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From every endgame class. What's your perspective on DC?

brutikusivbrutikusiv Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Most threads regarding this class from it's OWN class sub forum seem to be that It's near Impossible to be of any use come endgame dungeons. Most reflect that currently tanks pull 10-40 mobs on most pulls and can only hold agro on 5?? and that any heals simply makes the clerics Only current job that of kite stuff till the wiz pulls it off and or kite till death and or kite till your shoes catch fire. Not sure why tanks only hold agro on 5 things when most pulls are 10+ from most everything I've read or clips of videos. The main question is that if clerics can't heal is there any reason I should continue playing my favorite class? Is this something that's being addressed like ASAP? I really love playing the healing class even though atm it doesn't seem to be 'much' of a healing class as it is some sort of hybrid. Is this class Best played as a DD and let everyone just chug potions as apparently healing seems to be very minimal even at best minor HoT's with very minor direct heals. Would not groups benefit more from just having another CW or TR?

Just trying to put all this into perspective from ALL endgame raiders PoV.

Post edited by brutikusiv on


  • darknssssdarknssss Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    From my point of view cleric in this game is awsome i like having to dodge and keep placing my shield in good spot and so on, its action healing basicly and of course the agrro make it so you kite a little more but thats the fun of it for me.

    I healed in WOw/rift for a long time it get boring on many fights since no1 take much dmg and so on.To me healing in here is 10 time better but thats my opinion.

    Bottom line is if you like the old stand still bullshyt and heal target with mousee over macro/addon you wont like the one in this game.

    You cant burst heal so if some1 get hit very hard and dont die its there fault normaly for noy getting out of a red circle and thats why they have potion in the game,you fail to dodge a red circle its your job to use a potion not the cleric to get you back full HP.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the cleric's ability to reduce damage taken is superior to its ability to heal.
    So playing it as damage caster is not exactly "right" for endgame, it "needs" to be providing support. That support is a small fraction of the time for a boss fight, so damage and healing (many spells do BOTH which is a BIG SOURCE of the aggro problems) will fill the rest of your time. The healing, though small, adds up. A simple astral seal on the boss can keep the rogues alive if they are not idiots, for example --- and that is a fairly passive thing to do as it is also a fine dps at-will attack.
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. There are no tank GFs in the endgame, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
    2. Have a Defense set for yourself and your augment-class pet for solo healing, while keeping the key stats at or above the softcaps.
    3. It can situationally help a lot to have Divine Armor sometimes if solo healing. This may require an expensive and anxiety-inducing Power respec (respec token known to sometimes break powers and create irrecoverable bugs) :/
    4. While you can almost forget about Forgemaster's Flame if duo healing, you need it on your bars if solo healing T2s and later. Also, spamming Astral Seal can make a huge difference.
    5. Divinity is your best friend while solo healing. Anything in your character that builds it fast is critical!

    Finally, do not always blame yourself. Some dungeons are completely impossible to solo heal and keep a group up if the whole group does not do their part, e.g. T2 Epic Spider endboss post-patch is now unhealable solo if others do not keep Blademaster's off you. Another is FH endboss where someone must kill the Archers fast while kiting otherwise you will easily run out of potions (yes you need to use potions :/) and heals before the fight is over.
  • brutikusivbrutikusiv Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sounds like a chaotic cluster*&%^. LOL

    In all seriousness though it does sound like a lunatic creation of chaos. I guess I could see how it may appeal to some darker twisted side of people who have some insatiable desire to border with reasoning that there is a strategy of divine order amongst the twisted and polluted inner workings of a F5 tornado. So much so you could say you saw a perfect connect the dots diagram whilst in the center of it. Sounds more like lack of insight but if you say those black splotches paint resemble a butterfly than I guess I best be getting my rose colored glasses off the shelf! I want to see butterflies! atm I see dragons,death, and carnage! LOL

    Edit: My cleric needs a mace and shield! /fixed
  • alrissteelhammeralrissteelhammer Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    brutikusiv wrote: »
    Sounds like a chaotic cluster*&%^. LOL

    In all seriousness though it does sound like a lunatic creation of chaos. I guess I could see how it may appeal to some darker twisted side of people who have some insatiable desire to border with reasoning that there is a strategy of divine order amongst the twisted and polluted inner workings of a F5 tornado. So much so you could say you saw a perfect connect the dots diagram whilst in the center of it. Sounds more like lack of insight but if you say those black splotches paint resemble a butterfly than I guess I best be getting my rose colored glasses off the shelf! I want to see butterflies! atm I see dragons,death, and carnage! LOL

    Edit: My cleric needs a mace and shield! /fixed

    I felt like I was staring directly into the gibbering maw of chaos when I read this post.

    I don't know how your mind works, but it is truly terrifying.
  • brutikusivbrutikusiv Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I felt like I was staring directly into the gibbering maw of chaos when I read this post.

    I don't know how your mind works, but it is truly terrifying.

    Yeah a lot of people new to gaming don't understand threat, why certain classes have threat reduction, why certain classes have threat increase and the ENTIRE reasoning behind it. It's above their perception. As is some of my posts. I am truly sorry such things cannot be perceived by most but non the less there are posts which are not truly meant to be understood by all whom may simply drift by but by those who are in agreement or dissolution of it's meaning to help further the true meaning of said topic.
  • kargisterkargister Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Simple answer here is that right now the game is a bit broken. You'll have the elitists come in and tell you how they love the "challenge" and that theres nothing wrong, but cryptic has(thankfully) said they're looking into the agro issues and have plans to fix things. The guy above who said there are no "tank" GFs in the game is both right and wrong, there are plenty of them, but they're just broken for now.

    And yeah, chug potions. Not gonna happen. Not gonna happen long before you hit level cap.
  • flatfootsamflatfootsam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am not to keen on my cleric. I find i use more pots on my cleric then my wizard does. This is mainly do to always having agro . But it is kinda strange to say the least. I mean i Can't heal myself for as good as i heal others. I cannot even cure injuries. Not much of a cleric/healer as i am a damage mitigation expert/tank/kiter.

    Its messed up. I have a lvl 60 10.5 k gs cleric and do some dungeons with guild and pugs. It gets rather boring at times. I think the class needs some polishing, Needs some new slots for spells and tweaks to overall power and damage mitigation.

    It is def a different take on the cleric. It is alright but needs some work IMHO. They could make it more fun and less monotonous. But hell that could be said about almost every class in this game. There is only so much you can expect with limited number of spell slots.

    Personally enjoy DDO's take on divines better then this game. There just more fun to play in that game. Way more selection and customization then this one.
    The lost Halflings~Code:NW-DC5DGPFJR
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Coming from a rogue, they make for good distractions so i can have CA all the time d(^_^)b
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