This is the class that I know the least about but I enjoy playing the most! So far I have a halfling dexterity based GWF and would like some help gearing it out and speccing it for destroyer. What would you consider the absolute best in slot gear combination, enchants, and destroyer feet spec. Keep in mind I do have a stone not a cat. I am not saying that I can afford all of this right now I just want to know what to aim for. Is full tenebrous and greater Plague fire the way to go? Thank you kindly for your help.
Both? PvP is always more important to me though. Im using a "fun"? build because I thought stacking dex/crit/deflect would be interesting. So I went halfling 22/16/24 and made sure to get the +5 deflect sentinel feat (alongside student of the sword ofc!) and rest in destroyer.
Sorry it was like 6am after a long pve sesh when I wrote the OP
after my first handful of games im starting to feel the GWF pain. CW's while lvling werent an issue but now at 60 it seems they are all running full Teneb/GPF w/ dbl green beam. Ugh. Now, this is my 4th toon to 60, and all from 11-15k gs and I love the playstyle but GWF def seems to have the least tools when it comes to pvp. We have a guildy who makes it work with a full sentinel tank spec with all teneb. But I think the fact that this one enchant is a must for pvp for almost everyone is an indicator of a broken system. Am I wrong? Just a string of bad games? My TR and GF seems so much more viablle. Albeit their gear is better I am running 10k gs with mostly crit/ArP (best cheap dps for a fresh 60 imo).Ah well, maybe I just need a soulforge and some better gear?
I have a fear that the 20v20 hat is incoming might just break the game! The ranged in pvp is gonna just be scary. With how fast ppl get cut down and the amount of cc we have right now.... Hmmm. So many random thoughts.
I run 4/4 titans, ice axe and focus deflect... so it's pretty hard to kill me. I spend most of my time either defending our point or taking their back point and just keep rotating back and forth as everyone else fights over mid. The only time I note consistent losses is when someone drops because they derped and rage quit thus leaving us 4v5 because someone will then inevitably leave after that guaranteeing our loss.
Or if we're fighting a premade stacking DCs. Which is fairly rare some nights. I consistently score top 2 lest it's one of the above situations. I'm not sure exactly how the scoring works but my kill count is usually low but I constantly out score the high killers on the board. Hell one game the other night I scored 0 kills and over 4k points in top spot. All I did was defend our node and steal theres a couple times.
So it's not necessarily about who can put out gobs of damage.
If you play smart, more often than not, you will win.
Guild is trying to convince me that Sentinel spec (tank) with full hp/Teneb/Greater Plague Fire is the only way to pvp on a GWF. Hoping a stunlock build is actually as viable. Unsure of what t2 set/s to go for. Any thoughts? Also if i go stunlock, that's only 10 pts in each tree. does that completely gimp my pve? Because of the need for student of the sword and stunning flourish this build seems spread thin.
Guild is trying to convince me that Sentinel spec (tank) with full hp/Teneb/Greater Plague Fire is the only way to pvp on a GWF. Hoping a stunlock build is actually as viable.
Stunlock is super viable. Just depends on what you wanna do? You wanna play point defender or you wanna play zerger?
...if i go stunlock, that's only 10 pts in each tree.
To be clear, "stun lock" only "requires" 10 points in instigator. You can go full Sentinel and still be able to "stun lock". I personally don't but you most certainly can.
basically i want to kill but not get melted like i was as pure destroyer. I could be doing it wrong. What server are you on? forum chat is impractical.
Aslo wondering if constitution focus buffs hp by 15% or just the bonuses that con gives you by 15%. And how that stacks with Toughness. And how that interacts hate the wording of these tooltips.
Aslo wondering if constitution focus buffs hp by 15% or just the bonuses that con gives you by 15%. And how that stacks with Toughness. And how that interacts hate the wording of these tooltips.
It only affects the HP gain from Con. If you have 24 Con with Toughness then Constitution Focus nets you something like 1k HP. It's pretty sad really but the only way you're going to break 30k HP without stacking Radiants is with both of them so if that's what you're looking for rock on.
As far as builds and all that jazz... build will get you 1/2 way there but the rest is basically gear. I'd figure out what build it is you want to play and then build your gear around whatever it is you're trying to do. No matter what you do though you'll never have it all. You're not going to get crazy survival and the ability to down anyone you want when you want. Never gonna happen. So just figure out what it is that you want to do and go with it. Just don't try to split yourself down the middle.
Truth, I think i'll give the 10 instigator rest sentinel build a shot. So I do not feel so squishy and the more useful stun/movespeed. I need to come up with an interesting way to deal with this tenebrous/plaguefire HAMSTER. It's getting old. Maybe stacking armpen and lifesteal.... Hmmm. Also wish I could see the t2 armor sets somewhere so I could do more theory crafting.
Honestly, this GPF/Tene cheese is getting old. Coupled with the bad matchmaking technical issues, people not loading into pvp, afks, bots.... PvP needs some real fixes BAD.
Also looking at our gear sets is sad. The avatar of war looks barely better then the pvp set. >< Lose a ton of ArmPen for slightly more crit and power and lots of deflect. And I'm becoming less and less of a power fan so onslaught seems meh.
Sorry it was like 6am after a long pve sesh when I wrote the OP
I run 4/4 titans, ice axe and focus deflect... so it's pretty hard to kill me. I spend most of my time either defending our point or taking their back point and just keep rotating back and forth as everyone else fights over mid. The only time I note consistent losses is when someone drops because they derped and rage quit thus leaving us 4v5 because someone will then inevitably leave after that guaranteeing our loss.
Or if we're fighting a premade stacking DCs. Which is fairly rare some nights. I consistently score top 2 lest it's one of the above situations. I'm not sure exactly how the scoring works but my kill count is usually low but I constantly out score the high killers on the board. Hell one game the other night I scored 0 kills and over 4k points in top spot. All I did was defend our node and steal theres a couple times.
So it's not necessarily about who can put out gobs of damage.
If you play smart, more often than not, you will win.
Stunlock is super viable. Just depends on what you wanna do? You wanna play point defender or you wanna play zerger?
To be clear, "stun lock" only "requires" 10 points in instigator. You can go full Sentinel and still be able to "stun lock". I personally don't but you most certainly can.
It only affects the HP gain from Con. If you have 24 Con with Toughness then Constitution Focus nets you something like 1k HP. It's pretty sad really but the only way you're going to break 30k HP without stacking Radiants is with both of them so if that's what you're looking for rock on.
As far as builds and all that jazz... build will get you 1/2 way there but the rest is basically gear. I'd figure out what build it is you want to play and then build your gear around whatever it is you're trying to do. No matter what you do though you'll never have it all. You're not going to get crazy survival and the ability to down anyone you want when you want. Never gonna happen. So just figure out what it is that you want to do and go with it. Just don't try to split yourself down the middle.
Then you just end up not doing anything good.