a darkened alley, but the best map there was that I saw was the little city map. And you're right... it's totally empty! Now that I'm more familiar with the tools, I may fix that too.

    Sorry it took me so long to try yours, but I went in there just now to enter your code, and I can't pull up your quest. I even searched by using your handle @darriot777 (I even tried just @dar to see if I could pull you up), but I just couldn't find you. Is it under a different name or code?

    You know, It might help if I gave you the right code. *FacePalm*
    Sorry about that...
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