The makeup of a skeleton encounter that I need for easy mode isn't in the encounters list.
I need 2 melee and 2 archers not a randomly generated skele mob. Is there a way to take multiple skele groups and combine them into the makeup that you need? Can elements of a selected encounter group be deleted so I end up with the total number of 4 and 2 skele melee and 2 skele archers?
You can hit Details instead of Layout at the top of the map when editing in the Foundry to view the individual monsters instead of the whole encounter group. Then you can move them to split up the encounters. I did this in my current project to create a custom group of monsters out of four specific units that could only be found two at a time in mixed encounters. This won't work so well with patrols though. You also can't delete specific monsters in a group, so you'll have to keep them idle and not have them use any overhead dialogue. Hope you can make what you want to happen work with this method.
that didn't really work for what I needed but it did cause me to think about trying to add 2 groups of 3 skeles, group a(3 melee skeles) and group b (3 archer skeles) and move 1 from each group out of immediate attack range and have those 2 charge in from a distance.
ty for getting me on the right track