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Tier 2 help

n0slet3n0slet3 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Library
So instead of fussing about how Tier 2's are too difficult I figured I'd just ask for help. :)

I am currently 9300 some gear score, have mid range 3k power, and 1kish crit, nearly 3k recovery I believe, and about 21ish k HP. I have another mage buddy I routinely group with, who is pretty much just like me gear/stat wise, and a cleric with even higher gear score. We seem to have no luck at all in tier 2 instances. We get ridiculous amounts of adds and simply can't deal with it with most groups even with a good tank. Primarily what kills us is the adds not bosses.

Myself and the other mage are both thaum mages, we typically run conduit of ice, time stop,ray of enfeeblement, and rotate another skill out depending on the fight, sometimes shield, sometimes chill strike, sometimes repell. I've tried the shard as well occasionally which seems to work well for certain fights. We both use arcane singularity and ice knife as our daily skills.

And we both work with voice communication to try and time our CC/AOE abilities. But it just seems like we still get overrun by adds due to the sheer volume of HP they have in tier 2's. We wind up being fussed at for not dealing with the adds and we literally have tried every combo of skills at our disposal to bring stuff down or at least control it or push it way for more breathing room all to no avail. I've yet to complete more then 1 boss in any tier 2 instance after probably 20ish attempts.

So does anyone have any constructive suggestions for us as to how we can deal with the tier 2 stuff better? =D I appreciate any help/suggestions.
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    trickyflokitrickyfloki Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The majority of a CWs control comes from just a couple of skills, namely; Arcane Singularity, shield burst, and steal time. Typically, vacuum enemies up with AS, and use shield burst before they are pulled in (to minimize distance enemies are tossed, unless you are intentionally tossing them) then as they fall down from AS use steal time to freeze em in place. Often this is able to generate enough ap to cast AS again. If you are having trouble generating full ap from this combo try entangling force in mastery as this can yield 50% ap from a group of enemies.

    Skills I always have on my bar as a CW: shield, steal time, arcane singularity, magic missle.
    Situational skills: ray of enfeeblment (great on bosses), conduit of ice(procs buff from shadow weaver set) chill strike (mastery for trash killing) repel (boss of spell plague if I am solo CW,mastery) icy terrain (procs shadow weaver damage buff), entangling force (mastery for additional ap gen) ice storm (spider boss) ice knife (daily up and no need for AS)
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    b00nd0cb00nd0c Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Go read the class build by Deagan listed in this forum. Very helpful and if done right adds wont even touch you. Its a great guide and even has youtube videos to show how he executes his rotation. Ive gone with his build and its worked perfectly so far for me. Also check out Imivo's guide as I took a little bit from that. Both those builds make for non stop arcane singularity.

    Only problem I ever ran into was running pug with a CW that kept pushing adds away so I couldnt group them. But seeing as you two work together on voice you guys should have no problem.
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    n0slet3n0slet3 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This has helped out immensely you two thanks very very much! :)
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    apehceapehce Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Entangling Force in mastery + Shield guarantees almost full uptime of Black Hole. Add another CW into the mix, you shouldn't really run into problems at all.
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    timshady79timshady79 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    All of these posts are on point. The only thing I would add (that you would find in Deagan's guide) is I use Icy Terrain in conjuction with Steal Time and Shield burst to help with AP generation for AS. Entangling Force on Tab for boss fights, Chill Strike on tab for trash clearing.
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    temporaryd00dtemporaryd00d Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Stick to the cleric like glue and keep him/her alive.
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    chonir01chonir01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    timshady79 wrote: »
    All of these posts are on point. The only thing I would add (that you would find in Deagan's guide) is I use Icy Terrain in conjuction with Steal Time and Shield burst to help with AP generation for AS. Entangling Force on Tab for boss fights, Chill Strike on tab for trash clearing.

    Mostly what I do, except I use Ray on tab for boss fights ... debuff is sweetness.
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    n0slet3n0slet3 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    All the comments helped out immensely and we do appreciate it. Having trouble on the final bosses in some Tier 2 instances but the rest has gotten way easier now that both our mages run the builds suggested. :) Many thanks guys!
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