Need Button: Enabled only if you can actually use the item. If you win the item it becomes Bound to you and cannot be sold. Not even for gold. It must be discarded.
Greed Button: Probably going to sell it. Maybe for an alt
Pass Button: Inventory is full
If you fuse a bound enchant the new greater is bound as well. Alternatively enchants can never be
Griefer might try to ruin your day with a need role but once the economics aren't there any more I'm sure hitting
NEED will become much more rare.
With this implemented the party should be fixed after the first boss kill. No one can be kicked.
It feels like this would solve the majority of all looting problems in the game.
I think most people do this today. With this system you couldn't do anything with these items other them Use them or Discard them. It will make it possible for people to get their upgrades.
what ur suggesting isnt an option people need on all they can use
meaning belt rings, necks, there own weapons etc but thats a ton of drops, stil wont mean there going to be used or when identified are any good
groups of 5 diff classes would pretty much not gain any money at all that way
simply not a viable way to do things!
Instead of making another thread about the same **** again.
or run with friends ? but in randoms u cant expect a thing if some one is a *** then they wil be not much to be done about it rly
Needed items NEEDING to be discarded, are you serious? the 1.6 gold they are worth goes a long way over time while you upgrade equipment because of the expensive injury kits/pot expenses you get at level 60.
I can still move.
I can still fight.
I will never give up!