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Sky, Music and Sound

theratwarlocktheratwarlock Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Foundry
Hi, three things I've run into:

Working on a dark, night time forest, with low rolling fog, mist, and twisted tree clusters. All of those are OK. Some ruins in there too, undead popping up ... to give an idea of what I want to do ...

1.) I can't figure out how the sky overrides work. I chose the Plaguetower sky and then applied several overrides, like moving clouds, moon, black distance fog, background mountains, and a couple others, dark blue lighting I think. When I previewed it, it appeared to me that it was just the basic plaguetower sky without anything else. I tried the "default" exterior sky as well but it was high noon and that was not going to work, either. It appears overrides don't work?

2.) Music. Using "edit backdrop" I chose "Forest - creaking" from the Nature group, for my music. First thing, I couldn't see if it looped or not, didn't see a box for it when I chose it in this way. When I entered preview mode, silence. I tried several other tracks all to the same effect. This is really a downer for me since ambient sound and mood are a HUGE part of the map experience I am trying to create. I realize perhaps I could set up an object or point reached when music plays but that just seems redundant in an outdoor zone.

3.) Sound. Same as above. Any ambient sound on a loop doesn't seem to play.

Can anyone offer suggestion? Are these known bugs that are being worked on?

Post edited by theratwarlock on


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    kamaliiciouskamaliicious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Music and sound do not work ingame generally in Foundry missions, only sound selected for rooms in interiors plays correctly (most of the time). Known issue since long ago in Foundry beta, Cryptic has posted on it.
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    morbicmorbic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The sound isn't working fully yet for the Foundry. As far as your sky goes, might wanna try the default black background (I forgot the name off the top of my head) since most of the optional effects don't work well on pre-developed backgrounds.
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    theratwarlocktheratwarlock Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for the replies. That's a real bummer about the music and sound. I hope it's fixed soon. I'll try what you said for the sky, though ...
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