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GWF issues in PvP - another opinion

zdzislawjarzabekzdzislawjarzabek Member Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Militia Barracks

I did some pvp with GWF and I don't think that he's underpowered, but rather completly broken. I saw GWFs doing pretty well, but it was result of large difference in skill, gear and teamplay comparing to opposite team and not competitive class. I know that there are many threads like this, but I'd like to point some things different than 'GWF needs more dmg':
1) Very long casting time (I consider animation cancelling as a bug) - GWF has too long casting time on all pvp encounters
2) GWF has to get hit few times in order to use tab skill - in most cases when i need tab i can't use it. If i'm lucky to activate i'm almost dead as in pvp there's so much burst dmg
3) Shift skill doesn't give block/evade - i guess GWF is the only class that can't dodge/block. With relaying on tab for damage mitigation one has to get hit anyway GWF is easiest target to kill. Reason for not being focused first is his low damage.
4) No gap closer - GWF is meele so has to get close. Problem is that our shift doesn't let us to evade/block so we can (and are) get cced during it. Also shift is much slower comparing to all other classes. There is punishing charge (with 3 charges) but it has very short range and between charges (with relatively high summary casting time) we also can get cced
Post edited by zdzislawjarzabek on


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    broodmama21broodmama21 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14
    edited June 2013

    I did some pvp with GWF and I don't think that he's underpowered, but rather completly broken. I saw GWFs doing pretty well, but it was result of large difference in skill, gear and teamplay comparing to opposite team and not competitive class. I know that there are many threads like this, but I'd like to point some things different than 'GWF needs more dmg':
    1) Very long casting time (I consider animation cancelling as a bug) - GWF has too long casting time on all pvp encounters
    2) GWF has to get hit few times in order to use tab skill - in most cases when i need tab i can't use it. If i'm lucky to activate i'm almost dead as in pvp there's so much burst dmg
    3) Shift skill doesn't give block/evade - i guess GWF is the only class that can't dodge/block. With relaying on tab for damage mitigation one has to get hit anyway GWF is easiest target to kill. Reason for not being focused first is his low damage.
    4) No gap closer - GWF is meele so has to get close. Problem is that our shift doesn't let us to evade/block so we can (and are) get cced during it. Also shift is much slower comparing to all other classes. There is punishing charge (with 3 charges) but it has very short range and between charges (with relatively high summary casting time) we also can get cced

    As a GWF the best build for pvp is the stunlock.. Yeah we need some buff specially the damge but for now since they not doing anything changes. stunlock burst is the best choice in pvp. One more thing dont play like a warrior because we dont have block abilities all you have to do is timing. time when you hit opponent tht make sure you can kill by your stunlock combo rotation. Excuse me on my english:) Gudluck
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    chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    1) Very long casting time (I consider animation cancelling as a bug) - GWF has too long casting time on all pvp encounters

    2) GWF has to get hit few times in order to use tab skill - in most cases when i need tab i can't use it. If i'm lucky to activate i'm almost dead as in pvp there's so much burst dmg

    3) Shift skill doesn't give block/evade - i guess GWF is the only class that can't dodge/block. With relaying on tab for damage mitigation one has to get hit anyway GWF is easiest target to kill. Reason for not being focused first is his low damage.
    4) No gap closer - GWF is meele so has to get close. Problem is that our shift doesn't let us to evade/block so we can (and are) get cced during it. Also shift is much slower comparing to all other classes. There is punishing charge (with 3 charges) but it has very short range and between charges (with relatively high summary casting time) we also can get cced

    On your points above.

    1. I will somewhat agree with this. However, based on how I've been using my build, haven't had an issue with this. I think a moderate, 3-second drop in some, like Flourish, would be nice, but I've been doing fine in general.

    2. Use the proper buffs and gear and you'll stay alive much longer than you should have. Groups are my friend, I enact Unstoppable about once every 6-8 seconds and heal for 10% of my life over 5 seconds. Rarely die.

    3. Add a bit to sprint early on, buff it with enchants a bit. GWF takes a bit of hand-eye to move around properly and chase people down. Mighty Leap can help with this, as well as for getting up in spawn sections to annoy, but it's damage is too minor to keep it permanently armed most of the time.

    4. Certain buffs eliminate this problem in groups, stacking Unstoppable quickly. Others, along with this, give you brief, 5-second periods of invulnerability that are NOT exploits but built into the buffs. I've taken down two TRs at once with my build, and another time two TRs and one cleric. Almost died, got killed by a wiz from behind, but I'd say I won that one.
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    asdfasdfgfasdfasdfgf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 237 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I started using Punishing Charge with Flourish and IBS. Mobility is no longer an issue. Then again, I rarely pug pvp. Mostly premades for easy valor.
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