The PvP matches where people leave and the (obvious) losing team has to sit there and get farmed to get credit ? Cant we just auto-default lose or come up with some kind of tier brackets ? I was on a good side and after everyone quit (the losing side) we had to sit and wait for the game to trigger the 1k mark. Why ? Why not auto default it 1 team loses # of players match is over and a victory is determined by points?
The root problem is people leaving so there should be a penalty for it. A debuff preventing you from queuing for a certain time. This got to be a problem in GW1 so that's what they did.
Also I'm not sure about auto-lose because I don't know how you determine that, but a surrender vote could be nice. Also getting replacements in would be nice.
Also I'm not sure about auto-lose because I don't know how you determine that, but a surrender vote could be nice. Also getting replacements in would be nice.